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  • If hosting a quarterly placement:
    • At the end of each quarter, the Field Experience and School Partnerships Office forwards an election form to each mentor teacher who has hosted a student teacher. The mentor teacher elects their compensation (either a $200 cash stipend OR a $250 tuition waiver certificate). The mentor teacher returns the completed and signed election form to the Field Experience and School Partnerships Office for processing.
  • If hosting a full semester placement:
    • At the end of the full semester, the Field Experience and School Partnerships Office forwards an election form to each mentor teacher who has hosted a student teacher. The mentor teacher elects their compensation (either a $400 cash stipend OR two - $250 tuition waiver certificates). The mentor teacher returns the completed and signed election form to the Field Experience and School Partnerships Office for processing.
  • All SUNY institutions must have a completed Federal W-9 tax form on file for each mentor teacher in order to properly process stipend/tuition waiver certificates and any other honoraria or earnings. Our office will only need to collect the completed/original W-9 form once, which will be stored at our SUNY Cortland Business Office. 

  • As mandated by the State, the stipend check is mailed to the mentor teacher at their home address from the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. The tuition waiver certificate is forwarded to the mentor teacher at their school address, unless there are specific instructions from school district administration. Note: Tuition waiver certificates can either be used by the mentor teacher or transferred for reassignment to the school district.  

  • Since only one mentor teacher will be compensated by the State of New York, only one teacher can receive an election form. If a student teacher has been hosted by more than one mentor teacher in a quarter, they must complete an affidavit identifying which mentor teacher will be compensated. The affidavit, considered a legal document, is verified by the college supervisor and is maintained by the Field Experience and School Partnerships Office.