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Faculty Grading


  • Final grades are due 72 hours after the final examination or culminating experience in the course, regardless of the web closure time. 
  • Specific dates are listed on the Important Dates and Deadlines.

Faculty Grading Tutorials and Help

Faculty will enter final grades using MyRedDragon and Banner Self Service.  The following tutorials will show you how to enter your grades using SUNY Cortland's online tools. 

If you experience any problems, please feel free to contact us. If you experience any technical problems or password issues, the Help Center is here to serve you as well. Call them at 607-753-2500.

  • Final Grades Tutorial (PDF)
    Learn how to enter final grades, including quarter course final grades, using myRedDragon. 
  • Starfish
    Faculty will be able to provide students with feedback of their course progress using a progress survey.

Late Grade Submissions

If a grade is not recorded by the posted deadline, a grade of "LG" is recorded for the course.  The "LG" grade is visible to students and advisors on the transcript, the degree audit, and the class schedule. The "LG" grade does not impact the student GPA while it appears, but it will prevent the student from graduating, receiving a final transcript, receiving a final academic standing, and being listed on the Dean's/President's list status while the grade is unresolved.

Because the system must close for final processing, GPA calculations and degree conferrals; we unable to accept late grades using the online system. Late grades may be submitted via the Associate Dean of the instructor's school.  Instructors should consult the Associate Dean to learn about school policies and requirements.

Incomplete Grades

A grade of incomplete is a temporary grade, issued solely at the discretion of the instructor, in two circumstances:

  • when a student is unable to complete the course, or
  • when an academic dishonesty charge has been brought against a student and the resolution of that charge is still pending.

In determining whether or not a student will be granted an incomplete grade, the instructor may consider:

  • extenuating circumstances that support the request,
  • the coursework the student has completed at the time of the request, and
  • the availability of labs, studios, or other specialized resources relevant to the course.

Instructors may limit the granting of an incomplete grade to students who have completed a majority of the assigned coursework to date. Instructors may also require students to provide documentation to justify the granting of an incomplete grade and instructors may require students to have earned a passing grade in the course at the time the incomplete grade is requested.

Resolving Incomplete Grades

If an instructor chooses to issue an incomplete grade, the maximum allowable period for resolving the incomplete grade will be the end of the last day of classes of the following semester. Instructors are free to set a deadline within that period. If no grade is issued by the end of the last day of classes of the following semester, the incomplete grade will revert to a failing grade of E or U, depending on the grade mode of the course. Exceptions may be granted only upon written petition to the instructor and the associate dean of the school in which the course is offered. Factors to be considered include deadlines for making up other incomplete coursework and the student's schedule in the semester the Incomplete is to be made up. The associate dean consults with the instructor involved before granting an extension of time in which to make up the incomplete grade.

Important Information

  • Students are not permitted to re-register for the same class to make up an incomplete grade.
  • Students should be advised to consult with the Financial Aid Office regarding the impact of an incomplete grade on their current and future aid status.
  • If an outstanding class requirement for a degree has an incomplete grade (with all other graduation requirements having been met), then the date of the degree will be determined by the date that the INC grade is resolved.

Forms and Resources

  • Incomplete Grade Agreement Form: Instructors are encouraged to use this form to clearly document the requirements a student must complete to resolve an incomplete grade (INC), how the instructor will receive the work, and the deadlines for resolving the INC.
  • Grade Change Forms (myRedDragon): Grade change forms are available within the Registrar Faculty Resources channel in myRedDragon. The grade change form shall be used to assign a grade in a course where a grade of incomplete has been assigned.