The General Education and Writing Intensive listing is updated as of February 25, 2025. The public course schedule provides complete course details. All courses are subject to change through Monday, March 24.
Requirement | Courses Offered *Consult Schedule for Sessions |
Mathematics (GE 1, GEMA) |
EXS 201, MAT 105, MAT 111, MAT 115, MAT 121, MAT 201, PED 434, PSY 201, SOC 302 |
Natural Science (GE 2, GENS) |
PHY 105 |
Social Sciences (GE 3, GESS) |
ANT 102, ANT/CRM 206, COM 301, ECO 105, EST 100, |
U.S. History and Civic Engagement (GE 4, GEUS) |
ECO 105, HIS 200, POL 100, SOC 150 |
World History and Global Awareness (GE 6, GEWH) |
ANT 102, CUL 100, GRY 120, POL 101 |
Humanities (GE 7, GEHU) |
CIN/ENG 208, COM 100, ENG 203, POL 102 |
The Arts (GE 8, GEAR) |
IST 100, PWR 212, PWR 213 |
World Languages (GE 9, GEWL) |
ASL 101, ASL 102, SPA 101, SPA 102, SPA 201, SPA 202 |
Communication (GE 10, GECT) |
CPN 101 |
Communication Presentation (GECP or PRES) |
CRM 333, PWR 213 |
Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice (GE 11, GEDI) |
CUL 100, ESL 406, FSA 103, HLH 163, HLH 201, PSY 210 |
Science, Technology, Values and Society (GE 12, GEST) |
ANT/CRM 206, COM 235, EST 100, GRY 370 |
Writing Intensive (WRIT) | ATH 357, CIN/ENG 208, ECO 311, ECO 345, ENG 203, EXS 310, FSA 103, MAT 480, PWR 212, PWR 213, PWR 395 |