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The Bulletin: Campus News for the SUNY Cortland Community

  Issue Number 3 • Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2016  


Campus Champion

Louise Mahar, assistant director for fitness, sums up her 20 years at SUNY Cortland in one word – “growth.” Upon arrival in 1996, the fitness facility was a gymnasium surrounded by an indoor track. The men played loud music in a weight room at one end and the women took aerobic classes in the open gym. Her first quest was to create a women’s weight training area. Today, Louise oversees 40 weekly group exercise classes and 22 physical trainers, teaches yoga and two kinesiology classes and organizes mind/body and cardio/weight training programs. Always listening to her students, she speaks volumes about the importance of wellness.

Nominate a Campus Champion

Tuesday, Sept. 27

Printmaking Demonstration: Charles Heasley, Art and Art History Department, and artist and alumnus Jaime Brett Treadwell ’99, Graphic Arts Lab, Dowd Center, Room 202, 5-7 p.m.

Discussion: “Why Do You Vote?” discussion, sponsored by New York Public Research Interest Group (NYPRIG), Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge, 7 p.m.

Film and Discussion: “Abrazos,” followed with a question-and-answer session with renowned movie director Luis Argueta, who will be present for this event which is about the U.S. immigration policies and how it affects children, Old Main Brown Auditorium, 7 p.m.

Wednesday, Sept. 28

Sandwich Seminar: “#endmassincarceration: Has Criminal Justice “Reform” Really Gone Viral?” by James Kilgore, outreach administrator, Center for African Studies, University of Illinois, Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge, 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Brooks Museum Lecture Series: “The De/Reconstruction of the City: International Perspectives,” presented by Luo Xu  and Scott Moranda, History Department, and five international students, as part of the series theme De(Recon)struction: Culture and Biosphere, Moffett Center, Room 2125, 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Lecture: “A Look to U.S. Cuban Relations: Past, Present and Desired Future,” by Miguel Fraga, First Secretary of the Cuban Embassy, Moffett Center, Room 2125, 7 p.m.

Wellness Wednesday Series Lecture: “4 Stages of Drinking,” by Mike Green, Corey Union Function Room, 7 p.m.

Thursday, Sept. 29

Sandwich Seminar: “Title IX Information for Employees,” co-sponsored by EAP and the President’s Office, presented by Nan Pasquarello and Mel Ferguson, Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge, noon-1 p.m.

Red Cross Blood Drive: Corey Union Function Room, Noon – 5 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 30

Red Cross Blood Drive: Corey Union Function Room, Noon – 5 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 3

Black Out for Justice: Africana Studies special event, Corey Union steps, 4:30-7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Oct. 4

Workshop: “Advising Nuts and Bolts,” presented by the Academic Achievement Support Program, Corey Union, Room 209, noon – 1 p.m.

Open Mic Night: Corey Union Exhibition Lounge, 7 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 5

Sandwich Seminar: “Staying Out: What it Takes to Break Unhealthy Ties,” by Noralyn Masselink, English Department, Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge, 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Lecture: “The Other 4.0 That Matters,” by Jullien Gordon,  national speaker and author, Corey Union Function Room, 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 6

Community Roundtable: “TrumPocalypse 2016: Explaining the National Elections,” presented by Robert Spitzer, Distinguished Service Professor and chair of the Political Science Department, Park Center Hall of Fame Room, 7:45 a.m.

Performance: “Strike Up The Band,” Cortland Old Timers’ Band, as part of the Cultural and Intellectual Climate Committee series, Old Main Brown Auditorium, 7 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 7

Family Weekend: Campus-wide events, check-in at Corey Union lobby, 3-8 p.m.  Online registration  Family Weekend Registration Page.

Faculty Portfolio Development Workshop: Presented by the Faculty Development Center, Old Main Colloquium, 1-3 p.m. RSVP to Susan Suben.

Saturday, Oct. 8

Family Weekend: Coffee and  Conversation, Corey Union Exhibition Lounge, 10:30 a.m.; President's Brunch and Student Showcase, Corey Union Function Room, 11:30 a.m.; events throughout the day and evening.

Sunday, Oct. 9

Family Weekend: Student Life Center opens at 6 a.m., College Bookstore is open 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 10

Admissions Open House: Student Life Center, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Oct. 11

Film Screening: “Under The Gun,” as part of the Cultural and Intellectual Climate Committee series, Sperry Center, Room 105, 7 p.m.

Alumni Speaker Series: Careers in Psychology, Corey Union Exhibition Lounge, 7 p.m.

Student, Once Homeless, Earns Full-Ride SUNY Scholarship

Five students in the entire 64-campus SUNY system are awarded the Carey Gabay Memorial Scholarship. read more

SUNY Cortland Remains Strong in National College Rankings

SUNY Cortland continues to make national "best colleges" lists read more

Capture the Moment


More than 200 people from SUNY Cortland and the community took back the night on Sept. 20 to speak out against sexual violence. Leading the march, which started with several speakers on the steps of Corey Union, are members of Students Active for Ending Rape (SAFER), a Student Government Association club that plans the march each semester. The event calls for support for all survivors and an end to sexual assault and domestic violence in all forms. 

In Other News

Top Cuban Diplomat to Speak at SUNY Cortland

National Speaker to Discuss Alcohol Risk

Cortland Memorials Planned for Jack Jakubek '16

Roundtable to Focus on Presidential Race

Motivational Speaker to Discuss College Success

Poet Camille Rankine to Read on Oct. 12

College to Host ‘Art and Everything’ Series in 2016-17

DeGroat Hall Reopening Ceremony Planned

Suggest a feature story

People on the Move

Cortland Names Women’s Ice Hockey Head Coach

Faculty/Staff Activities

Seth Asumah and Mechthild Nagel presented a workshop on diversity leadership at universities. read more

Timothy J. Baroni presented lectures at mycological meetings in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. read more

Theresa Curtis had two articles accepted for publication. read more

Brent Danega was named to the “40 under FORTY" class of 2016 by the CNY Business Journal. read more

Mark Dodds had his article accepted for publication. read more

Evan Faulkenbury launched his podcast, “The So What? Question.” read more

John C. Hartsock presented at the conference of the International Association for Literary Journalism Studies in Brazil. read more

David Kilpatrick received positive reviews of his book on understanding reading difficulties. read more

Ben Lovett had a study published in the Journal of Attention Disorders. read more

Melissa Morris was awarded 1.1 million core-hours on one of the supercomputing clusters at the Texas Advanced Computing Center. read more

Debbie Warnock presented two papers at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association held in August in Seattle. read more

Tiantian Zheng organized a panel and presented her paper at the recent conference of the New York Association of Asian Studies. read more

Submit your faculty/staff activity

The Bulletin is produced by the Communications Office at SUNY Cortland and is published every other Tuesday during the academic year. Read more about The Bulletin. To submit items, email your information to

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