- Black Lives Matter Syllabus
- Charleston Syllabus
- ‘Ask Me’: What LGBTQ Students Want Their Professors to Know
- The Safe Zone Project
- 13 Issues Facing Native People Beyond Mascots and Casinos
- Information about Immigration from Miller Mayer
- The Alt-Right on Campus: What Students Need to Know (PDF)
- NASPA Equity and Diversity Resource Page
Upward & Onward: Post Undergraduate Resources
Upward & Onward Mission
To encourage women and students of color to pursue graduate degrees, as well as other advantageous post-undergraduate endeavors. We work to assist members of these underrepresented groups in eliminating barriers to post-undergraduate endeavors by providing invaluable resources and a forum for students' to network professionally.
On Campus Post-Undergraduate Resources
Multicultural Life and Diversity Office
Mission: The Multicultural Life and Diversity Office provides a wealth of information that may be helpful in achieving your post-undergraduate goals. Make an appointment with Director AnnaMaria Omilanowicz or Assistant Director Katrina Hodge.
SUNY Cortland Graduate Admissions
- Master degree programs at SUNY Cortland are build on Cortland’s strong national reputation for excellence in teacher education, physical education, sport management and other fields.
- SUNY Cortland will help you pay for your education by offering competitive tuition, plus financial aid and graduate assistantships.
SUNY Cortland Graduate Assistantships
As a graduate student, you have an opportunity to work as a Graduate Assistant — teaching, assisting with research or joining the coaching staff of an athletic team. Graduate Assistants typically receive tuition support for a maximum of six credit hours per semester. Some Graduate Assistant positions will also receive an academic year stipend averaging between $5,000 - $7,000 for a maximum of 20 hours per week for the academic year.
Career Services
Mission: The staff at SUNY Cortland Career Services is dedicated to providing high quality career counseling assistance to students, alumni, and community members with an emphasis on the development of lifetime skills that lead to successful career and educational choices.
Financial Aid
Provides a broad range of financial services, advice and education to make your education more affordable.
Educational Opportunity Program
Mission: To provide access and support to students with strong academic and personal potential, students who would otherwise be excluded from higher education due to circumstances of academic under preparation and economic disadvantage.
Other Resources
Peterson's Grad School Timeline
Stay organized and invest time now in finding the right graduate program for you. This graduate school timeline is all about: making sure you know exactly what to do, and when to do it.
U.S. News Education Grad School
Get exclusive graduate school rankings from U.S. News who analyzed more than 1,200 graduate programs.
A non-profit organization that can assist you in your search for a job, organization, or volunteer opportunity.
Test Prep
Admission exams are administered throughout the year. Prep yourself early and taking a practice test is a great place to start! Learn more information about each of the main graduate school tests:
Title X Information
Title X Contacts
- African Americans - College Scholarships and Grants; Graduate Fellowships
- Media Communications: Scholarships, Fellowships and Postdoctoral Awards
- Valuing Diversity Ph.D. Scholarships
- Article: Search 4 Places for Graduate School Scholarship
- Student Scholarship Search: Graduate School Scholarships
- OEDb Scholarships for Graduate School
- Graduate School Scholarships
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund - Latino College Dollar Search Tool
- Graduate School Scholarships Search - Where do I look?