Robert Spitzer
Robert Spitzer, political science, is the author of a chapter titled "Leading Elite Opinion: Law Reviews and the Distortion of Scholarship" in the recently published book, Leadership at the Crossroads, published by Praeger.
Robert Spitzer
Robert Spitzer, political science, presented a paper titled "The Post-Bush Presidency and the Constitutional Order" at a panel on "Assessing Executive Power Before, During and After the Bush Presidency." The panel was held during the Sept. 3-6 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association in Toronto, Canada.
Alexander G. Gonzalez
Alexander G. Gonzalez, English Department, had his article, “Joyce’s Presence in Iris Murdoch’s ‘Something Special,’” published in Studies in Short Fiction after very lengthy and unforeseen printing delays. The article shows that all 15 of James Joyce’s Dubliners stories are referred to in Murdoch’s story, many of them being veiled references. Murdoch’s story emerges as an homage to Joyce, as references to Ulysses and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man are also present.
J. Richard Kendrick Jr.
J. Richard Kendrick Jr., Sociology/Anthropology Department and Institute for Civic Engagement, presented a paper titled “The Economic Crisis: How One College is Responding to its Community” at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociology Society held in March in Boston, Mass. He also appeared, along with two AmeriCorps members, on a Cornell Cooperative Extension public access cable television program to discuss SUNY Cortland’s AmeriCorps program. The program was titled “AmeriCorps and CCECC (Cornell Cooperative Extension of Cortland County)” and aired on March 23, March 24, March 30 and March 31 as part of the series “Cornell Cooperative Extension Presents.”
Robert C. Lawrence
Robert C. Lawrence, Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department, recently had his book, Sailor of the Stars, endorsed by astronaut Mike Mullane, veteran of three Space Shuttle missions. The book is a teaching simulation for students in grades 4-8 on the career of an astronaut. Mullane said that Sailor of the Stars is “a great teaching resource to inspire and motivate students on the subjects of space, science, teamwork and leadership. I wish I could have had Sailor of the Stars instruction when I was a kid!”
Marley Barduhn
Marley Barduhn, Academic Affairs, consulted as part of an American Council on Education Internationalization Laboratory Team visit to Central Connecticut State University Feb. 21-23 in Hartford, Conn.
Thomas Hischak
Thomas Hischak, performing arts, is co-author of a new nonfiction book, The Disney Song Encyclopedia, released in August by Scarecrow Press. The book discusses more than 900 songs from Disney movies, television shows, theme parks and Broadway productions. The co-author is Mark A. Robinson, a 1998 graduate of SUNY Cortland′s theatre program.
Tracy Rammacher and Tony DeRado
Tracy Rammacher, Publications and Electronic Media Office, recently learned that the office won a SUNY Council for University Advancement (SUNYCUAD) Judges’ Citation Award for the 2009 Undergraduate Commencement tickets, designed by Tony DeRado. The award will be presented at the annual SUNYCUAD conference set for June 9-11 in Buffalo, N.Y.
Ralph Dudgeon
Ralph Dudgeon, performing arts, traveled to China May 6-14 where he taught trumpet students from Beichuan Middle School, now relocated in Mianyang in Sichuan after being devastated by the earthquake on May 12, 2008. Dudgeon also worked with graduate students as they taught there as part of the ″Music from the Heart″ relief program developed by Capital Normal University in Beijing. On May 13, Dudgeon gave a lecture/recital on keyed bugle at Capital Normal University for graduate music research students and faculty.
Also, Dudgeon participated in the Historic Brass Society Early Brass Festival July 17-19 in New London, Conn., where he gave a paper ″The Privilege of Joseph Riedl and Joseph Kail: 1 November 1823″ dealing with the development of valve brass instruments patents in Vienna. As a part of the festival's finale concert, Dudgeon performed with the Berlioz Historical Brass Ensemble and also conducted the world premiere of Jonathan Miller's ″Jump In″ for natural trumpet ensemble and percussion.
Robert Spitzer
Robert Spitzer, political science, is the author of a chapter titled "Leading Elite Opinion: Law Reviews and the Distortion of Scholarship" in the recently published book, Leadership at the Crossroads, published by Praeger.