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Appendix: Change Log

The lists below outline the location and nature of revisions, deletions or additions made to the SUNY Cortland Handbook, published in August of each year. Note: The change log was first adopted in 2021. Earlier editions are available on the archive page.


2024-25 Handbook Edits Change Log


Updated introduction letter from President

Updated org chart 5/24

Part 1

Chapter 110

110.02 Removed number of trustees

110.04 Added reference to BoT  Policies, updated with BoT definitions

130.08 Standing Committees (

  1. Removed Affirmative Action Committee (no longer active)
  2. Updated charge to the Academic Calendar Committee
  3. Removed Cortland Intercollegiate Athletics Board (no longer active)

130.09 Interdisciplinary Centers – changed “Dean’s Council” to deans

Chapter 150 – Faculty Senate Bylaws updated with new language from FS resolution

Part 2 Guidelines for Faculty

210.04 Registrar’s Office Calendar Updated

210.08 Updated timing for positing summer/winter session

220.02 Office Hours – this was changed last year to mirror the most recent approved language

Added Advising section:


Advising is a critical component of student success at SUNY Cortland.  All tenure-track/tenured faculty are expected to advise students in their academic programs. In departments where the advising load is below the university average, faculty may be assigned advisees from other programs/departments.

 Advisors recognize that students come to SUNY Cortland with a range of backgrounds, experiences, strengths, and potential for growth. Advisors collaborate with their advisees to assist in understanding and navigating:

degree and major requirements and academic policy and procedures (e.g., registration)

development of an academic plan and monitoring of degree progress

exploration of academic and career goals relevant to their degree

academic challenges and strategies, tools, and support resources,

opportunities that supplement the curriculum (e.g., undergraduate research, internships, study abroad)

 Advisors should be available during office hours and by appointment to meet with advisees, and provide sufficient time and availability during critical periods such as registration and drop/add.  Additional information on SUNY Cortland’s Advisement Philosophy and Guidelines is available in section A.02 of the Policy section of the Undergraduate Catalog.”

 220.05 Appointment of Faculty – changed Institutional Advancement in last paragraph to Communications

220.07 See Faculty Senate resolution for summary of changes including amended language

220.14 Changed maximum gift amount to $1million

260.02 updated titles, changed College Research Committee to Faculty Research Committee

270.06 – 270.10 These are all quotes from laws, so the text was removed and replaced with links to the laws.

Part 3 Guidelines for Students

 340.02.3.B Added Generative AI as per Faculty Senate resolution

360.06 Off-campus housing – new numbering

The university does not inspect or supervise private off-campus housing facilities. SUNY Cortland is not a party to any lease or contract between a student and an operator of private housing facilities. 

Chapter 370 Policy on HIV – remove, this is covered in the non-discrimination policy

Chapter 370 – Place Freedom of Expression SUNY Policy here

380.01 Replace text with:

380.01 Rules and Regulations 

 Every student in full-time attendance at a state-operated unit of SUNY, other than married students or students residing with parents or guardians, are required to live in university-operated housing maintained and operated by such unit or to have permission under such provisions as may be made therefore by the chief administrative officer of such unit to live off-campus. 

 Rules regarding on-campus housing are found on Residence Life and Housing Website.  

380.02-380.05 – remove and insert a link to the website for the most current information

380.07 Limitations on separate programs – remove, covered in non-discrimination policy

380.08 Guest Room Use Policy – new text

SUNY Cortland provides limited guest accommodations for official guests of the university.    

Accommodations are also available for parents or immediate family of students involved in emergency or crisis situations and for campus personnel during a time of campus or community emergency. 

Information regarding charges and availability can be secured through the Residence Life and Housing Office. 

Part 4 General Policies and Procedures

410.01 New admissions description

“410.01 Admission Policy

SUNY Cortland welcomes applications from all individuals who meet the university's admission standards. Due to limited teaching and physical resources, a competitive selection process is necessary.

Applicants can use admissions information, including web resources, to determine whether SUNY Cortland offers programs that meet their needs. The university provides a broad range of major programs for undergraduate students, as well as a variety of graduate programs in teacher education, arts and sciences, and professional studies. Approximately 10% of the university's entering undergraduate students have not decided upon a major at enrollment, and typically, it is not necessary to decide upon a major until the end of the sophomore year.”

410.02 Moved this policy to the College Catalog

415.17 Emergency Administrative Withdrawal Policy – removed and replaced with a link to the SUNY policy that is now in place

415.19 Student Leave of Absence - Removed text and replaced with link to the Catalog

415.20 Voluntary Medical and Psychological Leaves updated text to:

“All students requesting a medical leave of absence or a medical withdrawal for documented medical reasons will have their paperwork processed through the Student Health Service. This process can be initiated by any Student Health Service clinician, but must be approved by the Student Health Service Director.

