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Reminders on COVID-19 safety

Reminders on COVID-19 safety


Dear campus community,

Welcome back from break! I hope you were able to enjoy the week and recharge for the second half of the semester.

I did want to share a few reminders about COVID-19 safety and what we can do to help keep one another healthy over the next few weeks. The university is following guidance from the CDC and the Cortland County Health Department, which means our current policies may change if we see a rise in cases.

Please note:

  • Surveillance testing for students will be expanded after break. If you received an email request to test yesterday, please register for an appointment using myRedDragon. Please continue to regularly check your email for testing requests through the remainder of the semester.
  • Face coverings are optional. Be kind and respectful toward others in our community.
  • SUNY’s booster verification mandate for students remains in place. Students should submit their information through myRedDragon as soon as possible. Instructions, provided to you by email before break, are available online.
  • Students with medical or religious exemptions and faculty and staff who have not provided proof of vaccination to Human Resources must continue to wear face coverings and test weekly.

If you do feel any COVID-19 symptoms, please take a test and stay home if you are ill. This is the most critical step we can take to protect the health of our community.

Thank you for all your continued efforts. The last few weeks of every academic year are always an exciting and rewarding period on our campus. Let’s enjoy this time together safely.



All the best,


Erik J. Bitterbaum
