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The Bulletin: Campus News for the SUNY Cortland Community

  Issue Number 19 • June 14, 2010  


Campus Champion

Ashley Bertrand ’09, a History Department graduate assistant, has helped to create a stronger bond between SUNY Cortland graduates in social studies education and history and their alma mater. For the past year, she worked with faculty member Jim Miller in contacting more than 600 alumni with questions about careers. Bertand has placed dots, representing where the participating alumni reside, on three newly purchased National Geographic maps in the Old Main hallway outside the History Department.

Nominate a Campus Champion

Wednesday, June 30

Summer Session I ends.

Monday, July 5

Independence Day Observed: Legal holiday - classes are in session, offices are closed.

Monday, July 5

Summer Session II Begins: Runs through Thursday, Aug. 5.

Thursday, July 8

Brunch: Faculty Women’s Association annual summer brunch, Rotary Shelter at Suggett Park, Cortland, 10 a.m.-noon. R.S.V.P. by Tuesday, July 6, to Judy Cain.

Friday, July 16

Alumni Reunion Weekend: Campus-wide events, runs through Sunday, July 18.

College Launches Revamped Website on June 29

SUNY Cortland will unveil its newly designed website to the campus community on Tuesday afternoon, June 29. read more

Alumni Reunion Weekend Planned for July 16-18

Nearly 600 alumni and friends are expected to enjoy class get-togethers, parties and other activities on campus during the 2010 Alumni Reunion Weekend from July 16-18. read more

Capture the Moment


SUNY Cortland’s professionally trained University Police officers patrol the campus by foot, bike and vehicle 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Pioneers in the practice of community policing, they strive to be visible, proactive and available to the campus. Officer Frank Dalton demonstrates an important component of that commitment by engaging in friendly dialogue with students.

In Other News

Volunteers Sought for Study on Stuttering

Physical Education Students Honored

Classified Staff Recognized for Years of Service

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People on the Move

Robert L. Rubendall to Direct Outdoor Education

Early Childhood Educator Heather Bridge to Retire

Faculty/Staff Activities

Jenn McNamara will have artwork on display at the Brooklyn Art Library beginning June 25. read more

Submit your faculty/staff activity

The Bulletin is produced by the Communications Office at SUNY Cortland and is published every other Tuesday during the academic year. Read more about The Bulletin. To submit items, email your information to

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