A Great Educational Value
How much is it going cost me? It’s one of the biggest questions you might have in planning your study abroad experience.
International Student Award: Most full-time international students seeking a SUNY Cortland degree receive a financial award ranging from $6,000 per year to $7,500 per year, making our tuition among the most affordable for four-year colleges in the State University of New York system.
Partner Perks: Exchange students coming for one or two semesters also might be eligible for a tuition waiver through partnership agreements with their home institutions. Regardless of how long you study in Cortland, you’ll soon realize the experience is worth every dollar.
Earn Income: You’re also eligible to work on campus for academic departments, administrative offices, recreation facilities or our dining services provider. It’s a common way to earn income while studying here. The current rate of pay is $13.20 per hour.
Live for Free: Long-term international students — those who study at the College for more than one year — can apply for positions as resident assistants in residence halls. They receive free housing and a pay stipend in exchange for their service. In short, there are plenty of ways to make your Cortland experience a very affordable one.
Before you complete any of the following, be sure to download, complete, and submit your I-20 Request Form.
Payment Instructions for International Students
SUNY Cortland has partnered with Flywire in order to streamline the process of international payments. Flywire allows you to pay securely from any country and any bank, generally in your home currency.
By making your payment with Flywire you can:
- Track your payments from start to finish
- Save on bank fees and exchange rates
- Contact their multilingual customer support team with any questions, day or night.
To make your payment, visit Flywire.
Monthly Payment Plan
SUNY Cortland offers the option of paying your Fall and Spring semester bills in four (4) equal monthly installments. There is a one-time per semester application fee of $45 that must be paid with the first installment. The application fee is non-refundable. There is no monthly payment option for the winter or summer semesters due to the short duration of these terms.
To apply, select the option if paying online. If paying by mail the correct payment amount. The required payment is listed on your semester bill and listed as "Minimum Amount Due," which includes the $45 application fee.
Payments are not processed automatically. Students (or Authorized Payers) must initiate payment activity every month. All students enrolled in the payment plan and any authorized payers will receive electronic notices of monthly bills with payment due not later than the 15th of the following month. The first payment for the Fall semester is due on or before Aug. 13 and the three subsequent payments are due in September, October and November. The first payment for the spring semester is due in early-January and the three subsequent payments are due in February, March and April.
For further payment information or questions please contact the Student Accounts Office
Confirming Attendance and Accepting Charges
Students with or without a balance due must still accept their charges in order to secure their spot in the classroom. This must be done on or before the date indicated on the face of the semester bill. For detailed instructions, select Accept Your Charges When You Have a Credit Balance.
Find SUNY Cortland Undergraduate and Graduate Tuition Costs.