Every year influenza causes students a great deal of misery, adversely affects academic performance and sometimes results in serious illness. This year, getting vaccinated against influenza is more important than ever. We recommend that everyone without a contraindication, get a flu shot. If it is available in your community, we recommend you get it before coming to campus. Because of its importance, we now partner with Wegman's Pharmacy to provide Flu Vaccine Clinics on campus. Please watch your email for the dates and times of these clinics, which usually begin early Fall.
Also remember that you CANNOT get the flu from the flu shot. It is biologically impossible for that to happen! You MIGHT feel a little under the weather or even have a fever for a day or so, but it will NOT make you sick, so please do not let that concern prevent you from getting a vaccine. The vast majority of people have very little or no side effects from the vaccine.
For questions and answers regarding influenza vaccination, please visit the CDC's Seasonal Influenza Shot webpage.