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Faculty and Staff Activities

Julie Ficarra

Julie Ficarra, International Programs Office, had her article, “Extending Colonial Critiques Beyond Service Learning in the Global South: The Case of Florence, Italy” published in CAPA: The Global Education Network’s Occasional Publication #9, Empires of the Mind? (Post)Colonialism & Decolonizing Education Abroad. The article draws attention to the idea that unequal relations of power exist between visiting U.S. students and host communities, not only in the global south where students often engage in service learning, but in Europe where students are more often engaged in traditional classroom-based and experiential learning.

Tracy Hudson ’89, M ’93

Tracy Hudson ’89, M ’93, Physical Education Department, initiated a program to create a culture of care in the Physical Education Department. The goal of “Wear to Care in PE” is to engage students in different ways so they learn what a culture of care means and to start a conversation of how to create a culture of care. Students and staff can wear a color on a certain day which can inspire classroom discussions about what it means to care for others and to develop a culture of care within the Physical Education Department. This project has shown success in Dr. Hudson’s EDU 470: Foundations of Education in American Culture course.

Mechthild Nagel

Mechthild Nagel, Philosophy and Africana Studies departments and Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies, gave an invited talk titled “Reconsidering the US’ Prison Dilemma: A Critique of the Affective Economy of Mass Incarceration” at a special seminar for the Microeconomic Seminar Series held June 11 at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona.

William Veit, Julia West and John Suarez

William Veit, Risk Management officer, Julia West, Risk Management intern, and John Suarez, Institute for Civic Engagement director, presented at the fourth SUNY Applied Learning Conference held Oct. 24 and 25 at the Niagara Falls Conference and Event Center in Niagara Falls, N.Y. Highlights included:

  • West and Veit describedEnterprise Risk Management” during the conference’s poster session.
  • West, Veit and Suarez conducted the “SWOT Your Applied Learning” workshop in which participants applied the Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats to a real-life project as a way of determining how they could apply that process to their own projects. 
  • Suarez was a facilitator for anExperience a Deliberation” workshop.
  • Suarez chaired a meeting of the North/South Central New York Applied Learning Coalition.

Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, Political Science Department, is interviewed in a new feature-length documentary, “The Price of Freedom.” Produced by Flatbush Pictures and Tribeca Films, it takes a fresh look at America’s gun history and the contemporary gun controversy from multiple perspectives, including a deep dive into the pivotal role of the NRA. The film had its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City at Hudson Yards on June 16. Spitzer, who also served as a consultant, attended the premiere. The film is expected to have a July theatrical release.

Rhiannon Maton

Rhiannon Maton, Foundations and Social Advocacy Department, recently had her interview with Chicago school nurse Dennis Kosuth published in the journal Spectre. The article is titled ““Front row seat to all that's wrong”: School nurse organizing in Chicago.”

Thomas Hischak

Thomas Hischak, professor emeritus of theatre, has had the third edition of his textbook Theatre as Human Action: An Introduction to Theatre Arts published by Rowman & Littlefield.

Timothy J. Baroni

Timothy J. Baroni, Biological Sciences Department, was a co-author on an article, “A new stipitate species of Crepidotus from India and Thailand with notes on other tropical species,” recently published in the science journal Mycologia. The new species was collected by Baroni in Thailand in 2006, recently discovered in India and is phylogenetically similar to a new world Neotropical species known from Florida and Puerto Rico that Aime and Baroni published on in 2002. Co-authors included: Laura Guzmán-Dávalos, Alma Rosa Villalobos-Arámbula and María Herrera, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico; C. J. Pradeep, K. B. Vrinda and A. Manoj Kumar, Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Kerala, India; Virginia Ramírez-Cruz, Universidad de la Sierra Juárez, Mexico; Kasem Soytong, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand; M. Catherine Aime, Purdue University. The new species described in this work is Crepidotus asiaticus Guzm.-Dáv., C. K. Pradeep and T. J. Baroni.

Teagan Bradway

Teagan Bradway, English Department, had an article titled “The Queerness of Character-Details” published in MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly. The essay examines the importance of queer characters in contemporary LGBTQ+ literature. 

Christopher D. Gascón

Christopher D. Gascón, Modern Languages Department, had his article published in a volume on classical Spanish theater from the Golden Age to the 21st century. The essay, titled “Estética Neobarroca en el Teatro Barroco Representado en Nueva York,” demonstrates how numerous productions of classical Spanish plays at New York City’s Repertorio Español incorporate typically Latin American elements, resulting in a theater of “reconquest” or “counter-conquest.” Repertorio’s “New World” approach to “Old World” masterpieces produces innovative stagings and, at times, bold revisions of the works. The volume, published by the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, is titled El teatro clásico en su(s) cultura(s): de los Siglos de Oro al siglo XXI.