Campus Champion
SUNY Distinguished Professor of Geology Christopher McRoberts concludes a 10-year commitment as director of the College’s Undergraduate Research Council this spring. His dedication to student research, scholarship and creative pursuits is an inspiration. From its inception in 2006, the program has built an endowment of more than $100,000 to enable undergraduate students to engage in research and scholarship. “It makes a real difference in the lives of our students – early exposure to collaborations and experiences transforms lives, develops professionals and firms up life and career plans.” Chris will remain devoted to the council and to his teaching, research and writing. Nominate a Campus Champion
Wednesday, May 17
Summer Session I Begins: Continues through Wednesday, June 21
Professional Service Recognition Luncheon: Sponsored by United University Professions, Corey Union Function Room, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Monday, May 29
Memorial Day: No classes, offices are closed.
Tuesday, June 6
J.P. Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge: Buses will provide transportation to those who registered to participate on the SUNY Cortland team, Onondaga Lake Parkway, Liverpool, N.Y. The 3.5 mile run/walk begins at 6:25 p.m.
Sunday, June 11
4th Annual William Shaut Memorial Color Fun Run and Walk: To benefit the SUNY Cortland Child Care Center, Park Center Stadium Complex, 9 a.m. Online Registration/Payment
Monday, June 26
Summer Session II Begins: Continues through Tuesday, Aug. 1
Thursday, July 6-Sunday, July 9
Alumni Reunion 2017
Student Awarded Fulbright Assistantship
Gabriella Laruccia heads to Germany on a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship.
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Immigrant Overcomes Obstacles to Earn Degree
Michelle Candelo was the first in her family to graduate from college.
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Capture the Moment
Moments after receiving her master’s degree at Graduate Commencement on Friday night, Lindsey Minor ’15, M.S.Ed ’17 received a marriage proposal to go along with it! Congratulations to Lindsey and Maurice Kearney ’14 on their engagement, and to SUNY Cortland’s 2017 graduates on their accomplishments. Minor and Kearney both played basketball at SUNY Cortland and are assistant coaches for the women’s and men’s teams, respectively. Some scenes from the College’s four graduation ceremonies on May 12 and 13 can be viewed on this gallery.
In Other News
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Faculty/Staff Activities
Tyler Bradway authored a book titled Queer Experimental Literature: The Affective Politics of Bad Reading.
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Dan Harms had a chapter published in Magic in the Modern World: Strategies of Repression and Legitimization.
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Kathleen A. Lawrence had her poem “Afternoon Dance” published in haikuniverse.
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Melissa Morris co-authored a recently published paper and presented at a conference in Vancouver, British Columbia.
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Mecke Nagel presented the keynote address at the Philosophy at Play Conference in England.
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Jennifer Wilson was recognized for photography taken at the 2016 "SUNY Cortland Works!"
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