There is no higher priority at SUNY Cortland than the safety of the campus community, and we take many steps to maintain a safe environment. To report an emergency call 911 from any cellphone or landline phone or use the Emergency Blue Light Phones.
Emergency: Any threat to life and/or property that requires immediate response from police, fire or emergency medical services.
This guide provides a general framework for emergency preparation and response for campus campus community members. Individual awareness, preparation and good judgment will determine an individual's overall effectiveness in responding to an emergency. Given the unique nature of emergency incidents, individuals may need to deviate from these guidelines given the totality of the circumstances and in the best of interest of their own personnel safety and welfare.
Reporting an Emergency
Keep your personal safety in mind
Make sure you are in a safe location, otherwise find one
Call 911
Tell the dispatcher:
Your location
Phone number from which you are calling
Nature of the emergency
Do not hang up unless your safety is threatened or you are told to do so by the dispatcher
If safe to do so, have someone await the arrival of emergency responders and direct them
After emergency responders arrive, provide them with any additional information you may have
Actions in an Emergency
Get Somewhere Safe
The type of emergency will dictate whether one evacuates a building/area or shelters-in-place.
Evacuation: The primary purpose for evacuating is to put distance between you and the hazard.
Evacuation Guidelines:
Leave the area immediately
If fire, activate a fire alarm "pull station"
Evacuate in accordance with the Building's Emergency Action Plan or via nearest safe exit.
Assist individuals with disabilities if needed and safe to do so.
Do not use elevators
If you are not able to exit the building, go to an Area of Refuge. Once you are in an Area of Refuge, activate the alarm box.
Provide relevant information (unaccounted/trapped persons) to emergency responders.
Do not return until cleared to do so by emergency responders.
Shelter-in-Place: This general term refers to situations where it is safest to remain or go indoors rather than face uncertainty outside. Depending on the emergency, appropriate areas to shelter may vary. When sheltering, seek safety by placing barriers between yourself and the hazard. This could include walls, rooms without windows, locked doors, furniture, etc.
Shelter-in-Place Guidelines:
Find a safe location such as an interior room of a building.
Shut all doors and windows.
Go to the center of the room and stay away from areas exposed to the threat (windows, doors, outside walls)
Enact barriers between you and the threat.
Await further information from emergency responders.
Be advised that more specific "shelter-in-place" guidelines can be found below under specific hazards such as:
The SUNY Cortland Alert System is the comprehensive emergency alert system that allows the university to quickly disseminate an urgent message through multiple communication mediums. This is one component of the university's wide-reaching emergency communication strategy, with the goal of providing a safe and secure environment in which to learn, live and work. If there is a condition which significantly threatens the health and safety of persons on campus, university officials will warn the campus community through a variety of notification methods:
For critical incidents it is recommended that students and employees call home or contact their designated out-of-town contact. If any critical event happens on campus, your family and friends may be left wondering if you are involved, please contact them.
To learn more about SUNY Cortland Alert or modify your contact information select the "Additional Resources" tab at the bottom of this page.
It is also recommended that faculty, staff and students sign-up to receive alerts from other systems such as:
Hyper-Reach - Is the emergency alert system utilized by Cortland County when local government officials need to alert the public for emergencies and incidents within Cortland County. This is the best way to receive alerts for emergencies and incidents occurring off-campus.
NY-Alert - Is the emergency alert system utilized by New York State so that New Yorkers can receive critical information and emergency alerts for different areas throughout New York State.
Unless you have specific information regarding an on-going incident or emergency, we kindly ask that you do not contact University Police or Emergency Management in regards to general inquiries or to seek general information on an incident. Doing so causes phone line congestion and may prevent emergency calls from being received. As information develops the university will issue more information via one or more of the above communication mediums.
The Disability Resources Office leads SUNY Cortland’s commitment to create a diverse, accessible, and socially just community that welcomes all students, whether or not they identify as disabled. For more information please contact the office at 607-753-2697 or visit their webpage at Disability Resources Office.
The Disability Resources Office is available to discuss emergency procedures with students and familiarize them with evacuation routes specific to their housing and classroom assignments.
Faculty and Staff
The SUNY Cortland Disability and Workplace Reasonable Accommodation Policy can assist faculty and staff with disabilities. In addition, faculty and staff with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) related questions, concerns, and grievances should contact the Human Resources Office. For more information regarding SUNY Cortland's Disability and Workplace Reasonable Accommodation Policy please contact the Human Resources ADA Coordinator at 607-753-2302.
Action Guidelines for Assisting Individuals With Disabilities:
General Actions:
Check on people with disabilities during an emergency.
People with disabilities vary in their individual levels of independence and physical ability and some may need assistance during an emergency evacuation.
Ask if someone needs help, how you can properly provide assistance, and if any items need to accompany them.
Do not use elevators for emergency evacuation
If you observe someone who is not able to exit the building and you cannot assist them in exiting the building, assist them in getting to an Area of Refuge or a relatively safe area if you are able.
If someone you know is within an Area of Refuge or unaccounted for, report this information to emergency responders.
Mobility Impairment:
If a person cannot exit the building, ask if assistance is needed.
If they elect to await evacuation assistance, escort the person to the nearest safe stairwell or other predetermined area of refuge.
Some individuals with mobility impairments who are able to walk independently may be able to negotiate stairs with minor assistance.
Do not try to carry anyone with a mobility impairment. You could harm them or yourself.
After you leave the building, immediately inform emergency responders of the location of the person awaiting evacuation.
Blindness or Visual Impairment:
Give verbal instructions about the safest route or direction using directional terms and estimated distances.
Ask if assistance is needed. If so, offer your elbow and provide guidance through the evacuation route. This may be especially helpful if there is debris or a crowd. Never grasp the arm of the person you are assisting.
While escorting a person out of the building, explain where you are going and what you are doing.
Deafness, Hearing Loss, Language Difficulty:
Get their attention by eye contact or touch if necessary.
Communicate the problem including the need to evacuate or shelter-in-place. Gesturing and pointing are helpful, but be prepared to write a brief statement if the person does not seem to understand.
Offer visual instructions to designate the safest route or direction by pointing toward exits or evacuation maps.
Offer to escort them from the building.
Active Shooter or Armed Intruder
An individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. Your actions should be determined by the circumstances and where you are in relation to the shooter or threat. Stay alert to your surroundings and decide whether to run, hide or fight.
Action Guidelines: "Run, Hide, Fight"
Run: Your first option; if there is an accessible and safe escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises. Be sure to:
Have an escape route and plan in mind.
Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
Leave your belongings behind.
Help others evacuate, if possible.
Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be.
Call 911 when you are safe.
Hide: If running and evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you and call 911. Your hiding place should:
Be out of the active shooter’s view.
Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (a room with a closed and locked door).
Not restrict your options for movement.
To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place:
Lock the door.
Block and barricade the door with heavy furniture or items.
Wedge a "door stop" under the door.
Use improvised ways to secure the door and prevent it from opening.
Once secured in your hiding place
Silence your cellphone.
Turn off any source of noise (radio, television, computer).
Hide behind large or heavy items (cabinets, desks).
Turn off lights.
Remain quiet.
Do not open the door.
Escape through a secondary or improvised exit (if available and safe to do so).
"Arm" yourself in case you are confronted by and need to fight the shooter.
Fight: As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by:
Acting as aggressively as possible against them.
Throwing items and using improvised weapons.
Physically assaulting the shooter - do whatever it takes to survive.
Committing to your actions
Reacting to law enforcement and emergency responders
Remain calm
Keep your hands visible.
Put down any items in your hands.
Avoid making quick movements toward officers.
Avoid grabbing officers
Follow the instructions of any police officers or emergency responders.
Provide any information to emergency responders.
For more detailed information please see the below training video produced by Ready Houston.
If you would like to schedule an in-person "Active Shooter" training for your class or group please
The in-person training is designed to reach a broad range of individuals so they can be better prepared to respond during an active shooter incident. This training raises awareness and provides valuable skills on how to respond to an active shooter situation before, during, and after law enforcement or other first responders arrive. This training will focus on how to be prepared to prevent, recognize, and take decisive action during an active shooter incident.
Upon completion of the training, individuals will have a better understanding of:
What to do and how to respond during an active shooter incident.
How to prevent and prepare for potential active shooter incidents.
How to make educated life-saving decisions regarding which actions to take during an active shooter incident.
Active shooter trends.
Common active shooter behavior.
The actions to take when confronted with an active shooter and responding law enforcement officers .
How to recognize potential community and workplace violence indicators and how to report them.
The desired outcome of the training is to encourage decisive action in a rapidly unfolding and life-threatening situation to increase one’s safety and survivability.
Bomb Threat
A threat, usually verbal or written, to detonate an explosive or incendiary device to cause property damage, death, or injuries, whether or not such a device actually exists. Typically delivered by telephone or social media. All bomb threats need to be treated as serious until proven otherwise.
Action Guidelines:
If you receive a bomb threat via phone do not hang-up. Attempt to keep the caller on the phone as long as possible and ask the following questions:
What time/day is the bomb going to explode?
Where is the bomb located?
What does it look like?
What kind of bomb is it?
What will cause it to explode?
Did you place the bomb or someone else?
What is your address?
What is your name?
Attempt to identify the characteristics of the caller by documenting the following:
Male or female
Sober or intoxicated
Nervous or calm
Other identifiable characteristics in the caller’s voice
Background noises
Contact Police by Calling 911
If you are the one on the line with the person calling in the threat, notify a supervisor, co-worker, or other individual and have them call 911
These Action Guidelines (PDF) can be printed and kept near your phone or desk for quick reference in the event you or your office receives such a threat.
If you receive notification of a bomb threat to the campus via SUNY Cortland Alert or University Police:
Follow instructions in the SUNY Cortland Alert message
Follow instructions of emergency responders
Explosions can be triggered by natural, chemical, electrical, magnetic, mechanical, or nuclear reactions. There is the potential for great personal injury, as well as the damage and destruction of property in any explosion.
Action Guidelines:
Evacuate the building through the nearest exit.
Call 911
As you evacuate:
Assist persons with disabilities
Stay away from anything that could fall on you.
Open doors carefully.
Do not use elevators.
Do not move a victim unless there is an immediate threat to life.
Once outside, stay at least 500 feet away from the building.
Follow instructions of emergency responders.
If you are notified that an explosion took place elsewhere on campus:
Follow instructions issued through SUNY Cortland Alert or by on-scene emergency responders.
Assess situation and decide whether to evacuate or shelter-in-place.
Stay away from the affected area.
Only call 911 or University Police if you have important and relevant information.
Get additional information by visiting
Fires are one of the most serious and common hazards on college campuses. Understanding basic fire safety tips and how to respond to a fire can save lives.
Assist individuals with disabilities and others if it is safe to do so.
Inform the people around you there is a fire.
Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station and call 911 from a safe location.
Close doors behind you to inhibit the fire from spreading.
Leave the building immediately via the nearest exit when instructed.
If smoke is present, stay low and crawl to the nearest exit.
Do not use elevators.
Do not re-enter the building until authorized by emergency responders.
If trapped in a room or other area
Call 911.
Place wet cloth material around or under the door to prevent smoke from entering the room.
Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.
Signal to someone outside.
If forced to advance through flames
Hold your breath.
Move quickly.
Protect your head and hair.
Fire Extinguisher Use: "PASS"
Pull safety pin from handle
Aim nozzle at the base of fire
Squeeze the trigger handle
Sweep nozzle from side-to-side at base of fire.
Hazardous Materials
Any item or agent (biological, chemical, physical) which has the potential to cause harm to humans, animals, or the environment, either by itself or through interaction with other factors. The quantity of hazardous materials will determine the difference between a small release and a large release. An example of a small release is a broken beaker in a lab setting. An example of a large release is a ruptured tanker truck.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) information is available to university personnel by calling 607-753-2508 or visiting the university's Chemical Management Database.
Action Guidelines:
If you are involved in a release or spill that creates imminent danger to health, property, or the environment:
Isolate the area by shutting doors or using other means of containment.
If able to do so safely (without risk of exposure) take action to stop the release & prevent or minimize the release.
Evacuate the area, pull the "fire alarm" and find a safe location.
If possible, hold your breath or cover your mouth with a cloth while quickly leaving the area. Try not to inhale gases, fumes or smoke.
Call 911
Stay away from accident victims until the hazardous material has been identified.
Try to stay upwind of the spill or leak.
Keep others away from the area.
Remain in a safe location to direct emergency personnel to the affected area.
If you think you may have been exposed to a hazardous material, stay away from others and inform emergency responders immediately.
Assist emergency officials with obtaining information regarding the hazardous material.
If you are involved in a release or spill that does not creates imminent danger to health, property, or the environment:
Use appropriate spill supplies to contain the material.
If injury or illness render appropriate first aid and call 911.
If you are informed of Hazardous Materials release via SUNY Cortland alert, emergency officials, or other medium:
Follow any instructions received via the alert.
Follow directions from emergency responders and university officials.
