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About The Bulletin

The Bulletin, a bi-weekly e-newsletter produced by the Communications Office at SUNY Cortland, contains official university announcements, news reports and notices of campus events. The Bulletin is published every other Tuesday during the academic year and four times during Summer Session.

Bulletin Publication Dates 

Bulletin Fall 2024 

Spring 2025

Bulletin Archives

Bulletin Submissions

Your Submission

Follow these guidelines and deadlines to ensure your suggestion and/or submission receives full consideration:

  • News Stories: Ten business days/two weeks prior to publication. A significant event, program, announcement or initiative that affects the entire campus community and is of general interest.

  • Faculty/Staff Activities: At least one week prior to publication. Announcement of a professional achievement by a faculty or staff member, e.g. presentation at a professional assembly, recently published or exhibited work, award or honor received.

  • Campus Champion: Two weeks prior to publication. A faculty or staff member, administrator, student or friend of SUNY Cortland recognized for making a recent contribution to the life of the College.

  • Calendar of Events: Submitted events and those generated by the room reservation information and marked for publicity via the Corey Union and Campus Activities Office are included in the calendar list. Only events falling within the two-week period of that issue of The Bulletin are included. These same events can be posted on the College's Visual Message System / TV screens.

  • Publicize an Event: Twenty business days/four weeks prior to publication will allow for the best exposure. Campus members who believe their event or program warrants attention beyond the campus community should consult with Communications Office at least 20 business days/four weeks before the event or program. This deadline allows the staff to evaluate and determine appropriate venues and resources for communication and/or press coverage. Please share the details of your upcoming campus event, e.g., lecture, conference, concert, film, fundraiser.