Faculty and Staff Activities

Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, Political Science Department, is the author of two recent articles: “An Assault Weapons Gambit Backfires,” which appeared on the editorial page of the New York Daily News on April 9, and “Sensible Regulation of Guns,” which appeared in the Sunday opinion section of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle on April 13.

Kathleen A. Lawrence

Kathleen A. Lawrence, Communication Studies Department, recently received word that two of her poems were accepted for publication in the upcoming anthology The Daily Abuse. Her poem “Too Many To Count"” is written in long free verse inspired by the #MeToo movement and her own recollections growing up female. Her second poem is a four-column abecedarian titled “A Sexual Assault in the Woods.” This poem was previously published in Crow Hollow Magazine 19.

Robert Darling

Robert Darling, Geology Department, co-presented a paper with a former student John-Luke Henriquez ’09, at the Northeast/Southeast Regional Meeting of the Geological Society of America held in March in Baltimore, Md. The title of the paper is “Zircon-clinging, Inferred Analectic Melt Inclusions in Adirondack Garnet.” Henriquez is currently a graduate student at the University of Maryland.

David Collins

David Collins, Chemistry Department, had his article published in the February issue of Crystal Growth & Design. “Construction of Metal-Organic Frameworks with 1D Chain, 2D Grid, and 3D Porous Framework Based on a Flexible Imidazole Ligand and Rigid Benzenedicarboxylates” describes a flexible molecule that, depending on the solvent used, can adopt two different shapes to link metal atoms. The molecule is then used to generate a 3D molecular grid. The article can be viewed online.

Tracy Rammacher and Tony DeRado

Tracy Rammacher, Publications and Electronic Media Office, recently learned that the office won a SUNY Council for University Advancement (SUNYCUAD) Judges’ Citation Award for the 2009 Undergraduate Commencement tickets, designed by Tony DeRado. The award will be presented at the annual SUNYCUAD conference set for June 9-11 in Buffalo, N.Y.

Bonni C. Hodges, Joseph F. Governali and Donna M. Videto

Bonni C. Hodges, Joseph F. Governali and Donna M. Videto, Health Department, were part of a panel discussing “School Health Education in the 21st Century: A National Conversation” at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) national conference held in March in Indianapolis, Ind. Sponsored by the American Association for Health Education, the panel presented position statements on the role of school health education in the 21st century. Their participation in the panel was an extension of their writings in school health education philosophy.

Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, Political Science Department, is the author of an article titled, “Upset About a Census of People? How About a Census of Guns?” that was posted on the Huffington Post Web site on April 1. Spitzer is a guest blogger for Huffington Post.

Peter Koryzno and Jennifer Wilson

Peter Koryzno and Jennifer Wilson, Public Relations Office, have been informed that SUNY Cortland Columns, which they edit, has received a 2010 Awards of Excellence Judges' Citation from the State University of New York Council for University Advancement (SUNYCUAD) in the category for magapapers. They will accept the award at the annual SUNYCUAD Education Conference in Buffalo, N.Y., on June 9.

Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, Political Science Department, is the author of an article titled, “Misfire in the 2012 Election,” published in the Fall 2012 issue of Presidents and Executive Politics Report. The article analyzes the impact of the gun issue on the 2012 presidential election. 

Kati Ahern

Kati Ahern, English Department, co-authored an article titled “Listening for Genre Multiplicity in Classroom Soundscapes.” It was published in the July issue of the journal enculturation.