If told to evacuate, do so immediately. While evacuating:
Avoid inhaling the hazardous material by covering your mouth with a cloth or shirt.
Move away from the area at right angles to the prevailing wind.
Seek an area of higher elevation
If told to shelter-in-place, do so immediately:
Take refuge in a small interior room with few, if any, windows or other connections to the outside environment
Close windows and doors.
Seal gaps under doorways and around windows with wet towels, duct tape, and plastic sheeting or other impervious materials.
Turn off ventilation system if possible or by calling Facilities Operations and Service at 607-753-2100
NOTE: Many toxic chemicals have a vapor density greater than that of air, and will seek lowest ground. In the case of a Shelter-in-Place order due to a chemical spill, DO NOT shelter below grade.
Assisting Victim Exposed to Hazardous Materials:
Call 911.
Follow directions from the dispatcher on how to best assist the victim. The type of hazardous material will dictate whether it is best to:
Evacuate the area.
Move victim to fresh air.
Take the victim to an eyewash station or safety shower.
Remove the victim’s contaminated clothing.
Strange or Suspicious Odors
Noxious or toxic fumes can infiltrate into or through a building from various sources. Improperly stored chemicals, faulty refrigeration/HVAC components, equipment/infrastructure malfunctions, and engines operated near outside air intakes are some of the more common sources. If the presence of noxious or toxic fumes is suspected:
Evacuate the area.
Call 911.
Extreme Weather and Natural Hazards
SUNY Cortland is proud to be a certified "Storm Ready" university via The National Weather Service and our Emergency Management Office is proud to be a recognized Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador via the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Being part of a weather-ready community is about preparing for your community's increasing vulnerability to extreme weather events. The weather conditions in Central New York can quickly change with little or to no warning. Some natural hazards that can impact our area include:
A tornado is a violent windstorm characterized by a twisting, funnel shaped cloud. They are usually spawned by a thunderstorm and produced when cool air collides with a layer of warm air, forcing the warm air to rise rapidly. The damage from a tornado is a result of the high wind velocity and wind-blown debris.
Action Guidelines:
Make sure you receive weather alerts from the National Weather Service (such as through weather apps on your mobile device).
Make sure you're subscribed to SUNY Cortland Alert.
Be alert to tornado warning signs:
Funnels clouds or an approaching cloud of debris can mark the location of a tornado.
Before a tornado hits, the wind may die down, and the air may become very still.
A loud roar - similar to a freight train; or a strange calm occurring within or shortly after a thunderstorm.
Hail or heavy rain followed by either dead calm or a fast, intense wind shift. Many tornadoes are wrapped in heavy precipitation and can't be seen
Tornadoes generally occur near the trailing edge of a thunderstorm. It is not uncommon to see clear, sunlit skies behind a tornado.
When possible, the University will also activate the Campus Emergency Notification System. This system includes text messaging, email and loudspeaker announcements.
Know the difference between a "Tornado Watch" and a "Tornado Warning"
"Tornado Watch": Tornados are possible in and near the watch area.
"Tornado Warning": A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. There is imminent danger to life and property...take personal response actions!
Response Actions
Seek immediate shelter
Remain indoors
Find a safe location. (basements provide the best protection from events such as tornados)
Do not open exterior doors or windows.
If underground shelter is not available go into an interior room, stairwell or hallway on the lowest floor possible.
Stay away from windows, doors, and outside walls.
Crouch down and make as small a “target” as possible. If you have something to cover your head, do so, otherwise, use your hands.
Be alert to flying debris.
Be alert to potential flooding, especially in basement areas or cellars.
A vehicle or modular building such as a trailer or shed does not provide good protection. Plan to go quickly to a building with a strong foundation, if possible.
Stay in the shelter location until the danger has passed.
If shelter is not available:
Lie flat in a ditch or other low-lying area.
Do not get under an overpass or bridge. You are safer in a low, flat location.
Get down and cover your head.
Be alert to flying debris and potential flooding.
Flooding, Lightning and Winter Weather Events
Severe thunderstorms, winter storms, and heavy rain have the potential to produce a number of hazards that can pose a threat to life and property. Be prepared for flooding, lightning, and winter storms which may occur during severe weather events.
Action Guidelines:
Flood Watch:means be prepared -when a flood watch is in effect, it means flooding is possible in your area. During a watch, check the forecast regularly, and be prepared to move to higher ground
Flood Warning:means take action now! - when a flood warning occurs, it means flooding is imminent or already occurring. Move to higher ground immediately, and use extra caution if driving
If you suspect flooding is imminent, do not wait until you receive an official warning or are instructed to move. Go immediately to higher ground.
If you are the first in your immediate area to know about the flood, report the situation by calling 911.
Avoid driving or walking through standing or fast-moving water. "Turn Around, Don’t Drown!"
Note: just six inches of moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.
Never disregard an official evacuation advisory. If you are advised to evacuate, do so immediately.
Keep important documents in a waterproof container and create password-protected digital copies.
Protect your area with sand bags, barriers, or other absorbent materials.
Get to the highest level if trapped in a building. Only get on the roof if necessary and once there signal for help. Do not climb into a closed attic to avoid getting trapped by rising floodwater.
Be alert for fire hazards, such as broken or leaking gas lines, flooded electrical circuits, submerged appliances, and flammable or explosive materials.
Do not return to a flooded area until authorities indicate it is safe to do so.
Below are recommendations from the National Weather Service
Seek shelter if lightning or thunder can be seen or heard.
Lightning can strike 20 miles ahead of the parent cloud, so if you can see it or hear it, you are within striking distance.
"When thunder roars, go indoors!"
Seek shelter indoors or in a vehicle with a roof.
Keep away from open doors or windows, radiators, metal pipes, sinks, and electrical appliances.
If you can't get indoors, avoid bodies of water, metal objects, bleachers, dugouts or standing under tall objects.
Stay inside for at least 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder.
Winter Weather Events
Be advised that the Governor is the only person who has the authority to close the University. However, the cancellation of classes and suspension of activities is a campus decision.
Depending on conditions university officials may decide to cancel classes or events. These announcements will come via SUNY Cortland Alert, local media outlets, and the university's official internet homepage.
Be alert for local weather warnings and advisories on commercial radio, television, the Internet, and mobile weather applications.
If roads leading to your home or the campus have been closed, do not attempt to travel.
If you cannot travel home, contact your supervisor.
Limit your time outside. If you need to go outside, then wear layers of warm clothing. Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia.
