Campus Champion
Joseph Mogavero ’18, an adolescence education: English major, believes the greatest tools we can give our students are those that help them discover the power of language. The aspiring teacher plans to help children and teens find their voices through writing, because all students, including those with mental and physical challenges, need to be heard. He’s on track for success – Joe graduated with the highest grade point average at Commencement 2018 on Saturday. Quite an accomplishment for this two-time transfer who discovered success with SUNY Cortland’s education program as a junior. “Teachers are education activists and I plan to defend students’ rights,” Joe said. Nominate a Campus Champion
Wednesday, May 16
Summer Session I Begins: Read full schedule
Friday, May 18
Faculty/Staff Green Dot Training: Learn intervention techniques and ways to work on changing our campus culture, food provided. RSVP, Corey Union Exhibition Lounge, noon to 1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 22
Conference on Instruction and Technology: SUNY Cortland will host “CIT 2018 – Elevate Learning: Taking Education Higher,” Sperry Center and Corey Union. Continues through Friday, May 25. CIT 2018 Agenda
Thursday, May 24
Conference on Instruction and Technology Keynote Address: Presented by Barbara Oakley, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering Fellow and best-selling author, Corey Union Exhibition Lounge, 10:45 a.m. CIT 2018 Agenda
Monday, May 28
Memorial Day: No classes, offices are closed.
Wednesday, June 6
J.P. Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge: Buses will provide transportation to those who registered to participate on the SUNY Cortland team, Onondaga Lake Parkway, Liverpool, N.Y. The 3.5 mile run/walk begins at 6:25 p.m. Registration for this event will close at noon on Wednesday, May 16. For more information, contact Chris Tucker and visit the Syracuse Corporate Challenge website
Sunday, June 24
5th Annual William Shaut Memorial Color Fun Run, Walk and Stroll: To benefit the SUNY Cortland Child Care Center, Park Center Stadium Complex, 9 a.m.
Monday, June 25
Summer Session II Begins: Read full schedule
Thursday, July 12 to Sunday, July 15
Alumni Reunion 2018
Online Master’s in Sport Management Ranked Among Nation’s Best
The program was lauded for its flexibility and expert faculty.
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Study Abroad Provides Canvas for Student Art in India
Three aspiring teachers created a 12-piece art exhibition as part of their study abroad program in Mangalore, India.
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Capture the Moment
Dominique Hinds ’18, a psychology major, and his roommate Tytianna Noriega ’18, a criminology major, had a cheering section filled with friends and family from New York City when they walked at SUNY Cortland’s 2018 Commencement ceremony on Saturday evening. SUNY Cortland held four Commencement ceremonies for its graduates on May 11 and 12 in the Bessie L. Park 1901 Physical Education and Recreation Center Alumni Arena. A gallery of select photographs from Commencement is available online.
In Other News
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Faculty/Staff Activities
Alexandru Balas co-authored a publication that won a role-play simulation competition held at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School.
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Theresa Curtis and students Nicholas Puoplo ’15 and Joseph Hannett ’17, co-authored a recently published paper.
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Kevin D. Dames collaborated on research with members of Colorado State University's Sensorimotor Neuroimaging Laboratory.
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Evan Faulkenbury had his peer-reviewed article recently published in Louisiana History.
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Kathleen A. Lawrence had her poem accepted for publication in the print journal of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association.
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Jaroslava Prihodova received a $3000 grant to be used for a one-day symposium and exhibition set for early 2019.
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Vaughn Randall is curator of an exhibition titled “Liquid Earth,” on display at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania.
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John Suarez hosted the second teleconference of the North/South Central New York Applied Learning Coalition.
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Ryan Vooris recently presented research and served on a panel at the Summit on Communication and Sport.
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