Summary of Evaluations Required
Quarter __ Quarter __
Mid-quarter Evaluations Due: End of Quarter Evaluations Due: |
Mid-quarter Evaluations Due: End of Quarter Evaluations Due: |
Student Teachers:
- Online INTASC self-evaluation (Accessed via Banner Web; instructions at FPO webpage)
- Due at mid-quarter AND end of quarter
- Evaluation of host teacher (completed on TaskStream and submitted to the appropriate coordinator)
- Due at end of each quarter
- Teacher-Work Sample (to be completed in ONE of the quarters and submitted to supervisor for evaluation via TaskStream)
- Due no later than TWO weeks prior to end of second placement
- Professional ELA Teaching Portfolio (submitted for evaluation via TaskStream to the professor teaching AED 378)
- Due no later than ONE week prior to the end of the second placement
- Evaluation of supervisor (completed on TaskStream and submitted to the appropriate coordinator)
- Due at end of final placement
Cooperating Teachers:
- Online INTASC evaluations (Accessed via BannerWeb; instructions at FPO webpage)
- Due at mid-quarter AND end of quarter
- List of competencies evaluation (filled out in collaboration with supervisor)
- Evaluation of supervisor (hard copy can be downloaded from FPO website)
- Due at end of final placement (mailed to Coordinator of AEN Program, English Department, SUNY - College at Cortland, P.O. Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045
- Online INTASC evaluations (Accessed via Banner Web; instructions at FPO webpage)
- Due at mid-quarter AND end of quarter
- List of competencies evaluation (Filled out in collaboration with host teacher)
- Due at end of quarter (Electronic form on TaskStream; hard copy filed in student’s academic file)
- End of quarter grade (Accessed via Banner Web)
- Due at midterm and end of semester: Follow Institutional Deadlines!