Become familiar with the different types of winter weather warnings, watches, and advisories:
“Watches” are issued when a storm is in its early stage of development and may create conditions that may harm life and property. Hazardous winter weather is only a possibility, not a certainty. The following are the “watch” alerts issued for winter weather events
Winter Storm Watch: issued when heavy snow, damaging ice accumulations, heavy lake effect snow, or blizzard conditions are possible. Winter storm watches are typically issued 36 to 72 hours before a winter storm starts.
Wind Chill Watch: issued when dangerously cold wind chills are possible typically in the next 36 to 72 hours.
"Warnings” are issued when the threat to life and property is imminent or has already begun from severe winter weather. The following are the warning alerts issued for winter weather events:
Winter Storm Warning: issued when hazardous winter weather in the form of heavy snow, freezing rain, sleet, or any combination thereof, is imminent or occurring. Winter storm warnings are typically issued 12 to 36 hours before the event is expected to start.
Lake Effect Snow Warning: issued when heavy lake effect snow is imminent or occurring. Lake effect snow warnings are typically issued 12 to 36 hours before the event is expected to start.
Ice Storm Warning: issued when damaging ice accumulations are expected within the next 12 to 36 hours
Blizzard Warning: issued when sustained or gusty winds of 35 mph or more prevail, combined with falling or blowing snow, reduce visibilities of one quarter of a mile or less, and last for at least 3 hours.
Snow Squall Warning: issued when a band of very heavy snow is expected to produce snowfall above 2 inches per hour, visibilities less than 1/4 mile for between 15 and 30 minutes. The snow squall could be accompanied by gusty winds, blowing snow and a flash freeze on roads.
Wind Chill Warning: issued when the combination of extreme cold and winds occur. This combination will result in frostbite, hypothermia, or even death when exposed in this type of condition for even a short period of time (sometimes minutes).
"Advisories” are issued for less serious weather conditions that will not cause immediate threat to life and property. Advisories will be issued when weather conditions will impact motorists, outdoor activities, or public events. These events could become life-threatening if proper precautions are not taken. The following are the advisory alerts issued for winter weather events:
Winter Weather Advisory: is issued for accumulations of snow, lake effect snow, freezing rain, freezing drizzle, or sleet, that will create inconveniences. During an advisory, if caution is not exercised, life and property may be threatened.
Wind Chill Advisory: is issued when wind chill temperatures create inconvenience to life with prolonged exposure. If caution is not exercised, hypothermia and frostbite may occur.
Earthquakes are unpredictable and may strike without warning. Earthquake injuries usually result from falling debris. Disruption of communication lines, light and power lines, and sewer and water mains can be expected. While earthquakes are rare in Central New York, they are not unheard of.
Action Guidelines: "Drop, Cover, Hold On"
If inside a structure:
Watch out for falling plaster, light fixtures, glass, bookcases, etc.
Stay away from windows and mirrors. Either crawl under a table or desk, sit or stand against an inside wall away from windows, or stand in a strong inside doorway. Assist others if necessary.
Do not use open flames.
If outside:
Avoid high buildings, walls, power poles, and other objects that may fall. Move to open areas away from hazards.
If surrounded by buildings, seek shelter in the nearest strong one.
If in a vehicle
Stop in the nearest open area if possible.
Stay in the vehicle.
After the tremors are over:
Check for injured people. Do not move seriously injured people unless they are in immediate danger.
If it appears that the buildings may have been damaged, evacuate. Aftershocks can level severely damaged buildings.
Dial 911 and report the emergency situation.
Do not use plumbing or anything electrical (including elevators) until after the utility and electrical lines have been checked.
Open doors carefully, watching for objects that may fall.
Assess your surroundings, beware of damage and other hazardous conditions.
Do not use matches or lighters. Natural gas lines may have been disrupted. Watch for fires that may have started.
Utility failures can be caused by a wide variety of events including weather related, technological, and human-caused.
Only personnel specifically trained in emergency shut-off procedures should attempt to turn on or shut off local and/or main utility lines to and in campus buildings. Only personnel specifically trained in elevator response procedures should attempt to override elevator components such as doors and power systems. Try to go about your business as normally as possible while you wait for the utility to be restored. If it will be out for an extended time, the campus community will be notified through email, the university's internet homepage, social media, campus video screens or other medium.
Provide assistance to others who may be unfamiliar with the space.
Do not use candles or other type of open flame for lighting.
Do not leave class or work unless told to do so by an authorized person.
If desired, you can proceed cautiously to a portion of the building or an outdoor area that has emergency lighting.
In most cases, power will be restored shortly or you may be relocated to another area with power.
If the failure involves a research laboratory and/or animal areas, notify the department chair or other appropriate employee because these areas may need special attention.
In laboratories, fume hoods do not operate during a power outage, and most laboratories should not be used until the ventilation is properly restored. Laboratory personnel should secure experiments or activities that may present a danger when the electrical power is off or restored unexpectedly. Close sashes on fume hoods and clean up or put away chemicals. Do not perform procedures using hazardous materials or chemicals until power is restored.
Elevator Failure:
If you are in the elevator activate the emergency/telephone button located inside the elevator and you will be connected with a University Police Dispatcher
If you do not get a response via the emergency/telephone button call 911 via your mobile device.
If there is no mobile service try to get the attention of someone outside the elevator by shouting or yelling.
Do not attempt to evacuate the elevator or help others evacuate.
Do not pry open elevator doors or climb through the elevator roof escape hatch.
Use extreme caution if any electrical appliances/outlets are near the water.
Stop using all electrical equipment that is exposed to water.
If the source of the leaking water is known and you are confident you can stop it safely (i.e., unclog the drain, turn off the water), do so cautiously.
If the incident involves contaminated water, do not consume tap water until told it is safe to do so by authorized personnel.
Network Failure (phone or internet)
Contact the Information Resources "Help Center" at 607-753-2500
You can check the status of current and known technology issues as well as planned maintenance by visiting the Information Resources webpage.
Medical Emergencies
An illness, injury, symptom or condition so serious that a reasonable person would seek care right away to avoid severe harm.
Action Guidelines:
Chest Pain or Heart Attack:
Call 911 immediately.
Get or direct another to get an automated external defibrillator (AED) if one is available (in the event one needs to be used).
Isolated unexplained discomfort in arms, neck, jaw, back or stomach.
Make sure they are in a position that is comfortable for them (e.g.. sit them on the floor, leaning against a wall or chair) while waiting for emergency responders.
If the person becomes unconscious, follow the guidelines for unconscious individual.
Unconscious Individual:
Call 911 immediately.
If you are trained in CPR, evaluate the unresponsive person and act according to protocols and training that you may have.
Help the person sit or get into a position of comfort.
Have the person loosen any tight clothing.
