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Faculty and Staff Activities

Timothy J. Baroni

Timothy J. Baroni, Biological Sciences Department, with co-authors Keri Kluting, University of Uppsala, and Sarah Bergemann, Middle State Tennessee University, published a peer-reviewed paper titled “Toward a Stable Classification of Genera within the Entolomataceae: a Phylogenetic Re-evaluation of the Rhodocybe-Clitopilus Clade” in the journal Mycologia. Molecular evidence was used to sort out relationships among five genera and nearly 300 species. The publication was the result of Kluting’s master’s thesis at Middle State Tennessee University. Baroni served as a mentor for the project and was on Kluting’s guidance committee for the master’s degree.

Nance Wilson

Nance Wilson, Literacy Department, was quoted in an article titled “‘The Lorax’ Is a Constant in Classrooms. Does It Send the Right Message?” It was published April 21 in Education Week.

Caroline Kaltefleiter

Caroline Kaltefleiter, Communication and Media Studies Department, had an article, “Care and Crisis in David Graeber’s New York: Anarcha-feminism, Gift Economies, and Mutual Aid Beyond a Global Pandemic” published in a special volume of Anthropological Notebooks. The volume is dedicated to the work of the late anthropology scholar and activist David Graeber who passed away in September 2020.  

Lindsey Darvin

Lindsey Darvin, Sport Management Department, recently was featured in an SB Nation article about the NCAA NIL changes and the impact those may have for NCAA women student-athletes.

Pictured is the Instagram post SB Nation created to promote the article. 

Charles DeMotte

Charles DeMotte, Sociology/Anthropology Department, will have his book, Bat, Ball and Bible: The Struggle for Sunday Baseball in New York, published in 2012 by Potomac Press.

Abby Thomas, Marinda Souva and Lori Schlicht

Abby Thomas, Marinda Souva, and Lori Schlicht, Advisement and Transition, presented “Thriving in Change – Infusing Advising Across Campus Initiatives” at the 22nd National Conference on Students in Transition on Oct. 18 in Baltimore, Md. 

Richard Hunter

Richard Hunter, Geography Department, co-authored a research article titled “Coping strategies during drought: The case of rangeland users in southwest Iran” that appears in the current issue of Rangelands.

Melissa Morris

Melissa Morris, Physics Department, was invited by NASA headquarters in Washington D.C. to act as a contracted program officer to assist in the administration of several programs under the Planetary Science Division of the Science Mission Directorate. She has taken a leave of absence from teaching at SUNY Cortland for the fall semester to perform this important service to our country and the scientific community. She will continue to advise her SUNY Cortland undergraduate research assistants and postdoctoral researchers while she is on leave.

Morris was a coauthor on a presentation titled “Thermal History Match Between CBb Chondrules and Impact Plume Models” at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, held July 23-28 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Morris’ undergraduate research assistant and current SUNY Cortland senior Andrew Duval spent six weeks at Arizona State University (ASU) over the summer collecting data on meteorites using the state-of-the-art facilities at ASU’s Center for Meteorite Studies. The results of his research will be the subject of his honors thesis, and will be published in a peer-reviewed journal. 

Also, Morris had a Career Profile posted on the blog of The American Astronomical Society Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy on August 8.

Genevieve Birren

Genevieve Birren, Sport Management Department, authored an article that was published in the fall issue of the Marquette Sports Law Review. The article is titled “The Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act: The United States’ Response to the Russian Doping Scandal.” 

Lindsey Darvin

Lindsey Darvin, Sport Management Department, had her article, “At colleges nationwide, esports teams dominated by men,” published in The Conversation.