A key component of the curriculum in the recreation degrees is the internship. This semester-long, capstone experience provides students the opportunity to integrate theory with practice under the supervision of a faculty supervisor and a professional in the field. Students complete their internship experiences in a wide variety of agencies, depending on their major and concentration.
Become an Affiliate
Is your agency interested in becoming an affiliated internship site with the Recreation, Parks and Leisure Studies Department at SUNY Cortland? Here are the forms you must complete to begin the process of affiliation. If you have questions, contact Esther VanGorder, Internship Coordinator.
Please email Esther VanGorder for any of these documents:
- Letter to Prospective Agency from Esther VanGorder, Internship Coordinator
- Overview of Internship Program
- Checklist for Potential Therapeutic Recreation Internship Sites
- Internship Course Syllabus