Continue to monitor the person until help arrives.
If the person becomes unconscious, follow the guidelines for unconscious individual.
Severe or Traumatic Bleeding:
Call 911 immediately.
Have the person apply firm steady pressure to the bleeding wound for 5–10 minutes with a bandage, clean cloth, or paper towel. Assist in applying pressure if the person is unable to do so.
DO NOT remove an object such as a knife, stick, or other object that is stuck in the body. Doing so may cause more damage and bleeding.
If the person is bleeding heavily from an arm or leg, elevate their arm or leg above heart level.
Watch for signs of shock. Signs and symptoms include:
Pale complexion
Breathing in a notably shallow fashion.
If you suspect the person is going into shock, lie them down and elevate their legs.
Stay with person until help arrives.
Thermal Burns - Severe:
Call 911 immediately.
Protect the burned person from further harm.
If you can do so safely, make sure the person you're helping is not in contact with the source of the burn. For electrical burns, make sure the power source is off before you approach the burned person.
Make certain that the person burned is breathing.
Cover the area of the burn. Use a cool, moist bandage or a clean cloth.
DO NOT immerse large severe burns in water. Doing so could cause a serious loss of body heat (hypothermia).
Elevate the burned area. Raise the wound above heart level, if possible.
Watch for signs of shock. Signs and symptoms include:
Pale complexion
Breathing in a notably shallow fashion.
If you suspect the person is going into shock, lie them down and elevate their legs.
Stay with person until help arrives.
Chemical Burns:
Call 911 immediately
If you are SURE the chemical does not react with water, immediately flush the chemical away from skin or eyes with cool running water for 15 minutes.
Remove any contaminated clothing or jewelry.
Call 911 immediately.
Call the Poison Control Center at 800-222-1222.
What was taken
How much?
Was the poisoning accidental or intentional?
Do not induce vomiting or give them anything to drink unless advised to do so by the 911 Operator or Poison Control Center.
Follow instructions of the 911 Operator, Poison Control Center, or Emergency Responders.
Call 911 immediately.
Move objects away which may injure the person during the seizure.
Do not try to restrain the person or place anything in their mouth.
If possible, roll the person gently onto their side and support them.
Stay with the person until the arrival of emergency responders.
Hypothermia (abnormally low body temperature):
Call 911 immediately.
Often caused by exposure to cold-weather.
Signs and symptoms include:
Low body temperature
feeling exhausted or tired
Fumbling hands
Memory loss
Slurred speech
Slow or shallow breathing
Weak pulse.
Get the person into a warm room or shelter and remove any wet clothing.
Warm the person slowly by wrapping in blankets or by putting dry clothing on the person.
Warm the core first (trunk, abdomen), not the extremities (hands, feet).
Do not warm the person too quickly, such as by immersing them in warm water. Rapid warming may cause dangerous heart arrhythmias.
Stay with the person until the arrival of emergency responders.
Hyperthermia (abnormally high body temperature)
Call 911 immediately.
Signs and symptoms include:
High body temperature.
Skin may be hot or red.
Skin may also be dry or moist
Changes in consciousness.
Muscle cramps
Balance issues
Dizziness or light-headedness
Rapid breathing or heart rate
Move the person to a cooler place.
Remove or loosen tight clothing and apply cool, wet cloths or towels to the skin.
"Fan" the person
If conscious, give small amounts of cool water to drink. Make sure they drink slowly.
If needed, continue rapid cooling by:
applying ice or cold packs wrapped in a cloth to:
Stay with the person until the arrival of emergency responders.
Behavioral Concerns and Persons in Crisis
Concerning behavior and incidents involving personal crisis can take many forms. Some of the more common types of behaviors and incidents can include:
Disruptive or Concerning Behavior: Communications (verbal or written) or actions which prevent or significantly impair effective workplace activities, classroom activities, or residential living but do not threaten the personal safety of the individual or others.
Harassing Behavior: Unwanted, unwelcome, and uninvited behavior that threatens, intimidates, demeans, alarms, annoys, or puts a person in fear for their safety.
Threatening Behavior: An expressed or implied imminent threat to harm an individual(s) that causes a reasonable fear that personal harm is about to occur.
Person in Crisis: An individual who is in an abnormal state of mind that may result in imminent harm to themselves or others such as a state of extreme anger, panic, anxiety, psychosis, delusion, hallucination or depression.
Suicidal Threat or Ideation: A verbal statement, written statement, or behavioral action indicating an individual’s idea or plan to harm themselves.
Action Guidelines:
In Response to Disruptive or Concerning Behavior:
Consider discussing your concerns with the individual.
Document exactly what you are concerned with, what you witnessed or heard, read, etc.
Keep evidence that supports your concern.
If you suspect the person is in need of non-emergency assistance or the person's behavior requires non-emergency notification to campus officials:
In Response to Person in Crisis or Suicidal Threat or Ideation:
Take all threats and actions seriously.
Call 911.
Monitor the person making the threats from a safe distance.
Do not try to approach or reason with the person making threats.
Stay in a safe area until emergency responders arrive.
Provide information to emergency responders.
Suspicious Activity or Persons
Suspicious activity is anything that an average person would consider unusual given the context, activity, time, place, and/or location. These types of incidents usually involve a suspicious person, vehicle, and/or object. Examples Include but are not limited to:
Person loitering in a way that is inconsistent with the usual purpose of the area (in between rows of cars, building alcoves, or in a way as if to conceal their person from view)
Vehicle idling with the lights off at night in a dark area.
Person following you in an out-of-context manner (ex: stalking)
Person taking out-of-context photographs or videos.
Person trying to elicit unusual information from community members.
Person "limit-testing" secure areas or doors.
Persons in or attempting to gain entry to unauthorized areas.
An unattended bag in a high-occupancy area.
Action Guidelines:
If you observe a suspicious person or vehicle on campus:
Keep a safe distance from the vehicle or person.
Call 911 to report the vehicle or person.
Be as detailed as possible when describing the suspicious person or vehicle.
Who did you observe?
What did you observe?
When did you observe it?
Why is it suspicious?
Do not take direct action.
Do not confront the individual.
Do not reveal your suspicions.
Do record as many details as possible.
If you discover a suspicious object on campus:
Do not touch, tamper with, move, cover, insulate, or open the object.
Keep a safe distance from the suspicious object.
Call 911 to report the object.
Read Recognize the Signs to learn more about recognizing signs of suspicious activity.
