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Nominations Being Accepted for Excellence in Professional Service Awards

Nominations are now being accepted for the College’s Excellence in Professional Service Awards. Letters of nomination will be accepted from SUNY Cortland students, colleagues or supervisors. Any professional who has completed at least two years of service at SUNY Cortland is eligible for an award. 

Nomination materials must be submitted no later than 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 31, to Chair, Professional Service Awards Committee, Bursar’s Office, Miller Building, Room 323. Nominees will be notified by the Awards Committee of their candidacy after Jan. 31.

Awards will be given for excellence in three categories: 

Institutional Service Award

Nominees should be individuals who serve as role models within their area of responsibility, their profession or department. Characteristics such as leadership, organization, problem-solving or decision-making skills should serve as examples of professionalism of the highest caliber. These characteristics may be demonstrated in a number of ways, including but not limited to:

• outstanding performance within the job description
• participation in committees or activities that support the College’s long range planning goals
• participation in professional development and training

Innovation Within Profession Award

Nominees should be individuals who have demonstrated creativity in the development or application of ideas or concepts within a professional operation. Characteristics of innovation may be demonstrated in a number of ways, including but not limited to:

• application of technology within one’s field
• redesign of a process or program to improve effectiveness
• maximization of campus resources in operations (e.g. fiscal efficiency)

Service to Students Award

Nominees should be those who have demonstrated leadership in the development or enhancement of programs and services that respond to student needs. Characteristics of excellence in service may include, but will not be limited to:

• demonstration of “going the extra mile” in order to serve students
• development of creative student programming or services
• implementation of programs or processes designed to improve services to students

Typed letters of nomination must be submitted in the following format:
1. name, title, department of nominee
2. name of nominator, relationship to nominee (e.g. colleague, supervisor, student)
3. award category that captures the achievement of the nominee
4. specific information in support of the nomination that answers why the individual’s service/innovation/achievement in that category should be recognized
5. up to two letters of support (recommended)

The Awards Committee reserves the right to request additional supporting information as necessary. Nominees must have completed at least two years of service as a professional staff member and must not have been a recipient of an award within the same category within the previous three years. Nominations should be for current service/innovation/achievements and for activities that would either not be considered to be within the normal scope of activities included in the nominee’s performance program or should be documented to show how the service/innovation/achievement far exceeded normal expectations.

Recipients will have announcements of the honor sent to The Bulletin and the Cortland Standard. They will also receive a certificate of recognition at a small ceremony.

Campus community members are asked to nominate colleagues for their exemplary service.

For more information, contact Professional Service Awards Committee Chair Colleen DeGouff, Student Accounts Office, at (607) 753-2313.