Faculty and Staff Activities

Julie Ficarra

 Julie Ficarra, Ph.D., International Programs Office, facilitated a 2-hour workshop on the topic of comprehensive internationalization at the invitation of the Oficina Cooperación Internacional at Santa Paula Universidad in San Jose, Costa Rica. This bi-lingual workshop was the inaugural session of an on-going professional development series focused on capacity building in the area of internationalization at universities across Latin America.

Seth N. Asumah

Seth N. Asumah, Africana Studies and Political Science departments, was a keynote speaker and plenary panelist during Africa Day in May in Lisbon, Portugal, and in June in Hamburg, Germany. Asumah’s papers were on “African Migration, Immigration and Remittances” in Portugal and “Germany’s Compact with Africa” in Hamburg, Germany. As a frequent keynote speaker during Africa Day in Germany, Asumah was featured in a special publication, Africa Day Magazine, May 2018, of the Intercultural, Migration, and Integration Center (IMIC) of Germany. The Africa Day Business Session focused on public/private partnerships (PPP) and a panel discussion by African Union (AU) and European Union (EU) finance ministers. Asumah and academics from the University of Hamburg were participants in this plenary panel discussion.

David Kilpatrick

David Kilpatrick, Psychology Department, was invited by Dr. Linnea Ehri of CUNY Graduate Center in Manhattan to present a two-hour colloquium to her graduate students and departmental colleagues on Oct. 17. Dr. Ehri was a member and chair of the federally appointed National Reading Panel and is the developer of orthographic mapping theory, a scientifically-validated theory about how we remember the words we read. David presented a research synthesis that further elucidated that theory. 

Bonni C. Hodges

Bonni C. Hodges, Health Department, will serve as the outside evaluator for a coalition-based Virtual Prevention Hub led by Catholic Charities of Herkimer County serving six rural counties in New York. The $100,000 sub-contract will provide implementation and summative evaluation of the Prevention Hub’s virtual delivery of the Teen Intervene and Parenting Wisely programs designed to provide parenting and substance use prevention and harm reduction skills and services. 

Alexis Blavos

Alexis Blavos, Health Department, was awarded the 2021 Synovitz Distinguished Service Award for her work on the national board of Eta Sigma Gamma.

Ryan Vooris

Ryan Vooris, Sport Management Department, had his article “From the Driver’s Seat: Fan Expectations of IndyCar Driver’s Twitter Usage published in The International Journal of Motorsport Management.

Lauren deLaubell

Lauren deLaubell, Memorial Library, recently had her book review titled Modular Online Learning Design: A Flexible Approach for Diverse Learning Needs published in the journal College & Research Libraries. 

Bonni C. Hodges

Bonni C. Hodges, Health Department, was appointed to the Cortland County Board of Health.

Melissa Morris

Melissa Morris, Physics Department, gave an invited talk on Oct. 20 at Union College in Schenectady, N.Y.  Also, she was invited to give a talk in March 2017 to the star and planet formation group at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.

Moyi Jia

Moyi Jia, Communication and Media Studies Department, had her article, “Understanding Mental Health Organizations’ Instagram Through Visuals: A Content Analysis,” published in Health Communication, one of the leading journals in the field.