Traumatic Bleeding Mitigation Program - "Stop the Bleed"
No matter how rapid the arrival of professional emergency responders, bystanders will always be first on the scene. A person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes, which may be faster than first responders can arrive on scene. Traumatic and severe bleeding is a major cause of preventable deaths. Approximately 40% of trauma-related deaths worldwide are due to bleeding or its consequences, establishing hemorrhage as the most common cause of preventable deaths in adults. In an effort to mitigate the consequences of a traumatic bleeding incident, "Stop the Bleed" kits have been installed in various buildings across the university.
What is "Stop the Bleed"
Similar to AED (automated external defibrillator) programs, Stop the Bleed is a nationwide program and campaign designed to empower civilian bystanders to act quickly and save lives prior to the arrival of first responders. Officially launched by the White House in 2015, Stop the Bleed encourages bystanders to utilize appropriate equipment and care - the ABCs of bleeding control, to control traumatic bleeding prior to arrival of professional responders.
ABCs of bleeding control
Alert- Call 911 as soon as possible
Bleeding- Locate the source of the bleeding
Compress- Apply pressure to stop the bleeding
Stop the Bleed Equipment Kits
Located in various buildings on campus, these kits are designed to be used by anyone present at an emergency, much like an AED (automated external defibrillator). These kits are small, single-purpose, and contain items selected to enable untrained or minimally trained laypersons to stop or significantly mitigate loss of blood at an injury site. Each kit contains:
Care Instructions
Nitrile Gloves
Bleeding Control Dressing
Gauze Dressing
Trauma Shears
Kit Locations
Cheney Hall
First floor lobby next to AED cabinet
Dowd Fine Arts Center
Main lobby to the right of the theater entrance, next to AED cabinet
Old Main
Main lobby next to AED cabinet
Bowers Hall
Main lobby next to AED cabinet
Neubig Hall
Main lobby next to AED cabinet
Corey Union
Main lobby next to AED cabinet
Clark Hall
Main entrance alcove next to AED cabinet
Higgins Hall
Main entrance alcove next to AED cabinet
Towers Complex
Main lobby next to AED cabinet
Student Life Center
Main lobby next to AED cabinet
Lusk Field House
Main entrance, front left alcove next to AED cabinet
Park Center
First floor between Woods Fitness Center and the equipment room, next to AED cabinet
Service Group Building
Main lobby next to AED cabinet
West Campus
Recreation building next to AED cabinet
AED Locations - Automated External Defibrillator
Wall Mounted Units
Alumni House (one unit)
First floor entrance to the lower level
Berlew "grounds" Building (one unit)
Main floor lobby
Bishop Hall (one unit)
Main floor lobby
Bowers Hall (three units)
Main entrance lobby
Ground floor by room 37
Second floor room 241
Brockway Hall (one unit)
Second floor lobby by elevator
Casey Tower (three units)
First floor lobby
Fifth floor next to elevator
Eighth floor next to elevator
Cheney Hall (two units)
First floor lobby
Third floor lobby
Child Care Center (one unit)
Information desk at Main entrance
Clark Hall (two units)
Main entrance in alcove
Fifth floor next to the elevator
Commissary/Receiving Building (one unit)
Main lobby
Corey Union (two units)
Main lobby next to Student Director's office
Third floor by elevator
Cornish Hall (one unit)
Third floor across from room 1395
DeGroat Hall (one unit)
Lobby of the first floor
Dowd Fine Arts Center (two units)
Main lobby to the right of the theater entrance
Second floor next to room 232.
Dragon Hall (one unit)
Main entrance lobby
Education Building (two units)
Second floor by elevator
First floor by room 1104
Fitzgerald Hall (one unit)
Main floor lobby
Glass Tower Hall (one unit)
Main entrance lobby
Hayes Hall (one unit)
Main lobby
Hendrick Hall (one unit)
Main lobby
Higgins Hall (two units)
South entrance in alcove
Fifth floor next to the elevator
Lusk Field House (one unit)
Main entrance, front left alcove
McDonald Building (one unit)
Main lobby
Memorial Library (two units)
Main entrance
Second floor by the Archives Office
Miller Building (two units)
Outside the first floor Admissions Office
Third floor by the elevator
Moffett Center (two units)
Outside of room 129
Outside of room 105
Neubig Hall (one unit)
Main lobby across from the College Store
Old Main (one unit)
Main lobby
Park Center (four units)
Front entrance outside the Physical Education Department (or southeast entrance)
First floor between Woods Fitness Center and the equipment room
First floor outside the ice arena (skate rental area)
Second floor between the ice arena entrance and Poolside snack bar
Professional Studies Building (three units)
Main entrance alcove
Outside room 1134
Adjacent the Communication Disorders and Science Department office
Randall Hall (one unit)
Main lobby
Service Group Building (one unit)
Main lobby
Shea Hall (one unit)
Main lobby
Smith Tower (three units)
Second floor by elevator
Fifth floor by elevator
Eighth floor by the elevator
Sperry Center (one unit)
Main entrance by Room 106
Stadium Complex (two units)
Chugger Davis Building alcove
Stadium Field House locker room alcove
Student Life Center (Five units)
Main Entrance area
First floor near the pool
Second floor hallway
Second floor Southeast corner of the running track
Bistro dining area by the emergency exit
Transportation Building (one unit)
Break room
Van Hoesen Hall (one unit)
Garden entrance on the first floor
West Campus Apts. (one unit)
Main entrance in the Recreation Building
Whitaker Hall (one unit)
Main entrance
Winchell Hall (one unit)
Main lobby
Mobile Units
Athletic Training (eight units)
Park Center, Room C-232
Health Services (one unit)
Van Hoesen, Room B-26
Recreational Sports (three units)
Student Life Center, Recreational Sports office
SUNY Cortland EMS (two units)
29 Broadway Ave
University Police Department (one unit)
Whitaker Hall, Room 119
Off-Site Units
Outdoor Education Center at Raquette Lake (three units)
Antlers kitchen
Huntington kitchen
Water Treatment Building
Brauer Education Center (one unit)
Main lodge (summer only)
Area of Refuge Locations
An area where persons unable to use stairways can remain temporarily to await instructions or assistance during emergency evacuations. Below are designated areas of refuge where required by fire code. Once at the refuge area, use to the emergency call box to notify emergency responders of your location.
