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Faculty and Staff Activities

Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, Political Science Department, has been invited to join the advisory board of the Pi Sigma Alpha Undergraduate Journal of Politics. Pi Sigma Alpha is the national political science honors society. Cortland has had a chapter since 1970.

Lin Lin, Margaret Gichuru and Mechthild Nagel

Lin Lin and Margaret Gichuru, Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department, and Mechthild Nagel, Philosophy and Africana Studies departments, made a synchronous presentation “Teaching Philosophy to Children in the Time of the Pandemic” at the Fall 2021 NYACTE-NYSATE Conference sponsored by the New York Association of Colleges for Teacher Education and the New York State Association of Teacher Educators.

Tadayuki Suzuki

Tadayuki Suzuki, Literacy Department, presented “A Visit with Princess Boy, Jazz, Kyle, Morris and Jacob: Analyzing Recent Picture Books with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Character” at the National Council of Teachers of English, held Nov. 16 in Houston, Texas.

Susan Rayl

Susan Rayl, Kinesiology Department, received the Sue and Ron Smith Service Award at the annual convention of the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) held May 26 to 29 in Washington, D.C. The award recognizes exceptional contributions to the organization. Rayl has served as the convention photographer since 2013. 

Vicki Johnson

Vicki Johnson, Interfaith Center, was a delegate from the New York Conference to the General Synod of the United Church of Christ (UCC), held June 27 through July 2 in Long Beach, Calif. She helped to work on a resolution that, for the sake of climate change, urged divestment from fossil fuel companies. The resolution passed on July 1, making the UCC the first national organization, faith-related or not, to take such a stand for the environment. On July 2, the General Synod received congratulations about the resolution from Bishop Desmond Tutu.

Ute Ritz-Deutch

Ute Ritz-Deutch, History Department, had her article, “The Obscure Labors of a Forgotten Anthropologist: A Biography of Bruno Oetteking,” published in BEROSE - International Encyclopaedia of the Histories of Anthropology, Paris, 2019.

Ryan Vooris and Susan Barnett

Ryan Vooris, Sport Management Department, and Susan Barnett, Recreation, Parks and Leisure Studies Department, co-authored an article recently published in the International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure called “Understanding the Wearable Fitness Tracker Revolution.”

Joshua Peluso

Joshua Peluso, Systems Administration and Web Services, gave two presentations at the Fall 2011 Wizard Collaborative SUNY Conference held Nov. 15-16 in Syracuse, N.Y. His talks were titled, “Getting Everything in your Campus Portal” and “SUNY Source.” Wizard technology conferences promote SUNY-wide technological offerings for all campuses. 

Kevin Dames

Kevin Dames, Kinesiology Department, recently attended the American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting in Rochester, Minn. He collaborated on a poster and a rapid podium presentation. The poster, titled “Comparison of subjective electromyographic onset determination to objective techniques during running,” compares alternative methods for identifying when lower extremity muscles are active during running. In the rapid podium presentation, titled “An exploration of muscle activity in young and older runners and the relationships with running economy,” they demonstrated that younger runners present different muscle activation patterns than older runners. Specifically, more economical young runners activate biarticular lower extremity muscles for a greater percent of stance phase, while more economical older runners activate these muscles for a lower percent of stance.

Gregg Weatherby

Gregg Weatherby, English Department, will be one of two featured poets in the second issue of Home Planet News Online.