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Faculty and Staff Activities

Carolyn Bershad

Carolyn Bershad, Counseling and Student Development, has been invited to join the Survey Team for the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD). AUCCCD promotes the awareness of student mental health and development issues in higher education through research, advocacy, education and training provided to members, professional organizations and the public. In 2006, AUCCCD instituted the Annual Survey as a means to increase objective understanding of factors critical to the functioning of college and university counseling centers. The survey is published online annually and serves as a resource for directors as well as others interested in college mental health and development.

Mechthild Nagel

Mechthild Nagel, Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies (CGIS), Philosophy and Africana Studies departments, had her article, “Trafficking with Abolitionism: An Examination of Anti-Slavery Discourses,” published in the journal Champ Pénal/Penal Field’s special issue on “Abolitionnisme /Abolitionism.”

Adam Ferguson M ’12

Adam Ferguson M ’12, English Department, presented his paper “Written Beyond the Body: Queer Narratives, Transgender Identity, and Sem-erotics” at the 2021 Conference of the Semiotic Society of America. The virtual conference was held from Oct. 20 to 23.

James Hokanson

James Hokanson, Kinesiology Department, served as a mentor for kinesiology graduate student Lindsey Taylor, who presented her poster at the “Graduate Research: Making a Difference in New York Partnering with SUNY and CUNY” event held Feb. 11 in Albany, N.Y. Taylor’s poster is titled “Whole-Body High-Intensity Interval Training as an Alternative to Endurance Training.”

Seth N. Asumah

Seth N. Asumah, Africana Studies and Political Science departments, is the author of a book chapter, “African Cultures, Modernization and Development: Re-examining the Effects of Globalization.” It will be included in a new book, Globalization and the African Experience, edited by Emmanuel M. Mbah and Steven J. Salm, to be published in 2012 by Carolina Academic Press.

Paul Arras

Paul Arras, Communication and Media Studies Department, had his book titledAmerican Television's Live Coverage of the 9/11 Attacks: Journalism on the Screenpublished by Lexington Press in April. The monograph analyzes the news coverage across five TV networks on the morning of the attack.  

Mark Dodds

Mark Dodds, Sport Management Department, recently delivered sport business corruption presentations at the European Association for Sport Management (EASM) conference, the National Sports Law Institute fall symposium, and the International Sports Business symposium. Dodds also served as the sport law conference chair at EASM, and was a panel chair for a discussion on sport law post-Covid 19 panel. Also, he co-authored a paper on the prevention of ambush marketing from a social ambush evolution at the Sport Marketing Association conference. 

John Foley

John Foley, Physical Education Department, was selected as a board member for the prestigious journal Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly.

David Kilpatrick

David Kilpatrick, Psychology Department, was in Australia in August on an invited five-city professional development tour sponsored by Learning Difficulties Australia. The presentations spanned the country, including Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Cairns and Sydney. He presented findings from scientific research into why some students struggle in learning to read and the most effective ways to address those struggles.

Kilpatrick was one of the individuals interviewed in the American Public Media episode “At a Loss for Words” which looks at how reading is being taught in American schools and how that relates to the large percentage of struggling readers in the U.S. American Public Media is a content provider for NPR. The episode is posted online.

Also, Kilpatrick was invited to present “Phonemic Proficiency, Not Phonemic Awareness, Influences Orthographic Learning” on Sept. 5 at Yale University’s Haskins Laboratory. 

Alexis Blavos

Alexis Blavos, Health Department, had an article titled “Energy Drink Expectancies Among College Students” published in the Journal of American College Health. The abstract can be viewed here. Also, her article  titled “Faculty Perceptions of Certifications in Health Education and Public Health: Implications for Professional Preparation” was recently published in Pedagogy in Health Promotion. This  abstract can be found here