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Summer 2025 Refund Schedule

Ten Week Courses

Classes Begin May 21, 2025

Tuition refund amount From Through**
100% REFUND Wednesday, 5/21/25 Tuesday, 5/27/25
50% REFUND Wednesday, 5/28/25 Tuesday, 6/3/25
30% REFUND Wednesday, 6/4/25 Tuesday, 6/10/25
NO REFUNDS Wednesday, 6/11/25 End of Semester

Financial Aid Title IV Calculation 60% Point Cutoff  July 6, 2025. All withdrawals with an effective date of July 6, 2025 (or before) are subject to a recalculation of Title IV financial aid. As a result, certain types of aid that have already disbursed may be reduced (and require repayment by the student) even though some (or full) liability is incurred.

Judicial Suspensions are 100% liable for tuition, fees, room and board per 8NYCRR 302.2 (b) (2).

*Contact the Student Accounts Office for refund information for classes with a length less than a full semester.

** All withdrawal requests must be received by the Registrar's Office before the end of normal business hours or they will be processed (and dated) the next business day.

The first day that classes are offered, as scheduled by the campus, shall be considered the first day of the semester, quarter or other term, and the first week of classes for purposes of this section shall be deemed to have ended when seven calendar days, including the first day of classes, have ended.

1st Five Week Courses- Summer Session I

Classes Begin May 21, 2025

Tuition refund amount From Through**
100% REFUND Wednesday, 5/21/25 Tuesday, 5/27/25
25% REFUND Wednesday, 5/28/25 Tuesday, 6/3/25
NO REFUNDS Wednesday, 6/4/25 End of Semester

2nd Five Week Courses- Summer Session II

Classes Begin June 30, 2025

Tuition refund amount From Through**
100% REFUND Monday, 6/30/25 Sunday, 7/6/25
25% REFUND Monday, 7/7/25 Sunday, 7/13/25
NO REFUNDS Monday, 7/14/25 End of Semester

Financial Aid Title IV Calculation 60% Point Cutoff July 6, 2025. All withdrawals with an effective date of July 6, 2025 (or before) are subject to a recalculation of Title IV financial aid. As a result, certain types of aid that have already disbursed may be reduced (and require repayment by the student) even though some (or full) liability is incurred.

Judicial Suspensions are 100% liable for tuition, fees, room and board per 8NYCRR 302.2 (b) (2).

*Contact the Student Accounts Office for refund information for classes with a length less than a full semester.

** All withdrawal requests must be received by the Registrar's Office before the end of normal business hours or they will be processed (and dated) the next business day.

The first day that classes are offered, as scheduled by the campus, shall be considered the first day of the semester, quarter or other term, and the first week of classes for purposes of this section shall be deemed to have ended when seven calendar days, including the first day of classes, have ended.

2 1/2 Week Courses- Session A

Classes Begin May 21, 2025

Tuition refund amount From Through**
100% REFUND Wednesday, 5/21/25 Thursday, 5/22/25
20% REFUND Friday, 5/23/25 Tuesday, 5/27/25
NO REFUNDS Wednesday, 5/28/25 End of Semester

2 1/2 Week Courses- Session B

Classes Begin June 10, 2025

Tuition refund amount From Through**
100% REFUND Tuesday, 6/10/25 Wednesday, 6/11/25
20% REFUND Thursday, 6/12/25 Monday, 6/16/25
NO REFUNDS Tuesday, 6/17/25 End of Semester

2 1/2 Week Courses- Session C

Classes Begin June 30, 2025

Tuition refund amount From Through**
100% REFUND Monday, 6/30/25 Tuesday, 7/1/25
20% REFUND Wednesday, 7/2/25 Sunday, 7/6/25
NO REFUNDS Monday, 7/7/25 End of Semester

2 1/2 Week Courses- Session D

Classes Begin July 16, 2025

Tuition refund amount From Through**
100% REFUND Wednesday, 7/16/25 Thursday, 7/17/25
50% REFUND Friday, 7/18/25 Tuesday, 7/29/25
NO REFUNDS Wednesday, 7/30/25 End of Semester

Financial Aid Title IV Calculation 60% Point Cutoff – July 6, 2025. All withdrawals with an effective date of July 6, 2025 (or before) are subject to a recalculation of Title IV financial aid. As a result, certain types of aid that have already disbursed may be reduced (and require repayment by the student) even though some (or full) liability is incurred.

Judicial Suspensions are 100% liable for tuition, fees, room and board per 8NYCRR 302.2 (b) (2).

8NYCRR 302.2 (b) (2).

 ** All withdrawal requests must be received by the Registrar's Office before the end of normal/summer business hours or they will be processed (and dated) the next business day. Summer hours (Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.). 

 The first day that classes are offered, as scheduled by the campus, shall be considered the first day of the semester, quarter or other term, and the first week of classes for purposes of this section shall be deemed to have ended when seven calendar days, including the first day of classes, have ended.