Students with mobility impairments are encouraged to contact us well in advance of each semester since many concerns such as physical access to buildings and academic services require early preparation. In the past, we have arranged services for students with conditions such as partial paralysis, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and cerebral palsy. Additionally, students with respiratory and cardiac difficulties which often affect mobility have also sought specific services through our office.
Specific support services available may include:
- Provision of an access map outlining accessible entrances to buildings, parking spaces, and pathways
- Early registration to ensure classrooms are accessible and time is available between classes to get from one location to another
- Placement of accessible furniture in classrooms if not already present
- When possible, movement of a class to the ground floor or a floor that is accessible by two elevators
- Notification to instructors regarding testing and classroom accommodations
- Use of the Access Technology Lab for exams
- Use of dictation in Microsoft 365
- Assistance in evacuation planning from buildings
- Liaison with community resources and agencies
- Accessible Parking
- Permission to use personal care attendants on campus