Graduate Programs
- School Building Leader (C.A.S.)
- School District Business Leader (C.A.S.)
- School District Leader (C.A.S.)
- Teaching Students with Disabilities 1-6 [TSD] M.S.Ed.
- Teaching Students with Disabilities 7-12 [TDA] M.S.Ed.
* Teaching Students with Disabilities M.S.Ed. programs have one-year accelerated options.
Graduate Courses
Educational Leadership
- EDL 613 - Principles of Financial Leadership
- EDL 615 - Educational Leadership and the Law
- EDL 616 - Principles of Curriculum Leadership
- EDL 618 - Human Resource, Personnel and Contracts
- EDL 629 - Special Topics in Educational Leadership
- EDL 656 - Principles of Public School Finance
- EDL 657 - Principles of Organizational Leadership
- EDL 678 - Strategic Supervision and Leadership
- EDL 680 - Principal Leadership
- EDL 683 - Principles of Special Programs Leadership
- EDL 685 - Facilities Maintenance and Management
- EDL 690 - Principles of School District Leadership
- EDL 696 - SBL/SDL Internship in Educational Leadership
- EDL 697 - Extension of Graduate Culminating Activity
- EDL 698 - SDBL Internship in Educational Leadership
- EDL 699 - Culminating Seminar
Foundations and Social Advocacy
- FSA 505 - Sociology of Education
- FSA 510 - Teaching the Special Education Learner in the General Education Classroom
- FSA 515 - Introduction to Disability Studies in Education
- FSA 525 - Urban Teaching and Schooling
- FSA 529 - Special Topics in Foundations and Social Advocacy
- FSA 530 - Supporting the Communication of Students with Complex Needs
- FSA 535 - Alternative/Augmentative Communication and Assistive Technology for Students with Severe or Multiple Disabilities
- FSA 545 - Teaching Students with Severe or Multiple Disabilities
- FSA 560 - Supporting Students with Autism
- FSA 600 - Inclusive Education Pedagogy
- FSA 610 - Advanced Assessment of Students with Disabilities
- FSA 615 - Assessment for Adolescents with Disabilities
- FSA 620 - Discipline and Social Skill Development
- FSA 625 - Inclusive Curricular Pedagogy for Adolescents with Disabilities
- FSA 629 - Special Topics in Foundations and Social Advocacy
- FSA 630 - Students with Disabilities in Context
- FSA 651 - Understanding and Conducting Educational Research
- FSA 652 - Master's Project
- FSA 653 - Master's Project TSD 7-12
- FSA 683 - Administration of Special Education
- FSA 690 - Internship: Teaching Students with Disabilities - Grades 1-6
- FSA 691 - Seminar: Teaching Students with Disabilities - Grades 1-6
- FSA 694 - Internship: Teaching Students with Disabilities 7-12
- FSA 695 - Seminar: Teaching Adolescents with Disabilities
- FSA 697 - Extension of Graduate Culminating Activity
- FSA 699 - Individual or Independent Study
Additional Courses
Additional courses are taught by this department. Please visit the 2024-25 Graduate Catalog for more.