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Gregg Weatherby

Gregg Weatherby, English Department and local actor and poet, will perform the work of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 21, at the 1890 House on Tompkins Street in Cortland. Thomas was well known for his dramatic readings during his lifetime, both on the radio and on tour, and is best known for the poems “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” and “Fern Hill,” as well as the play Under Milkwood. The performance, presented by Ad Hoc Theatre and The 1890 House, is free and open to the public. It will include the seasonal classic story “A Child's Christmas in Wales” featuring local actor and elementary school student Stuart Carr. Weatherby has published three volumes of poems, “Under Orion,” “Bone Island” and “Approaching Home.” His most recent acting credits include work with Ad Hoc Theatre and the Ithaca Shakespeare Company.