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Project Sunlight

To report an appearance, please complete the form below.

Project Sunlight Reporting Form

All qualified meetings must be submitted using the form above as soon as possible, but no later than five (5) days after they occur.

Project Sunlight, part of the Public Integrity Reform Act (PIRA) of 2011, is an online database that provides the general public with an opportunity to see what entities and individuals are interacting with state government decision-makers.  State agencies are required to report appearances by individuals and firms who appear before SUNY decision-makers or any person who advises decision-makers.

In order for an interaction to be covered under Project Sunlight, it must:

  • be an appearance,
  • be between covered individuals, and
  • be one of the following types of appearances:
    1. procurement of real property, goods, or services with a value of $25,000 or more,
    2. rate making,
    3. regulatory matters,
    4. judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings, or
    5. adoption of a rule or regulation.

Given the nature of SUNY Cortland's activities, we are most likely to be impacted in the area of (1) procurement.

Reportable Appearances

Reportable appearances (pre-contract) include:

  • In-person meetings
  • Video chat and conferences

Non-Reportable Appearances

Appearances that are not reportable include:

  • written communications (such as letters, faxes, forms, and emails)
  • phone calls
  • contracts related to procurements under $25,000
  • contracts between SUNY and other state agencies only
  • appearance related to procurements during the restricted period (such as RFP bid meetings, presentations, bid clarifications)
  • purely informational (such as market research or requests for other information)
  • appearances following an award of a contract (as long as the information is within the scope of the contract)
  • appearances related to emergency procurements
  • appearances related to the spending of funds from a non-State fund account (i.e. Foundation, Auxiliary, or RF funds)


For questions on whether or not Project Sunlight applies to your appearance, please contact Jacob Irving.