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S.C.A.L.E. - SUNY Cortland Achievement and Leadership Excellence

S.C.A.L.E. is a five week series that touches on the most important aspects of developing effective leadership skills. Students who attend at least four of the five seminars will receive a leadership certificate after completing a brief reflection paper at the conclusion of the series. All students are invited to attend and do not need to register in advance.

Spring 2025

Below are the dates for the spring 2025 leadership series. The workshops are Mondays from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Corey Union Exhibition Lounge. Dinner is provided. 

Feb. 3

Feb. 10

Feb. 17

Feb. 24

March 4

Students hold up certificates for completing Leadership Series

Congratulations to the following students for earning a leadership certificate.

2024 Participants

Alex Guaman

Alyssa Rich

Dylan Foutch

Genavieve Brunjes

Intaek Park

Jennifer Koestner

Kira Pirrera

Samantha Rodriguez

Sydney Yates

2023 Participants

Allee Schumacher

Ariana Silverman

Ashton Patalidis

Austin Cayward

Bianca De Vita

Brandon Cosentino

Dustine Izzo

Elijah-Amir Mattos

Esra Ceker

Jasmilka Pena

Jasmine Jimenez

Jennifer Kelly

Jessamine Stone

John Harkin

Maimouna Cisse

Margaret Sutera

Patricia-Angela Pasana

Phillip Bertholf

Valerie Vargas

2020 Participants

Areeba Ahmed

Hector Gonzalez

Zach Cooperman

Daniel Carsten

Brenden Ingber