Campus Champion
Christopher Cubells is a champion of creative computer programming. The senior software engineer for Systems Administration and Web Services, who is also an adjunct faculty member, is known for his behind-the-scenes focus and dedication. We use the tools that Chris custom-developed when we visit cortland.edu, log into myRedDragon, search the Campus Directory, submit mid-semester estimates and send or receive an email using Campus Communicator. Chris developed innovative QR reader cards with his student Brittany Fialkowski ’18. Tested during Honors Convocation, his technology successfully live-captioned student names as they walked across the stage at SUNY Cortland’s four Commencement ceremonies last weekend. Nominate a Campus Champion
Tuesday, May 21
J.P. Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge: Buses will provide transportation to those who registered to participate on the SUNY Cortland team, Onondaga Lake Parkway, Liverpool, N.Y. The 3.5 mile run/walk begins at 6:25 p.m. Syracuse Corporate Challenge website
Wednesday, May 22
Summer Session I Begins: Read full schedule
Thursday, May 23
UUP Professional Recognition Luncheon: Corey Union Exhibition Lounge, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. RSVP requested.
Monday, May 27
Memorial Day: No classes, offices are closed.
Monday, July 1
Summer Session II Begins: Read full schedule
Thursday, July 11 to Sunday, July 14
Alumni Reunion 2019
Students learn philosophy of philanthropy
A national program to train grant managers directed $10,000 to local charities.
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SUNY Cortland's Academic Odd Couples Address Real-World Problems
Student artwork is currently on display on the first floor of Bowers Hall.
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Capture the Moment
These undergraduates posed for a selfie during the College’s Commencement ceremonies on Saturday. For the first time in the College’s history, undergraduates wore red regalia in conjunction with the SUNY Cortland Sesquicentennial. A total of 1,600 students earned degrees in the three undergraduate ceremonies and the evening before, more than 200 master’s degrees and 22 Certificates of Advanced Study were awarded. Read more about Commencement 2019.
In Other News
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Faculty/Staff Activities
Patrick Donnelly and Alyson Dearie attended the New York State Athletic Trainers Association Lobby Day in Albany along with 17 students.
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John C. Hartsock had one of his books translated and published in Mandarin Chinese.
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Moyi Jia presented two papers at the Eastern Communication Association Convention held in April.
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Kathleen A. Lawrence had her poem accepted for publication by Lucent Dreaming Magazine.
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Thomas Lickona had his Narnian Virtues project featured in the online magazine MercatorNet.
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Celeste McNamara participated in a workshop at Syracuse University.
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Vierne Placide presented a paper and a poster at the Public Health Partnership Conference in May.
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