Corey Union (two locations)
East stairwell, third floor
East stairwell, fourth floor
Dowd Fine Arts Center (one location)
Southeast stairwell near Room 242
Memorial Library (four locations)
A-wing, main stairwell, second floor
A-wing, main stairwell, third floor
A-wing, main stairwell, fourth floor
B-wing, northeast stairwell, third floor
Miller Building (four locations)
South stairwell, basement
South stairwell, second floor
South stairwell, third floor
South stairwell, fourth floor
Moffett Center (one location)
Northeast stairwell, second floor
Neubig Hall (two locations)
Basement stairwell
Second floor adjacent to the elevator
Old Main (four locations)
Northeast stairwell, first floor
Northeast stairwell, second floor
Southeast stairwell, first floor
Southeast stairwell, second floor
Park Center (one location)
Southwest stairwell, near the pool entry doors on the second floor
Van Hoesen Hall (one location)
West stairwell, second floor
(As noted above, not all buildings have "designated" areas of refuge. If in such a building, move to a safe area of the building and call 911 to inform emergency responders of your location)
Emergency Blue Light Phones
An emergency blue light phone system is installed on campus to make the reporting of serious incidents easier and quicker. To report an emergency, crimes in progress, or a suspicious person/incident, pick up the receiver or push the emergency button. The University Police Department will answer the phone. Each emergency phone is attached to a light pole or building. A blue light, easily seen at night, hangs over each box. Blue light phone maps (PDF) are available at the University Police station.
Brockway Hall (Location #1)
East exterior of the building
DeGroat Hall (Location #2)
Southeast exterior of the building; adjacent the walkway
Graham Ave Bus Stop (Location #3)
East of Moffett Hall near the Graham Ave bus stop
Graham Ave & Prospect Terrace (Location #4)
Graham Ave & Prospect Terrace near Dowd Fine Arts parking lot (N-13)
Moffett Hall (Location #5)
Southside of Moffett Hall along walkway between Moffett Hall and Dowd Fine Arts
Miller "N-1" Parking Lot (Location #6)
Atop stairs leading down to the Graham Ave parking lot (N-2)
Old Main (Location #7)
Northwest exterior of the building, adjacent Old Main lot (N-3)
Academic Service Road/Walkway (Location #8)
Southeast of Old Main along the walkway between Old Main and Moffett Hall
Bowers Hall (Location #9)
North of Bowers Hall adjacent the Bowers parking lot (N-3)
Academic Quad (Location #10)
South of Bowers Hall and West of Sperry Center, atop the staircase running between Bowers Hall and Van Hoesen Hall
Cornish Hall (Location #11)
East of Cornish Hall adjacent Front Library parking lot (N-15)
Van Hoesen Hall (Location #12)
Northwest of Van Hoesen Hall along the walkway; adjacent the Corey Union Parking Lot (N-21)
Neubig Bus Stop (Location #13)
Neubig Road; adjacent the Neubig Bus Stop and Crosswalk
Shea Hall (Location #14)
in the residential quad behind Shea Hall, Bishop Hall, and Glass Tower
Clark Hall (Location #15)
Northwest of Clark Hall along the walkway behind the building
Winchell Hall (Location #16)
Southeast of the building along the walkway South of Winchell Hall and Higgins Hall
Alger Hall (Location # 17)
West exterior of the building adjacent the Neubig Road sidewalk
Dragon Hall (Location #18)
Exterior "breezeway" of the building near the bike racks
Smith Tower (Location #19)
East exterior of the building adjacent the Smith Tower accessible parking spaces
Whitaker Hall (Location #20)
Southwest of the building; adjacent the sidewalk
Pashley Drive (Location #21)
Pashley Drive sidewalk adjacent the Tennis Court Parking Lot (S-54)
Park Center Service Road (Location #22)
On the Service Road between Park Center and Lusk Field House
Professional Studies Building (Location #23)
South exterior of the building
Folmer Drive (Location #24)
South of Park Center; adjacent the Folmer Drive bus stop
Park Center (Location #25)
Northwest of the building; adjacent the Northwest Park Center Parking Lot (S-66)
Lankler Drive (Location #26)
Along the Lankler Drive sidewalk; adjacent the Stadium West Parking Lot (S-68)
281 Bus Stop (Location #27)
Adjacent the bus stop in the 281 Parking Lot (S-70)
Commissary (Location #28)
South of the building adjacent the Commissary Parking Lot (S-75)
McDonald Building (Location #29)
North exterior of the building; adjacent rear entrance
West Campus "Front" (Location #30)
Adjacent the Recreational Building and Bus Stop
West Campus "Rear" (Location #31)
Adjacent the Rear Bus Stop
Emergency Assembly Areas
Below please find designated assembly spaces for specific campus buildings. These are designated areas outside the building that all occupants of the building should report to upon evacuating the building in the case of a fire alarm or other notice to evacuate.
29 Broadway "Broadway House"
Lawn north of parking area
Alger Hall
In front of Higgins near Shea Hall
Berlew "grounds" Building
Adjacent to barn entryway
Bishop Hall
Quad area near Shea Hall
Bowers Hall
Bowers parking lot or area adjacent to the Bowers Hall greenhouse
Brockway Hall
Front lawn or parking lot
Central Receiving and Commissary
Service Group compound or the west side of the building
Chemical Management Facility
Parking lot area in front of the warehouse dock
Cheney Hall
Front lawn of Brockway Hall
Clark Hall
Behind Fitzgerald Hall
Corey Union
Steps in front of Corey Union
Cornish Hall
West side of Memorial Library near the Bookmark
DeGroat Hall
Front lawn of Brockway Hall
Dowd Fine Arts Center
Dowd Fine Arts parking lot area or Moffett lawn
Dragon Hall
West side of the building near Broadway, or Quad area near Hayes Hall
Education Building
West sidewalk area near the Child Care playground
Fitzgerald Hall
Behind Fitzgerald Hall
Glass Tower
Neubig Hall lawn
Hayes Hall
Quad area near Hendrick Hall
Higgins Hall
Front of Alger Hall near Bishop Hall
Leadership House
Water street near Neubig Hall
Lusk Fieldhouse
South courtyard between Lusk Fieldhouse and Tennis Courts
McDonald Building
Sidewalk on Tompkins Street
Memorial Library
Lawn area adjacent to Newmark Pavilion
Miller Building
Miller parking lot or Moffett Center lawn
Moffett Center
Moffett Center lawn or area adjacent to the Bowers Hall greenhouse
Neubig Hall
Water Street near Shea Hall
Old Main
Courtyard between Old Main and Miller
Park Center
Area near the tennis courts, Northwest Park Center parking lot, or Professional Studies Building parking lot
President's Residence
West end of Brockway Hall near Graham Avenue
Professional Studies Building
East side of building and west parking lot
Randall Hall
South and southwest lawns
Service Group
Service Group parking lot
Shea Hall
Quad near Bishop Hall
Smith/Casey Towers
West side of the building near Broadway Ave
Sperry Center
Newmark Pavilion or area adjacent to the Bowers Hall greenhouse
Stadium Area
Stadium parking lot; or sidewalk along Lankler drive
Student Life Center
Lawn adjacent to Pashley Drive or sidewalk between Student Life Center and Lush Fieldhouse
Van Hoesen Hall
Van Hoesen Hall parking lot, Corey Union parking lot, or east lawn near Newmark Pavilion
West Campus
Lawn in front of Recreation Center or bus stop at back of complex
Whitaker Hall
Lawn in front of Student Life Center
Winchell Hall
Quad Area between Bishop Hall and Shea Hall
Personal Safety - General
While the university has extensive safety and security elements in place, personal safety always begins with an individual's practices and awareness. Below you will find some personal safety tips that can help increase your own personal safety on a daily basis.
