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Faculty and Staff Activities

John Suarez

John Suarez, Institute for Civic Engagement and coordinator for the Service-Learning Office, learned that the appendix of the SUNY Faculty Senate’s upcoming report on service-learning in the SUNY system will include a sample service-learning reflection assignment from SUNY Cortland’s Service-Learning Manual.  The manual, written by Suarez in 2014 for SUNY Cortland faculty, can be found online.

Jordan Kobritz

Jordan Kobritz, Sport Management Department, gave a presentation to a group of 30 high school students at the New York Times Pre-Collegiate Weekend Course, “Sports Management and Sports Media” on Nov. 21 in New York City.  The title of the presentation was, “The Ins and Outs of Owning a Professional Sports Team.”

Tyler Bradway

Tyler Bradway, English Department, had a new paperback edition of his book, Queer Experimental Literature: The Affective Politics of Bad Reading, published in February. Also, his essay “Queer Theory Now and the Pleasure of Movement,” with E.L. McCallum, was published on FifteenEightyFour: The Cambridge University Press Blog. 

Chris McRoberts

Chris McRoberts, Geology Department, co-presented a paper with undergraduate student Carolyn Furlong, titled “Commensal Endolithic Boring Traces on Spiriferid Hosts from the Middle Devonian of Central New York,” at the combined Northeast/Northcentral regional meeting of the Geological Society of America held March 20-22 in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Kevin Dames

Kevin Dames, Kinesiology Department, and collaborators had their article, “Positive Impacts of a University Walking Program: A Case Study” published in the Journal of Physical Activity Research. Also, Dames and coauthors from the University of Northern Colorado had their article titled “Obese Adults Walk Differently in Shoes than While Barefoot” published in the journal Gait & Posture.

Jean W. LeLoup

Jean W. LeLoup, Professor Emerita (Spanish), International Communications and Culture, and the U.S. Air Force Academy, along with USAFA colleagues Dan Uribe and Terrence Haverluk, has published “Assessing Intercultural Competence Growth using Direct and Indirect Measures” in the January issue of The NECTFL Review, 73. This article reports the findings of a study conducted at USAFA to explore and assess the intercultural competence of cadets using a variety of instruments. 

Theresa Curtis

Theresa Curtis, Biological Sciences Department, recently had two papers accepted for publication. “Equine Mesenchymal Stromal Cells from Different Sources Efficiently Differentiate into Hepatocyte-Like Cells” will appear in the journal Tissue Eng Part C Methods and “A Comparative Study on the In Vitro Effects of the DNA Methyltransferase Inhibitor 5-Azacytidine (5-AzaC) in Breast/Mammary Cancer of Different Mammalian Species” was accepted by the journal J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. The co-authored articles report on collaborative research that Curtis performed during her 2014-15 sabbatical at Cornell University in Gerlinde Van de Walle’s lab.   

Jen Drake

Jen Drake, The Learning Center, is co-founder and interim director of the Sharing Technology and Academic Resources-New York (STAR-NY) Consortium. She has been invited to present at the 2021 Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance virtual conference. Her session, Building an Online Tutoring Consortium from the Ground Up: Development of the STAR-NY Consortium, will take place at 9 a.m. on Friday, April 23.

Tyler Bradway

Tyler Bradway, English Department, had his article, “Sexual Disorientation: Queer Narratology and Affect Plots in New Narrative,” published in July in Textual Practice.

Szilvia Kadas

Szilvia Kadas, Art and Art History Department, participated in the Arts Letters & Number Summer Artist Residency Program in Averill Park, N.Y., and had a group exhibition at the end of her artist residency program on Aug. 13.