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ASC Lists 2017-18 Grant Recipients

Each year, the Auxiliary Services Corporation (ASC) Board of Directors allocates funds to support grants for a wide range of purposes and projects that enhance the life of the SUNY Cortland community.

In April, the ASC Board of Directors approved the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Program Grant allocations.

Following is a list of grants funded by ASC that includes the project name, organization or person, and amount received:

Three Programs of Public Forum, A Taste of Asia, and Asian Reception Staged by the Asian/Middle Eastern Studies Committee, Tiantian Zheng, $2,064

Body Appreciation Week 2018, Lauren Herman, $3,000

Opening Weekend Sexual Assault Prevention Speaker, It’s On Us Action Team, $2,000

Alcohol-Free “Open Mic Nights,” Health Promotion, $10,000

Cortland Bike Project (Formerly Community Bike Project), Recreational Sports - Outdoor Pursuits/Jason Harcum, $3,000

Native American Events, Dawn VanHall, $600

Distinguished Voices in Literature series, Heather Bartlett and Tyler Bradway, $1,000

MLDO Student Retreat, Interim Director AnnaMaria Cirrincione, $2,000

Midnight Breakfast, Christopher Kuretich, $4,000

Interviewing Etiquette Reception and Panel, Career Services, $600

EOP Summer Institute, Lewis Rosengarten, $12,000

Education Dinner and Panel, Career Services, $1,200

Blackbird Film Festival, Sam Avery, $1,500

Project for East and Central Europe (2017-18 Theme: Gender and Sexuality in East and Central Europe), Project for East and Central Europe, $800

Making History: Orienting History Majors to the Discipline and Department at Camp Huntington, Scott Moranda, History Department, $2,100

Summer Program, Access to College Education (ACE)/Jane Manning, $500

World First Learning Community Exploration of International Culture, Girish Bhat, $760

Promoting Personal Growth and Global Awareness for SUNY Cortland Students, SUNY Cortland International Programs Office, $10,500

CALS Lecture Grant Program, Sandra Wohlleber, Chair, Campus Artist and Lecture Series, $15,500

CALS Broadway Trips, Sandra Wohlleber, Chair, Campus Artist and Lecture Series, $1,500

EOP Awards Banquet, Lewis Rosengarten, $3,000

Brooks Museum Lecture Series, Sharon Steadman, Brooks Museum Director, $4,000

COR 101 Teaching Assistant Appreciation Day and Poster Symposium, Susan Stiner, $400

Athletics Leadership Retreat, Athletics/Courtney Wormuth, $500

CALS Performing Arts Series, Sandra Wohlleber, Chair, Campus Artist and Lecture Series, $10,000

Greek Life, Sandra Wohlleber, Associate Director, Campus Activities and Greek Affairs, $1,000

Early Childhood Education Trainings, Stephanie Fritz, $600

Proposal for institutional support to advance the mission of SUNY Cortland and CGIS through education, scholarship and outreach, CGIS/Mecke Nagel, $1,200

Transfer Student Support, Advisement and Transition, $1,260

Louie Larson Lecture and Performance Series, SOGIE (formerly the LGBT Faculty Staff Committee), $1,000

Cortland Nites, Campus Activities, $17,350

Chi Alpha Epsilon, Lewis Rosengarten, $1,000

Dowd Gallery Speakers Series, Dowd Gallery/Erika Fowler-Decatur, $1,000

New Student Orientation, Marinda Souva, $7,000

Leadership Programs, Campus Activities, $5,200

Homecoming, Campus Activities, $1,200

Welcome Week, Campus Activities, $3,000

Family Weekend, Campus Activities, $1,600

Literacy Symposium: Teaching Literacy in Resource Limited Communities in America, Literacy Department, Mary-Jo Morse, $2,500

Encountering Ancient Artifacts, David Franke, $1,850

The 9th Annual Student Conference, Multicultural Life and Diversit Office, Interim Director AnnaMaria Cirrincione, $2,000

Second Language Educators’ Conference, Patricia Martínez de la Vega Mansilla, $1,700

Non-Traditional Student Community Support and Awareness, Cheryl Hines, $1,400

PAWS for Stress Relief, PAWS planning committee/Lauren Herman, $2,600