Personal Safety Tips:
Always maintain your situational awareness and be aware of your surroundings:
Continually look and listen to what’s going on around you.
Use good sense, judgment, and intuition...If something doesn’t look or feel right, it probably isn’t.
Avoid dark, vacant, or deserted areas; use well-lit routes.
Become familiar with the layout of the campus and the buildings you frequent.
Note locations of primary exits, secondary exits, and emergency exits when entering a room or venue.
Emergencies and disasters can happen with little to know warning. Knowing what to do before, during, and after an emergency or disaster is a critical part of being prepared. Personal preparedness includes being ready for emergencies wherever your location in an effort to mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters. Additionally, being prepared contributes to the "whole-community" approach of making SUNY Cortland and our community more ready and resilient to respond to emergencies and disasters. While the concept of personal preparedness can get very in depth, there are Three basic elements to keep in mind: being informed, making a plan, and building an emergency kit.
Be Informed:
Understand some the hazards that our area is vulnerable to including:
Extreme winter weather events
Human-caused hazards
Hazardous Materials incidents
Utility failures
Some of the basic protective actions are similar for multiple hazards, and now is the best time to learn more about the effects of these hazards and how you should respond.
Make sure you are subscribed to SUNY Cortland Alert and other emergency notification systems such as:
NY-Alert (New York State's emergency alert system)
Make a Plan:
Develop personal, workplace, and residential emergency plans before emergencies or disasters happen. The time to plan is not in the moment but before emergencies happen. Having an understanding of how you will act before emergencies happen can greatly increase your safety and overall response to such incidents.
Become familiar with the layout of the campus and the buildings you frequent.
Note locations of primary exits, secondary exits, and emergency exits when entering a room or venue.
Discuss plans in conjunction with your class, friends, co-workers, and family.
Your plans should include and outline:
How you will respond to different types of hazards and incidents.
How you will get to a safe place if needed.
How will you contact friends, co-workers, and family.
How and where you will reunite with one another.
Consider the unique needs of your workplace and household including but not limited to:
Those with functional or access needs.
Vulnerable adults.
Those with medical conditions.
Service animals or pets.
Build a Personal Emergency Preparedness Kit for Home and Your Vehicle:
For Your Home - build a kit with these essential disaster items to ensure your basic needs are met during the first 48-72 hours after a large emergency or disaster:
Water (one gallon per person per day for at least three to seven days).
Non-Perishable Food (at least a three to seven day supply).
Cellphone (with extra charger and/or Solar Charger).
Flashlight (with extra batteries).
Emergency Radio (battery-powered or hand crank).
First Aid Kit (including medication and prescription drugs for at least 2-weeks).
Fire Extinguisher.
Hand sanitizer.
Multi-Tool / Tool Kit / Can Opener / Dust Mask.
Tarp or plastic sheeting and duct tape.
Plastic garbage bags.
Extra Clothing.
Emergency Blankets.
Important Documents (in a weatherproof container).
Special items (for children, those with functional or access needs, those with medical conditions, and service animals/pets).
For Your Vehicle - Build a kit for your vehicle with these essential items in the event you find yourself in your vehicle during an emergency (especially during the winter months):
Flashlight (with extra batteries).
First-Aid Kit.
Ice Scraper (with brush).
Emergency Blankets.
Non-perishable food items.
Bottled Water.
Booster cables or jump pack.
Extra winter clothing (hats, gloves, outerwear, boots)
Sand/Kitty Litter (can help with vehicle traction if stuck)
Cellphone (with portable charger)
Reflective Triangles/Emergency Flares/LED Flares
Tow Rope
Additional Resources
Below please find additional resources that may be of use to faculty, staff, and students. These resources can be utilized to help foster a culture of preparedness and aide in creating a safe environment in your class, office, or place of residence.
How to sign-up or modify personal information for SUNY Cortland Alert:
Students - Be advised students are required to sign-up for SUNY Cortland Alert during their orientation session and when they first register for classes as a SUNY Cortland student.
If this is your first time in BannerWeb you should be directed to the “Emergency Alert Notification” registration survey page
If not, you can enroll or modify your enrollment by selecting the “Personal Information” tab
Select “SUNY Cortland Alert Enrollment”
Check “Emergency Alert Notification”.
Select "continue"
Select“I would like to register for this service now and receive any alerts sent to the campus community”
Select "continue"
Check the email address(es) you would like SUNY Cortland Alert messages sent to.
Select "continue"
Edit or add email addresses and select the format you wish your emails to be received.
Select "continue"
If you have a mobile plan with text messaging, under the “Text Messaging” area enter your cellphone number and select your network (ex: AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, etc.)
Select "continue"
Review your contact information, if all is correct
Select "Register me with SUNY Cortland Alert"
You have successfully registered for SUNY Cortland Alert
Faculty and Staff - Faculty and staff members who wish to receive alerts via text message must have their cellphone number(s) associated with their Human Resources record. New employees will have the opportunity to add cellphone numbers to their Human Resources record during their "on-boarding" process. If text messages are not desired, no action is required. If there is no cellphone on file for an employee, SUNY Cortland Alert will automatically send emergency notifications to an employee through the employee's work email. However, we strongly encourage registering your cellphone number in order to receive text message notifications.
The numbers listed here under "cellphone", "other phone" and "work phone" will be the only numbers that will be sent to SUNY Cortland Alert.
Select the phone you want to update (Usually, cell for the main cellphone and the other categories for additional phones)
Select "add" to add a phone number.
Under Phone Details, enter the number
On the line “is this a cellphone?” select “Yes.”
Phones identified as cellphones will receive text messages only. Phones not identified as cellphones will receive a voice alert, but no text message.
Parents and Family Members - Parents and family members may receive SUNY Cortland Alert messages through the student sign-up. If you are a parent or family member and would like to receive such alerts:
Have your student add your cell and/or email information to their account.
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