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Non-Traditional Student Organization (NTSO)

All students are welcome, but our goal is to meet the unique needs of students over 24, and those with dependent children.

The Non-Traditional Student Organization (NTSO) is funded through the Student Government Association. NTSO invites non-trads to be members and officers to lead the organization. NTSO sponsors open houses, special events for students and their families, and informational programs on topics of interest.

Would you like to volunteer to be an officer for the Fall 2024 semester? A small amount of your time will make a big impact.  Events cannot happen without our students volunteering for these officer position.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, October 2nd, 4-5pm 

NTSO Officers Fall 2024

 President - Melinda Gardner

 Vice President (pro-tempore) - Lauren Murphy

Treasurer - Lauren Murphy

 Secretary - position open

SGA Representative - position open

Fall 2024 NTSO Meetings

All meetings take place from 4-5pm, remotely on WebEx.  Join us on WebEx.

  • October 2nd
  • October 16th
  • October 30th
  • November 13th
  • November 20th
  • December 4th 

Come for information, support, and fun!
Meetings are held when at times when all of the officers can attend. Every attempt is made to hold meetings at different times of day and days of the week, if possible.


All events occur in the Non-Traditional Student Lounge, Cornish Hall, Room 1221, unless otherwise noted.

Past events sponsored by the NTSO

  • Planetarium Shows
  • Macy's "Believe" Program/Fundraiser for the Make-a-Wish Foundation
  • Non-Traditional Students Week
  • Non-Trads on Ice!
  • Family Bowling Event
  • "You Know You're a Non-Trad When..." statement contest.
  • Informal Chat Sessions
  • Bottle and Can Drive with donations benefiting the American Red Cross of Cortland County
  • Food drives to benefit Loaves and Fishes of Cortland and SUNY Cortland Cupboard

Let us know what your needs are, and we will plan events that meet your interests. Information sessions facilitated by faculty and staff about topics of interest to current non-traditional students can be offered.

For general questions, please contact the Advisement and Transition office.

Non-Traditional Students Organization Constitution

NTSO Advisor

The NTSO Advisor, Evan Mills, can be contacted through the Advisement and Transition Office.

 "Non-traditional students enhance the campus culture tremendously because of the life experience they bring to the campus"

-Former SUNY Cortland President Judson H. Taylor