Course Requirements
Each section of COR 101 is unique, and is tailored based on the requirements of that section and to the major or learning community it serves. All sections, however, do have a common set of requirements to maintain consistency across the curriculum:
1. Students should attend at least five campus/community events.
Generally, students are asked to attend a minimum of five events throughout the entire semester. This is to encourage students to explore the campus or community, and to help them understand what is available to them at SUNY Cortland. It is always a good idea to attend together as a group, or with their student facilitator or instructor! Students should attend at least one of each of the following:
- Cultural (such as a play, art show, musical performance, etc)
- Athletic Event
- Lecture or Program (sponsored by campus or academic department)
- Academic club meeting associated with student's major (or club meeting of interest)
- Student or Instructor choice
2. Students are expected to write 6 to 12 pages of material.
Each section of COR 101 has written material requirements, in addition to many of the experiential and discussion based learning opportunities. These are designed to stimulate the intellectual growth of the student, and allow for reflection and contemplation of their experience.
- Instructors tend to break up this requirement into smaller assignments
- Instructors assign at least two essays to emphasize critical thinking (which will help you identify writing skill issues; feedback on student's written work is essential)
- Assign a 2 or 3 page reflection paper on the student's College Student Inventory (CSI) results
3. Students should become proficient using myRedDragon.
Students receive important campus information via myRedDragon. It is important students review their email on a daily basis. Having full working knowledge of myRedDragon assures that students are aware of every opportunity and important step they need to take to be successful.
4. Students are expected to attend class and participate with class discussion and activities
Active learning techniques are encouraged in and out of class. By being an engaged classroom participant, each student will have a greater experience and take away more from the classroom.
5. Completion of the College Student Inventory (CSI).
Additional information along with log-in directions will be distributed early in the semester to instructors and teaching assistants. The College Student Inventory helps both the students and instructors to better understand the unique needs of each student.
Course Syllabus
All syllabi should include:
- Required Course Information: Section, CRN, 1 Credit Hours, SUNY Cortland,
Advisement and Transition (may also include department specifics), Term (Example; Fall 2022) - Instructor and Student Facilitator name and contact information (including office hours)
- Meeting time and location
- Description of course (use College Catalog)
- Course goals and objectives or Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an understanding of the transition to college by explaining one aspect of personal change/growth since high school and articulate two differences between high school and college.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the SUNY Cortland community, policies and procedures by navigating the SUNY Cortland website to find specific information or resources.
- Describe the importance of keeping a balanced and healthy lifestyle by identifying two campus resources available for health and wellness questions.
- Utilize academic resources by naming their Primary Academic Advisor and identifying two campus resources available to answer academic questions.
- Identify two campus resources, offices or programs related to topics of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
- Required texts:
- Purpose and Practice: Making the most of your first-year experience at SUNY Cortland (available on BlackBoard)
- College Catalog (current year)
- Student planner - distributed in class
- Course requirements
- Course outline/weekly schedule
- Grading and attendance policies
- Class expectations
- Grading rubric - COR 101 is graded on a scale of E (failing) to A(superior) and is worth one credit in the student's grade point average calculation. You can review the college catalog for more information on grading. The following weighting of assignments is recommended to determine course grades and ensure a level of consistency throughout all COR sections, though you may modify to your own class as appropriate: Written Work 30%, Class Participation 30%, Outside Activities 30%, and Attendance 10%. Instructors may use any grade point system that fits their needs. We suggest a total point scale of 100 or 1000 (with a maximum number of points per assignment) to make final grade calculations clearer. Extra credit is at your discretion.
- Institutionally Mandated Syllabus Statements
We offer a syllabus template to assist you with your course outline. You can also contact the COR 101 program coordinator for sample course outlines and teaching assistant learning contracts.
COR 101 offers an electronic syllabus statements page that you can link to in your printed syllabus. You are welcome to utilize this electronic syllabus page, or may continue to print out the full text of all required statements.
First class/week activities:
- Verify accuracy of class list (inform Advisement and Transition of any inconsistencies)
- Make sure to fill out a starfish report for any students who are not in attendance in class in week 1.
- Review syllabus and the purpose of COR 101
- Distribute Student Planner (student facilitator distributes)
- Ask students if they understand their schedule or need assistance during drop/add
- Advisement and Transition hosts open hours during the first week of class for students needing assistance with schedule adjustments.
- Allow time for introduction and icebreakers. You may consider continuing with icebreakers in subsequent weeks, to develop class rapport and foster a sense of community in the classroom.
- Have students fill out an information sheet
- Ask students to reflect on their fears and challenges (good first or second week activity)