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Faculty and Staff Activities

Szilvia Kadas

Szilvia Kadas, Art and Art History Department, was selected as one of the 2019 Design Incubation Fellows. As part of the Design Incubation Fellowship, Kadas participated in a three-day intensive workshop from Jan. 10 to 13, held at St. John’s University’s Manhattan campus.

Jennifer Janes

Jennifer Janes, The Cortland Fund, recently learned that the office won a SUNY Council for University Advancement (SUNYCUAD) Award for Excellence Best in Category award for the 2010 Faculty and Staff Campaign. The award will be presented during the annual educational conference scheduled for June 8-10 in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, Political Science Department, is the author of the new paperback edition of his book, Guns across America: Reconciling Gun Rules and Rights, published by Oxford University Press. This edition is a revised version of the original edition published in 2015. The book has been favorably reviewed in the “New York Review of Books” and “The American Interest,” among other publications. 

Mechthild Nagel

Mechthild Nagel, Philosophy and Africana Studies departments and Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies, presented “Pitfalls of Diversity Management” at a symposium titled “Difference that Makes no Difference: The Non-Performativity of Intersectionality and Diversity.” The symposium was hosted on Feb. 5 by the Frankfurt Research Center for Postcolonial Studies at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. Nagel is serving as a visitor at the Max Planck Institute for Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Germany during the spring semester.  Best papers from the symposium will be edited by Professor Nikita Dhawan, University of Innsbruck, Austria, and will appear in SUNY Cortland’s journal Wagadu in 2016.

Katherine Hicks and Andy Roering

Katherine Hicks and Andy Roering, Chemistry Department, serve as co-advisors to the SUNY Cortland Chemistry Club, which is a student chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS). Club members were featured in the cover photo of the April/May issue of inChemistry, the magazine for ACS student members. This photograph was taken in May 2015 at Kionix, Inc. in Ithaca, N.Y. The student club president at the time, Samuel Lothridge, who graduated with a B.S. in biochemistry in 2015, is currently employed at Kionix and was an intern there then. The picture was taken during a field trip that the club took to Ithaca to visit the Cornell synchrotron and Kionix.  

Doug Langhans

Doug Langhans, Admissions, has been elected to the board of directors for Study New York, a consortium of SUNY, CUNY and private institutions formed to promote New York as a destination for international students. Langhans has served on the consortium’s programming committee for a number of years and has represented the consortium at various events including the American International Recruitment Council Conference, the International Consultants for Education and Fairs  (ICEF) North American Workshop, National Association of Foreign Student Advisers (NAFSA): Association of International Educators Annual Conference, and the EducationUSA Forum. 

James A. Felton, III

James A. Felton, III, Institutional Equity and Inclusion Office, was elected president of the Iota Iota Lambda Alumni Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. for the 2019-20 academic year. Alpha Phi Alpha is the first African-American, intercollegiate Greek-lettered fraternity founded on Dec. 4, 1906 at Cornell University. 

Samuel S. Avery

Samuel S. Avery, Communication Studies Department, had his short film, “LocoMotion,” accepted into the 2016 Miami Fear Film Festival. Watch Film.

Kathleen Lawrence

Kathleen Lawrence, Communication and Media Studies Department, will have her poem “Love Note” released this month in The James Dickey Review. “Love Note” is written in the form of a spiraling abecedarian. Also, her haiku “Pillowcases stuffed” was published by Haikuniverse as part of their annual Halloween tradition of featuring haiku that deal with the senses of All Hollow’s Eve. 

Dennis Weng

Dennis Weng, Political Science Department, had his paper published in the Asian Journal of Comparative Politics in January. The article is titled “Can economic profit influence public opinion? Observing generational change on cross-strait relations in Taiwan.”