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Faculty and Staff Activities

Timothy J. Baroni

Timothy J. Baroni, distinguished professor emeritus of biological sciences, was a co-author on a peer-reviewed article published in Fungal Systematics and Evolution titled “Phylloporus and Phylloboletellus are no longer alone: Phylloporopsis gen. nov. (Boletaceae), a new smooth-spored lamellate genus to accommodate the American Phylloporus boletinoides.” The work was a collaboration between researchers from Italy and the U.S., based on collections from the Dominican Republic and eastern U.S. made over the past decade. Baroni was also a co-author on a peer-reviewed article on a different group of boletes (porcini) published recently in Mycologia titled “A global view of Gyroporus (Boletaceae): molecular phylogenetics, diversity patterns, and new species.” This publication was part of the Ph.D. thesis work of Naveed Davoodian from the New York Botanical Garden and incorporated research contributions from a number of colleagues from the U.S., Australia, Thailand, Japan and Belgium. Baroni served as an advisor on Naveed’s Ph.D. committee and also contributed research collections from the Gulf Coast that were obtained on Baroni’s second sabbatical leave in the 1990’s.

Tyler Bradway

Tyler Bradway, English Department, had his essay, “Literature in an Age of Plague: The AIDS Epidemic,” published in American Literature in Transition, 1980-1990. The volume was edited by D. Quentin Miller and published in November by Cambridge University Press.

Alexandru Balas

Alexandru Balas, International Studies Department and Clark Center for Global Engagement, co-authored a book, The Puzzle of Peace: The Evolution of Peace in the International System that was selected as the 2017 winner of the J. David Singer Book Award by the International Studies Association-Midwest. Also, the book was one of seven finalists for American Political Science Association’s 2017 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award for the best book on government, politics, or international affairs. It was co-authored with Paul Diehl and Gary Goertz and published in New York by Oxford University Press, 2016.

Tom Lickona

Tom Lickona, Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department, had his article, “Prevent Bullying, Promote Kindness: 20 Things All Schools Can Do,” reprinted in Catholic Education Resource Center’s (CERC) Weekly Update, an online Canadian newsletter. The article first appeared in the Winter/Spring 2012 issue of Excellence & Ethics, the education letter of SUNY Cortland’s Center for the 4th and 5th Rs.


Tyler Bradway

Tyler Bradway, English Department, gave an invited guest lecture on April 19 at Ithaca College titled “Throuple Plots: Queer Kinship and Narrative Form.” The event was sponsored by the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program and the English Department. 

Brian Barrett

Brian Barrett, Foundations and Social Advocacy Department, and Arron Bound ’14, had their article titled “A Critical Discourse Analysis of No Promo Homo Policies in US Schools” published in volume 51, issue 4 of Educational Studies. The article reports on research they conducted during Bound’s Summer 2013 Undergraduate Research Fellowship offered through Cortland’s Undergraduate Research Council. Barrett served as Bound’s faculty mentor.  

Carolyn Bershad

Carolyn Bershad, Counseling and Student Development centers, has learned that the office was awarded full re-accreditation for the 2014-15 year by the International Association of Counseling Services (IACS). IACS is the only association that accredits counseling services on university and college campuses. Approval by IACS is dependent upon evidence of continuing professional development as well as demonstration of excellence in counseling performance. The office offers individual and group counseling for students, as well as consultation and outreach to the campus community.

Mary Lynch Kennedy

Mary Lynch Kennedy, English Department, co-authored the seventh edition of the book, Writing in the Disciplines; A Reader and Rhetoric for Academic Writers, which was published by Prentice Hall and released earlier this year. There will be a copy available in the English Department for interested browsers. 

Seth N. Asumah

Seth N. Asumah, Africana Studies and Political Science departments, is a contributor to a new volume, The Social Contract in Africa, (The African Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 2014), edited by Sanya Osha. Asumah’s chapter is titled “African Relational Democracy: Reframing Diversity, Economic Development and Society-Centered Governance for the Twenty-First Century." Worldwide orders can be secured through African Books Collectives, Oxford, England.

Timothy Delaune

Timothy Delaune, Political Science Department and pre-law advisor, had a peer-reviewed chapter published in the special issue on law and the liberal state, volume 65 of the book series Studies in Law, Politics and Society. His chapter, “Jury Nullification: An Illiberal Defense of Liberty,” examines the practice of American juries in criminal cases acquitting clearly guilty defendants as an exercise of democratic political power contrary to the liberal order, in accordance with the political theory of Carl Schmitt.