Saige Hupman, a graduate student in exercise science, joined other SUNY-wide graduate students at the SUNY Graduate Research Conference “Today and Tomorrow” held March 7 at Empire State College in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Hupman’s poster presentation, “Less is More; Effects of Added Ankle Weights on Caloric Expenditure in Lower Body Positive Pressure Treadmill Running,” was well attended and drew a special mention during the keynote speech introduction by Empire State College President Merodie Hancock. SUNY Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development Grace Wang presented the keynote address which was about the importance of multi-disciplinary research and SUNY.
Recent research in the Kinesiology Department’s exercise physiology lab has focused on heart rate, blood pressure and calories used while walking and running on a newly designed treadmill that can lower body weight. Hupman’s project measured calories and lower leg muscle activity on the new treadmill with added ankle weights. Her work is focused on cardiac rehabilitation and her preliminary research was awarded a top five award at the regional American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) conference.