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  Issue Number 13 • Tuesday, March 8, 2016  


Campus Champion

Associate Professor of Spanish Colleen Kattau appreciates the large number of students who pass through the Modern Languages Department. Some are language majors. Others fulfill minor requirements. All of them make a connection to other cultures and the world. Using her talents as a musician and thought-provoking speaker, Colleen champions her interests. These include Latin American people and their music, and gender equality. She embraces her role guiding students to think critically and excels in her presentation. Campus community members can see firsthand when she closes the College’s Women’s History Month celebration with a Sandwich Seminar on March 31.

Nominate a Campus Champion

Tuesday, March 8

Lecture and Discussion: “Justice Amidst a Media Frenzy: The McMartin Pre-School Sex Abuse Scandal,” presented by Glenn C. Altschuler, Cornell University, and sponsored by the Political Science Department, Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge, 4:30 p.m.

Women’s History Month Event: “Conversation on Democracy,” Beard Gallery, Main Street SUNY Cortland, Room 202, 6-8 p.m.

Open Mic Night: Corey Union Exhibition Lounge, 7-9:30 p.m.

Wednesday, March 9

Wellness Wednesday: “Safe Spring Break,” Student Life Center lobby, noon-3 p.m.

Women’s History Month Sandwich Seminar: “Women Workers in the Upstate New York Suffrage Campaign,” with Karen Pastorello, Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge, 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Brooks Series Lecture: “Learning to See Injustice: Changing Political and Judicial Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Relationships,” by Timothy Delaune, Political Science Department, Moffett Center, Room 2125, 3-5 p.m.

Musical Theatre Master Class: Mary Saunders-Barton, musical theatre voice teacher, actress and cabaret performer, sponsored by the Performing Arts Department and the Small Grants Program, Dowd Center, Room 110, 3-5:30 p.m.

Thursday, March 10

Women’s History Month Sandwich Seminar: “Women’s Civil Rights in Education: How Title IX Finally Won its Rightful Seat at the Table, and Why the Legs are Still so Wobbly,” with Wendy Murphy, Women’s And Children’s Advocacy Project, New England Law Boston, Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge, noon-1 p.m.

Women’s History Month Lecture: “From Explicit Equity to Sports to Rape to Explicit Subjugation; Violence Against Women,” with Wendy Murphy, Women’s And Children’s Advocacy Project, New England Law Boston, Sperry Center, Room 305, 6-7:30 p.m.

Friday, March 11

Last day of classes before Spring Break

Monday, March 14

Spring Break. Continues through Friday, March 18.

Monday, March 21

Classes resume

College Marks 20 Years of Student Research ‘Transformations’

John Ryder ’73, the former dean of arts and sciences who helped establish Scholars’ Day, delivers the keynote address. read more

A Baby Named Cortland

Rod Headley ’08 and Shanelle Collins ’06 made a different kind of naming gift. read more

Capture the Moment


Robin Ganz, a junior early childhood education major from Syosset, N.Y., and Emily Altschuler, a sophomore inclusive special education major from Medford, N.Y., share a laugh while studying Tuesday in The Bookmark. Many SUNY Cortland students are taking on midterm assignments before the start of spring break at week’s end.

In Other News

College Celebrates Women’s History Month

Business Economics Majors Boost Free Tax Prep Service

Mascot Madness Returns

Police More Visible on Campus

Michael Bond ’75 Joins Academic Hall of Fame

View Annual Report Online

Three Acts to Headline Spring Fling

‘Orange is the New Black’ Actress to Speak

SUNY Cortland Students Roll Up Sleeves for Service

Raquette Lake Summer Reservations Open to Staff

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Faculty/Staff Activities

Seth N. Asumah was an invited review panelist for applicants for the Africa Region and the Africa Flagship Languages Initiative. read more

Timothy J. Baroni co-authored a peer-reviewed paper that appeared in North American Fungi. read more

Mark Dodds, Jordan Kobritz, Justin Lovich, Tara Mahoney and Ryan Vooris presented research at the Sport and Recreation Law Association's annual conference. read more

Mark Dodds co-edited a book that was recognized by Library Journal with a Best Reference 2015 award. read more

James F. Hokanson mentored a student presenter at the 2016 Undergraduate Research Program poster presentation. read more

Li Jin had her paper accepted for publication in the journal Science of the Total Environment. read more

Roseann D. Lorefice was recognized for outstanding service from the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers. read more

Ben Lovett authored a paper that was accepted for publication in the Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. read more

Tiantian Zheng was invited by Brown University to discuss her new book, Tongzhi Living: Same-Sex Attracted Men in Postsocialist China. read more

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The Bulletin is produced by the Communications Office at SUNY Cortland and is published every other Tuesday during the academic year. Read more about The Bulletin. To submit items, email your information to

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