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Chemistry Department

Study chemistry at SUNY Cortland and you get the best of several worlds — a first-rate curriculum, small classes led by an energetic faculty and opportunities to become involved in research as early as your freshman year.

One of the best ways to learn chemistry is by doing chemistry, in a lab, side-by-side with a faculty member, using the same sophisticated tools that professional scientists use. That’s why student research is a signature strength of our chemistry program.

Nanotechnology, polymer chemistry, chemical biology and organic synthesis, groundwater contamination and molecular synthesis are just some of the areas student researchers have explored in recent years.

A Cortland chemistry degree opens many doors to your future. Our chemistry majors are engaged in rewarding careers in research, business and industry. They are readily accepted to medical schools or to graduate programs in chemistry and other fields.

Read our Mission Statement


Innovative program seeks to spark science careers

Sept. 10, 2024
New students from underrepresented groups exposed to new science, technology, engineering and math options.

Summer research program lets students explore chemical mysteries

Aug. 27, 2024
The independent projects gave valuable experience beyond the classroom. 

Alum earns full scholarship to medical school

July 16, 2024
Alex Guerrero ’22, a former biology major, earned the first-ever Upstate Say Yes Scholarship.

Twelve students conducting sponsored research this summer

June 4, 2024
This cohort's studies range from biology and chemistry to political science and fine art.

Campus plans Women’s History Month series

March 5, 2024
SUNY Cortland will celebrate Women’s History Month with several events during March.


The Chemistry Department has a student affiliate chapter of the American Chemical Society (Chem Club). This club, which is partially funded by student activity fees, provides a focus for students in all areas of chemistry to study together, to obtain tutoring services and to socialize. A special Chem Club office provides working areas and a place for joining in the clubs activities. Chem Club sponsors visiting speakers and each year takes a major trip to a scientific meeting or to a site of interest to the club members.