Twenty-five SUNY Cortland students have been elected to membership in Alpha Sigma Lambda, an international honor society recognizing the academic achievement of undergraduate students age 24 and older.
This is the 17th year the SUNY Cortland chapter, Lambda Omicron, has elected members. The induction ceremony and dinner was held April 14 in Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge. Alpha Sigma Lambda national standards indicate that students elected to membership are in the top 20 percent of all students at SUNY Cortland age 24 or older who have completed 24 credits of work at SUNY Cortland with a GPA of 3.2 or better. The GPA range for this group of students inducted was 3.72 to 4.18.
President Erik J. Bitterbaum offered welcoming remarks to the new members. Steven Broyles, Biological Sciences Department, was the faculty guest speaker. He reflected on how these students are trendsetters and gave examples of other trendsetters who did not let their age or experiences slow them down.
Tammy Anderson, a senior community health major and member of Alpha Sigma Lambda, explained the ideals of the honor society. Elizah Feathers, a junior exercise science major and vice president of the Non-Traditional Students’ Organization, assisted in the administration the pledge of membership to the inductees.
“I believe in the mission of Alpha Sigma Lambda and am fortunate to be able to induct our new members into this honor society and celebrate their hard work and successes,” said Cheryl Smith Hines ’05, Advisement and Transition Office, coordinator for non-traditional student support and the national councilor for the Alpha Sigma Lambda Omicron Chapter. “It is very impressive that, each year new member GPAs seem to increase while these young adults balance long commutes, full-time employment and family responsibilities. They are great role models for our campus.”
Vice President of Finance and Management David Duryea, a retired rear admiral in the U.S. Navy, presented a military medallion to Corrine Edick, a biological sciences major, as a thank you for her military service with the U.S. Navy.
Students who have been elected to membership are:
Amanda Aguilar, Joseph Caponi, Lei Chen, Lisa Dent, Corrine Edick, Robert Fredericks, Andrew Haaland, Logan Hudson, Kevin Ivory, Heather Jones, Aaron Klein, Jared Leseman, Kyle McConnell, Hosna Mehrmohammadi, Alexander Mondo, Joanna Nassimos, Molly Oates, Amanda Park, Jaqueline Petrie, Richard Piotti, Tamara Shannon, Brittani Smith, Elizabeth Toal and Lindsey Valencia.
Broyles was inducted as an honorary member.
More information is posted on the Alpha Sigma Lambda website.