We Are Inspired by Our First-Generation Students
At SUNY Cortland, we proudly recognize our first-generation students, faculty, and staff. Being the first in your family to attend a four-year college is a remarkable achievement, and we recognize the resilience, persistence, and hard work that brought you here. Your journey inspires us, and we are here to support you and celebrate your success!
National First-Generation Day
This past fall, SUNY Cortland celebrated National First-Generation Day by inviting first-generation students, faculty, and staff to join us in celebrating their accomplishments, enjoying some snacks and free swag, and to share who or what inspired them to be first.
Students, faculty, and staff shared what inspired them to be first by writing their response on Blaze's footprint and sharing them on the display outside of Advisement and Transition.
Family members including parents, siblings, and grandparents were some of our first-generation community's biggest inspirations! We thank everyone that participated in this event and look forward to seeing you next year.
Resources to Support You!
Being a first-generation student is an exciting achievement and a source of great pride. We also understand that it can sometimes feel overwhelming or confusing. Fortunately, SUNY Cortland offers a variety of resources designed to support your transition to college and help you thrive throughout your time here.
Our Guide to Student Success provides an extensive list of resources available to you on campus, some of which are highlighted below.
Academic Support: Asking for help is a key trait of a successful college student! If you feel unsure about course expectations or the content, your faculty are your best resource. Be sure you are aware of the information in your course's syllabus and attend your faculty's office hours. These tools will help you feel confident in your coursework and also give you the chance to develop connections with your professors. Additional academic support is also available through the Learning Center and Writing Center.
Advising Support: If you have questions about your schedule, what courses you should take, or your academic progress, your Academic Advisor will be a great person to turn to. You can find out who your Academic Advisor is by reviewing the top of your Degree Works audit or checking your Success Network in Starfish. If you have general advising questions, questions about changing your major, or about your transfer credit, Advisement and Transition is a great resource for you! The Advisement and Transition webpage offers general information on advising tools, registration, and transfer credit services.
Financial Support: If you have questions about completing the FAFSA, understanding your aid or bill, or determining your eligibility, our Financial Aid Office is here to help! General information or how-to videos can be found on the Financial Aid Office webpage.
Dining and Personal Care: If you have questions about your meal plan, dining dollars, or our nutrition and allergen symbols, visit our Cortland Auxiliary Services webpage. The SUNY Cortland Cupboard is available to students who are in need of food or personal hygiene products. These products are available to students at no cost.
Physical Health Support: Staying healthy will assist you in being a successful student. Our Student Health Services office offers care for students who have short-term medical conditions and also provides information about insurance, emergencies, and the Medical Leave of Absence. The Student Life Center is a great place for students to utilize our fitness and recreation facilities.
Mental Health Support: If you need Mental Health Support at anytime throughout your journey at Cortland, know you are not alone! Our Counseling Center provides free, confidential mental health assistance for students. The center also offers support groups for students who may be struggling with a variety of topics. For more information on the Counseling Center, what to expect and how to book an appointment, visit our Counseling Center webpage.
Social Support and Campus Life: Getting involved in the campus community is a great way to meet new people and find out more about your interests! Cortland offers many different clubs, organizations, and events that you can attend or join. Campus Activities is a great resource and to learn more about the events Cortland offers as well as clubs or sororities and fraternities. The Multicultural Life and Diversity Office also works to create an inclusive and welcoming community through events and trainings for students.
Leadership Opportunities: The Student Government Association (SGA) provides students with the opportunity to be leader on campus! This group represents the SUNY Cortland student body.
Spiritual Resources: Campus Ministries is a great resource for students who are looking to attend religious observations, join student groups, participate in interfaith activities, and attend different events on campus that support one's spiritual wellbeing.