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Confirm Your Attendance When You Have a Credit Balance

1. Sign in to your (the student’s) myRedDragon account. For assistance with signing in, select one of the help links. Screenshot of myRedDragon login

2. Select the Student tab. Your home page may look slightly different.

Screenshot of myRedDragon dashboard with an arrow pointing to the Student tab at the top of the page

3. Select “My Online Account." Your Student tab may look slightly different. 

Screenshot of the Student Dashboard with an arrow pointing to the "My Online Account" link

4. Select the relevant term from the list(s):

Screenshot with arrow pointing to the "Fall Term" link underneath the "Semesters with Balances" heading. There is a callout that reads "Note the yellow triangle. There is a yellow triangle with an exclamation point inside next to the Fall Term link. Once you have successfully accepted your charges the triangle will no longer appear."

5. Review your account summary and select “Accept/Pay or Decline.” As changes are made to your account throughout the semester they will appear here in real time.

Screenshot of the account summary. An arrow points to the "Accept/Pay or Decline" button at the bottom of the summary. A note reads "The "negative" balance in green numbers means you do not currently owe money, but you must still accept your charges."

6. Review the verbiage, click “Accept,” then click “Continue:”

Screenshot of the Accept Charges page. There is one arrow pointing to the "Accept - I agree" radio button and a second arrow points to the "Continue" button.

7. The online payment process will recognize you do not currently have a balance due and will not require payment. Your schedule for the semester has now been saved. 

Screenshot of Accept Charges page displaying that the amount due is $0