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Checklist of Competencies

Checklist of Competencies in English Teacher 

 The English Department of SUNY at Cortland has determined that the following competencies are essential to successful teaching in the language arts.  Students should demonstrate most of these by the end of the first quarter of student teaching; certainly, by the end of the second quarter all should be demonstrated.  In certain instances, in consultation with the cooperating teacher, the college supervisor may judge a competency to be not applicable.  In such instances, the evaluator should write does not apply across the boxes.


Long Term and Short Term Planning, Classroom Management and Relationships with Students, Cooperating Teacher, and Supervisor:


                           Not    Partially                Clearly

                           Demonstrated    Demonstrated  Demonstrated


Interacts and collaborates well with students, cooperating teacher, and supervisor








Long-term plans are cohesive and organized around explicit inquiry-driven learning objectives








Long-term plans are sequenced to support appropriate culminating activity/activities








Works from stated, focused reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking objectives








Integrates interdisciplinary strategies and materials where possible








Clearly promotes activities demonstrating the role of arts and humanities in learning








Offers sound rationale justifying instructional decision-making








Identifies and implements clearly stated assessments








Offers differentiated instruction








Relates materials to students= interests and needs








Establishes good rapport with the class-friendly, but firm








Includes all learners in class activities








Treats students with courtesy and tact








Deals effectively with disruptive students








Exhibits adequate control over the classroom in order to allow learning to take place








Attempts to motivate students through positive rather than negative techniques such as threats or tests








Seeks to act as a coach rather than a dispenser of wisdom








Presentation Skills and Pedagogy:

            Not           Partially              Clearly

                   Demonstrated   Demonstrated   Demonstrated


Exhibits poise and self-confidence








Displays enthusiasm for the subject matter








Is positive and supportive in relations and students








Provides multiple structures for engaging with and responding to texts (e.g., discussion circles, pair-share, writers= notebooks, book clubs, formal essay, blogging, media production)








Transitions smoothly from one activity to the next








Models activities rather than relying solely on giving verbal directions








Spends a minimum amount of time on class administration








Designs assessments that move students toward increasingly higher levels of engagement with rather than simple memorization of course material








Encourages students to be active, not passive agents of their own learning








Demonstrates concepts rather than merely defining them








Encourages students to spend time working in pairs and/or small groups to socially construct knowledge








Shows students how to function in groups and structures group work carefully








Adapts seating arrangements to facilitate discussion








Develops questioning strategies that lead students toward higher order thinking








Facilitates discussion to create a dialogic, student-centered classroom rather than a monologic, teacher-centered classroom








Respects individual learners= culture and language, community and experience








Designs instruction that is developmentally appropriate









Accommodates a variety of learning styles and intelligences








Engagement with Texts:

            Not           Partially           Clearly

                   Demonstrated    Demonstrated Demonstrated 


Demonstrates mastery of textual content








Relates the reading to students= lives








Teaches a variety of strategies for comprehending texts








Demonstrates ability to match student reading competence with readability of text








Encourages engagement with and analysis of a variety of textual forms (e.g., the novel, poetry, drama, memoir, newspapers, magazines, websites, oral/visual media, and the Aworld@)








Includes works dealing with human diversity and multicultural themes








Reads aloud to model good reading practices and to engage students in texts








Encourages a variety of critical perspectives for understanding texts such as new criticism, reader response, etc.








Provides pre-reading activities such as advanced organizers and prediction to enhance comprehension








Provides time for students to read








Encourages enjoyment and emotional response to literature








Encourages independent reading including texts written for young adults








Teaches students how to read assertively by annotating, underlining, and marking and writing responses to texts, when appropriate








Encourages creative dramatic activities (e.g., role play, readers’ theater)








Integrates formative and summative writing assessments into the study of literature







Engagement with Writing:

            Not            Partially          Clearly

                 Demonstrated     Demonstrated   Demonstrated


Provides time and instruction for all the stages of writing process:

_____ prewriting

_____ drafting

_____ revising

_____ editing

_____ publishing

_____ reflecting






























Employs peer writing groups








Stipulates criteria for evaluation of writing assignments












Provides constructive criticism and encouragement to student writers








Teacher models good writing








Provides examples of effective writing








Uses writing to teach the content of the English curriculum by employing frequent activities for writing to learn (e.g., Learning logs, journals, microthemes, etc.)







Engagement with Language


                        Not                Partially                 Clearly

                  Demonstrated     Demonstrated   Demonstrated


Demonstrates mastery of Standard American English/Edited American English in classroom presentations and written materials








Teaches grammar, usage, and mechanics in the context of students= writing and reading








Takes advantage of teachable moments to explore language issues








Builds opportunities for reflection about language use into lessons








Uses an inductive-discovery process when teaching vocabulary that allows students to figure out meaning through context and build knowledge from understanding of roots, related families, prefixes and suffixes








Provides students with authentic (and frequent) opportunities to use new vocabulary in their reading and speaking








Leads students through scaffolded language exercises linked to authentic reading/writing experiences








Demonstrates sensitivity and tact when responding to dialect and other ELL issues








Section III B Special and/or unique projects completed by the student (use the back side).







Section IV B General Statement and/or other comments.