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Supervisor's Checklist For Initial Three-Way Interview

Supervisor’s Checklist for Initial Three-way Interview


Student Teacher__________________________________________                                                    

Mentor Teacher__________________________________________


______1.  Exchanged contact information with student teacher and mentor teacher


______2.  Acquired copy of student teacher’s and mentor teacher’s schedules


______3.  Provided copy of student teacher quarterly evaluation forms to both parties (hereafter, this form is completed online— see # 5)


______4.  Reviewed evaluation criteria with mentor teacher and student teacher to include a focus on the weekly assessment form cooperating teachers submit as an email attachment or a print copy to supervisor starting in week 2


______5.  Discussed collaborative format of three-way quarterly evaluation as well as the mentor teacher’s need to file mid-quarter and end-of-quarter electronic evaluations.


______6.  Reviewed nature of grade (satisfactory/unsatisfactory)


______7.  Discussed placement goals


______8.  Reviewed all aspects of the mentor teacher/student teacher collaboration


______9.  Reviewed student teacher’s need to submit daily lesson plans for review by mentor teacher no later than 24 hours in advance of the lesson.  Lessons should be built using the standard AEN lesson template in Lesson Builder on TaskStream.


______10.  Discussed purpose and format for post-observation conferences


______11.  Discussed student teacher’s need to demonstrate the four areas stressed in AEN program (engagement with texts, writing, language and skill with technology.)


______12. Discussed need to avoid scheduling presentations, projects, or reviews during formal observations


______13.  Made appointments for three formal observations and final 3-way


______14.  Discussed courtesy of 24-hour notice when rescheduling observations


______15.  Discussed Professional Dispositions


______16. Reviewed need for student to submit Teacher-Work Sample


______17. Discussed Student Teaching Colloquia and Portfolio requirements; need for attendance at all meetings during the semester; and timely submission of Teaching Portfolio for final grade


______18. Met with principal




            State University of New York

College at Cortland, Cortland, New York 13045

Final Quarterly Evaluation of Student Teaching in English



Teacher/Intern _________________________________________ Year ____________ Quarter _________________


Teaching Center______________________________________ Grade and/or Subject _________________________


G College Supervisor _____________________________ G Cooperating Teacher __________________________