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General resources for physics students

  • The Writing Center - great help with improving your writing, both for GE and science classes
  • The Learning Center - they offer some support for the intro physics courses, but you might also consider applying for one of their paid tutoring positions
  • American Journal of Physics - a peer-reviewed physics journal intended for an undergraduate audience (the university maintains a subscription to this journal - access through the Library portal in MRD)
  • Wolfram Alpha - a great online system for assistance with difficult mathematics problems
  • Desmos - a nice set of online tools for graphing and analysis
  • Anaconda - a user-friendly program for Python programming

Scholarships, financial aid, and on-campus jobs

Resources to help you get started in your career

  • Career Services Office - multiple resources to help you connect with employers and prepare for interviews
  • Handshake - a networking system that connects SUNY Cortland students with employers

Resources for graduate school

If you are interested in going to graduate school, some programs may require that you take the GRE. Check each graduate program for specific requirements.

Engineering programs in New York

This list is only a sample of some programs in New York state to which our students have transferred in the PEN program.

Research Internships

You should consider applying for a summer research internship if you are interested in a research related career or graduate studies in science or engineering.

Many university programs also feature summer internships. These are often discipline-specific, so look around for things that you are interested in. These positions are highly competitive, so apply broadly and to as much as you can.

Teacher Certification

Getting certified as a teacher is not as simple as getting a degree. You will also need to complete a series of state exams and certifications. The links below are particular to New York.