Faculty and Staff Activities

Nancy Kane

Nancy Kane, Kinesiology and Physical Education departments, wrote a chapter titled “Cirit: An Etic View of Horseback Javelin,” that is included in the recently published book Do Cavalo, On Horses, edited by Constantino Pereira Martins.

Denise D. Knight

Denise D. Knight, English Department, has been informed that she is a winner of the 2012 Bedtime Stories Competition at the Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge, Mass. Her story, “Pennies from Heaven,” appears in the Spring 2012 issue of the Inn’s Storybook.

Maria Timberlake

Maria Timberlake, Foundations and Social Advocacy Department, had her research article titled “Nice, but we can’t afford it: Challenging Austerity and Finding Abundance in Inclusive Education” published in the December issue of International Journal of Inclusive Education.

Jean W. LeLoup

Jean W. LeLoup, professor emerita of Spanish, recently had the third edition of her textbook, ¡Anda! Curso intermedio, published by Pearson Education. It is an intermediate-level Spanish text for the college level.

Gregg Weatherby

Gregg Weatherby, English Department, will appear as Bardolph and the Archbishop of York in Ithaca Shakespeare Company's production of “Henry IV” (Parts 1 and 2). Performances will be held July 9-26 outside at Cornell Plantations, alternating performances with “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

Mechthild Nagel

Mechthild Nagel, Philosophy Department and director of the Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies (CGIS), taught a graduate seminar on “Global Feminisms” in June at Fulda University of Applied Sciences in Fulda, Germany.  

Donna Videto, Aimee Greely and Bonni Hodges

Donna Videto, Aimee Greely and Bonni Hodges, Health Department, facilitated discussions on school wellness policies and programs for health and wellness teachers from around the state at a workshop held July 19 at SUNY Cortland. “Achieving Success with Health and Wellness” was funded by the School Health Capacity Building Project: A SUNY Cortland and NYSED Partnership, as part of the five year grant awarded to Hodges and the Health Department to impact systems in school health. Invited speakers presented on the latest instruments and trends for improving school health and wellness to the 30 participants, many of who were SUNY Cortland graduates currently working in the field.

Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, Political Science Department, has been informed that his article, “Still Saving the Constitution from Lawyers,” has been accepted for publication in the December 2010 issue of the Gonzaga Law Review.

Tiantian Zheng

Tiantian Zheng, Sociology/Anthropology Department, was invited by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Capitol Hill, Washington D.C. to speak at “China and Human Trafficking: Updates and Analysis” held in August. She was also invited to speak at “Stop Traffick International Conference” in September at DePauw University.

Claus Schubert

Claus Schubert, Mathematics Department, was invited to spend a week with the research group on quadratic forms at the University of Konstanz, Germany. During his stay, from July 24-31, he gave a talk at the research seminar titled “Quadratic forms, ordering Spaces, and u-invariants.”