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The Bulletin: Campus News for the SUNY Cortland Community

  Issue Number 3 • Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2014  


Campus Champion

The voice leading the chants at last week’s Take Back the Night sexual assault awareness march belongs to Residence Hall Director Lima Stafford ’12. A natural leader, the Grenada native and student mentor has a passion for successfully encouraging first-year students to stick around campus and get involved. She guides her staff to develop programs that help students find their interests among the dozens of student organizations at SUNY Cortland. Two that are dear to Lima as co-advisor are MOVE: Men of Value and Excellence and the Caribbean Student Association. Both are recruiting now for their big fall fundraiser events.

Nominate a Campus Champion

Tuesday, Sept. 23

Film Screening: “Murderers Among Us,” as part of the Rubble Films:  Classics of Post-1945 European Cinema — A Year Long Series sponsored by SUNY Cortland’s Project for Central and Eastern Europe, Sperry Center, Room 104, 7 p.m.

Open Mic Night: Corey Union Exhbition Lounge, 7 p.m.

Wednesday, Sept. 24

Red Cross Blood Drive: Sponsored by the student group “Code Red” and the Health Promotion Office, Corey Union Exhibition Lounge, noon-6 p.m.

Sandwich Seminar: “Closing in on Dyslexia and Other Reading Difficulties,” by David Kilpatrick, Psychology Department, Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge, 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 26

Re-opening of Dowd Theatre: A ceremony will include remarks by campus officials and other dignitaries. A reception and facility tour, including the gallery, will follow the ceremony, Ruth E. Dowd Fine Arts Center, Dowd Theatre, 11 a.m.-noon. A reservation was required by Sunday, Sept. 12.

Performance/Re-opening of Dowd Theatre: Avant Garde Toy Piano by Margaret Leng Tan, Dowd Theatre, 8 p.m.

Saturday, Sept. 27

Second Language Educators Conference: Sponsored by the Modern Languages Department, International Programs Department and Auxiliary Services Corporation, Old Main Colloquium, Room 220, 8:15 a.m.– 1:15 p.m.

Monday, Sept. 29

Mosaic Dance Theater Company: Sponsored by the Campus Artist and Lecture Series, Corey Union Function Room, 7 p.m.

Tuesday, Sept. 30

Workshop: “Introduction to Faculty Advising,” sponsored by Advisement and Transition, Corey Union, Room 209, noon-1 p.m.

Dowd Gallery Curator’s Talk: “Keeping Things Whole: Fawn Krieger,” by Susan Logan, Art and Art History Department, Dowd Gallery, 5 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 1

Study Abroad Fair: SUNY Cortland’s international school partners from Belize, Costa Rica, France, Mexico, Spain and the United Kingdom will showcase their programs from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Corey Union lobby.

Wellness Wednesday Program: “Being Academically Well — Strategies and Resources for Success,” Corey Union Exhibition Lounge, 7 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 2

Sandwich Seminar: "Making Sense of Ferguson In and Out of the Classroom: How We Can Help?” Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge, noon-1 p.m.

Saturday, Oct. 4

Latino Heritage Month Dance: Corey Union Exhibition Lounge, 9 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 6

Workshop: “Advising Nuts and Bolts,” sponsored by Advisement and Transition, Corey Union, Room 209, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Oct. 7

Lunch-n-Learn: “Generational Differences,” facilitated by Mary Emm, Communication Disorders and Sciences Department, Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge, noon. Registration is now closed.

Open Mic Night: Corey Union Exhibition Lounge, 7 p.m.

SUNY Cortland Wins Energy Innovation Awards

BuildSmart NY recognizes the College's 3,600-panel solar power project read more

Professor Invited to White House Summit

Timothy Davis will attend a forum focused on Americans with disabilities. read more

Capture the Moment


Meagan Jean, a senior from Buffalo, N.Y., makes the tug of war game held outside Memorial Library last Thursday look like fun, which was the goal of Childhood/Early Childhood Education Associate Professor Lin Lin. Students in her Academic and Social Curriculum II class learned that teaching about the 1700s can be fun and engaging in 2014 in this lesson about how the Continental Army won the Revolutionary War. The tug of war participants will head into classrooms next semester as student teachers, taking with them the lessons that historical thinking can be learned from multiple perspectives.

In Other News

Life-Saving Wins Pile Up for Football Team

Dowd Reopening Celebrated with Toy Piano Performance

Post WW II Film Series ‘Rubble’ Continues

Hawaiian Birds Are Lecture Topic Sept. 30

‘Brigadoon’ Returns to Dowd Center Oct. 24

Second Language Educators Confer Sept. 27

Midterm Elections Are Roundtable Topic Oct. 16

Parks Alumni House Celebrates First Decade

Robert C. Howe Honored for Community Service

Mosaic Dance Theater Company to Perform Sept. 29

Suggest a feature story

People on the Move

Kelly Lickert-Orr Named Women's Lacrosse Head Coach

Faculty/Staff Activities

Carolyn Bershad announces that the Counseling and Student Development centers received re-accreditation. read more

Peter Ducey co-authored a presentation that was given at the International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology. read more

John C. Hartsock will serve as a reviewer for Fulbright scholarship applicants from Russia for the 2015-16 academic year. read more

Nancy Kane performed in the Endicott Performing Arts Center’s production of “Great Expectations” over the summer. read more

Doug Langhans was elected to the board of directors of a consortium of SUNY, CUNY and private institutions formed to promote New York as a destination for international students. read more

Benjamin J. Lovett had an article published in the Journal of Disability Policy Studies. read more

Submit your faculty/staff activity

The Bulletin is produced by the Communications Office at SUNY Cortland and is published every other Tuesday during the academic year. Read more about The Bulletin. To submit items, email your information to

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