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Whitewater Rafting Kicks Off Spring Season

Spring rafting season on the Upper Hudson River has long been a staple of Adirondack recreation, and now the Outdoor Pursuits Program at SUNY Cortland has taken advantage of it with its first group of student rafters on April 30 this past year. Now that Antlers is open for pre-season occupancy in the Main Lodge, students can enjoy a weekend away from the pressures of classes and studying to challenge themselves on the best whitewater of the year.

Nine students led by Reanna Zapavigna and Paul Riverain arrived at the Main Lodge in time to prepare dinner and get to know each other with some ice breakers. Early the next morning, they departed for Whitewater Challengers, where the group donned full wet suits and received some initial instruction before busing to the put-in on the Indian River. This four-mile stretch to the confluence with the Hudson is flooded by releasing the dam on Lake Abenakee that provides water to the Town of Indian Lake. Rafting companies pay a fee for this service, and it assures them adequate water in the river throughout the season.

The highlight of the trip is a thrilling ride through the Hudson River Gorge, a designated wild, scenic and recreational area protected by the Forever Wild clause of the state constitution. No roads, structures or vehicles are allowed within the area, creating a wilderness experience unparalleled in the East. At times, solid rock walls extend well over 100 feet high along the sides of the gorge. Where the river slows down through wider stretches, the students were encouraged to float face up alongside the rafts and enjoy the view. Thanks to some unseasonably warm spring weather, they enthusiastically took advantage of the opportunity.   

The director of the center had the privilege of joining this inaugural group on their trip and heard many exclamations of delight as the group navigated the rapids with entertaining guide Jeff Dickinson ’84, M ’96, longtime PED 308 summer instructor. One student said, “This is definitely better than Spring Fling! I’ll be back again next year.” With the success of this trip and word-of-mouth, we’re pretty sure she will have that chance in 2017.