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Upcoming Events

Camp Marion

Lean-tos, reservations ongoing

Two lean-tos or open camps are available to SUNY Cortland alumni, faculty/staff, guests and students by reservation. The lean-tos are accessible by water/ice only and are approximately a two-mile paddle/hike from Antlers. Canoes may be rented from Antlers for $25 per day with prior notice. There is no fee associated with the reservation and use of the Camp Marion lean-tos; however, they must be reserved to ensure the lean-to you are hoping to use is available.

         Lean-to Reservation Form (PDF)
         Lean-to Online Reservation Form
         Camp Marion Lean-to Regulation

Winter Alumni Camp, Feb. 16-20

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in a winter wonderland? Join us this coming February to find out what it would be like!

          Registration Form

Rough Raquette Snowshoe 5K and 1mile fun run, Feb. 15

          Take a run or walk around the South Bay of Raquette Lake for a good cause! All monies raised from the race go toward the Preservation Fund for the National Historic Buildings at Camp Huntington.

          Registration Information

Kirby Camp 2025

**Two weeks left. First-come, first-served.

          Kirby Camp Information
         Registration Form Online
          Registration Form PDF

Camp Huntington Spring Clean-up May 1,2-4

Join us to open Camp Huntington for the season. Arrive either Thursday or Friday night, departure will be Sunday morning. If you would like to join us contact Rhonda or complete the online form below.

          Registration Form

Antlers Spring Opening & Special Project Work   May 9-11

Welcome back to Antlers for our opening work weekend. We will have numerous tasks you can choose to help with, and we will be working on installing walkways and finishing the last rain garden. Arrive either Thursday or Friday night, departure will be Sunday afternoon. If you would like to join us or have questions on tasks, when to arrive or what to bring, contact Deb email

Camp Huntington Summer Alumni Camp, July 2-6

          Registration Form

Antlers Summer Alumni Camps 2025

Save the dates for summer 2025 to enjoy your vacation in the mountains. Registrations will be processed and confirmations sent in early February. These sessions are open for all alumni and all faculty, staff, and CAS employees!

Thursday to Sunday sessions:  July 3-6 OR July 10-13

Sunday to Saturday sessions:  July 27-August 2; August 10-16; OR August 17-23

Sunday to Wednesday sessions: July 27-30; August 10-13; OR August 17-20

Wednesday to Saturday session: July 30-August 2; August 13-16; OR August 20-23

          Registration Form     Registration Online

Sig Rho Reunion, July 6-10

          Registration Form

Arethusa Reunion, July 6-13

          Registration information, reach out to

Hearts of Gold Weekend - September 12-14, 2025

Enjoy a memorable weekend with Cortland's recreation students, recent recreation graduates, and recreation alumni from year's past. Weekend activities include time for group activities and individual excursions while learning about working in the field, and obstacles students and newly hired professionals face.

          Registration Information     Registration Form     Registration Online

Theta Phi Reunion, Oct. 10-13

          Registration Form

Challenge Course or Smallcraft Boater Training

If you are interested in obtaining either your smallcraft training or challenge course (high & low ropes) training, contact Deb to add your name to our list. If we have enough participants, we will contact you for dates of a potential training.