Students requesting a medical leave of absence or a medical withdrawal for documented mental health reasons will have their paperwork processed through the Counseling Center. This process can be initiated by any mental health provider but must be approved by the Director of Conley Counseling and Wellness Services or their designee.

 All students receiving a medical leave of absence or a medical withdrawal will have the differences between these two options explained to them and will have a chance to ask questions regarding these options. Once a decision is made, students will be asked to sign a statement agreeing to the conditions, if any, of their leave or withdrawal.”

415.25 Honorary Degree – this is directly quoted from SUNY policy, so remove text and replace with a link to the current SUNY policy.

415.29 C2 change as per Faculty Senate resolution

425.02 Fee and Payment Deferment –Changed mid-December to early-January, changed semester bills from print date to creation date, removed part of last sentence in paragraph 5, added American Express, changed payment plan from 5 installments to 4, removed withholding of transcripts

425.04 Room Deposit – removed first sentence

425.06 College Fee – changed to $50 and $25

425.07 Student Health Insurance Fee – removed text about option

425.08 Program Service Charge – Added definitions for Student Life Fee and Transcript

Student Life Fee:  Funds a variety of student life experiences and provides additional support for the campus recreation program.

Transcript:  All enrolled students are charged a $5 per semester transcript fee.  All current and former students will receive unlimited official transcripts as a lifetime service.

425.12 Special or Optional Fees and Fines – removed A (towel and locker charge) and B (Teaching certificate fee)

425.13 Removed date reference

430.04  Program Service Charge – refundable at the same rate as tuition

435.06 Added new SUNY policy on ID cards

430.07 Remove A (towel and locker fee) and B (linen service charge)

435.07 Business Cards – remove

435.08 Payroll – remove

435.09 Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office – remove last sentence of first paragraph and replace with a link to the Purchasing and Accounts Payable website

435.10 Minority/women-owned businesses – removed and re-numbered

435.11 Guidelines for Payment of Consultants – text replaced with a link to the Purchasing and Accounts Payable website

435.12 Added a link to the Purchasing and Accounts Payable website

435.13 Added a link to the Purchasing and Accounts Payable website

439.03 Event Management/Electronic Calendar – updated text defining the calendar

439.04 Changed from “Featured Events” to “Important Dates”

439.05 Event Creation  -New text needs cabinet approval

439.05 Event Creation and Management for Important Dates

Events submitted to the Communications Office will be considered for inclusion in Important Dates upon review by Communications Office staff.

Event postings must comply with SUNY Cortland guidelines provided in student, faculty and staff handbooks, the Brand Identity Guide, relevant university policies, and state and federal laws and regulations.

The director of communications, the director of marketing or the web and digital services manager reserve the right to deny event listings that do not meet the above guidelines.

(Approved by President's Cabinet June 25, 2012.)

440.07 Facility Use Terms and Conditions  - added new SUNY Posting and link to Campus signage policy approved by Cabinet in May

440.11 – removed last two sentences and replaced with new text from CEM, added mailing address to #2, removed “Estimate of charges” sentence, changed VP for finance to a representative from CEM, added “or a committee decision of departments” to the last sentence

440.13 Major Events – added locations (Arena field house, gyms), added note that student organizations must consult Campus Activities

440.14 Added note that Student groups must consult Campus Activities and club sports/intramurals must consult Campus Rec

440.18 Stadium Complex – added “or directly to the director of Campus Event Management”

440.19 Use of the Student Life Center – See new text:

The Student Life Center at SUNY Cortland has adopted policies and procedures applicable to all campus personnel, buildings, programs, or other settings. These policies are in force and effect at Campus Recreation Department (CRD) facilities and by entering such facilities, students, faculty and any other Authorized Users agree to be bound by such policies. 


Access to the Student Life Center is limited to Authorized Users, who are required to provide a student or staff ID card or other accepted form of identification.  

The CRD reserves the right to eject anyone whose behavior is unruly or illegal in nature. Membership privileges will be revoked without a refund and the individual(s) will be escorted from the facility. The University Police Department (UPD) may be contacted.   

All users must sign the Student Life Center Acknowledgement of Risk, Waiver and Release of Liability prior to using the Student Life Center.  

CRD takes seriously its obligations under the University’s Child Protection Policy. Any authorized minor under the age of eighteen (18) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times in the Student Life Center, with the exception of single occupancy restrooms or single stall toilets. Under no circumstances should an authorized minor ever be unaccompanied without a parent or guardian in the swimming pool or locker room areas (again, with the exception of single occupancy restrooms or single stall toilets). 

Photography and videotaping of any kind is strictly prohibited in restroom and locker room areas.   

Authorized Users must follow all posted guidance on use of the facilities, e.g., running directions on the indoor track, use of swimming lanes, acceptable court footwear, availability of equipment or areas. Parents and guardians are responsible for ensuring that authorized minors follow such guidance.  

All fitness equipment should be used consistent with posted CRD or manufacturer’s guidance on proper use, including with regard to age, fitness, and proper usage technique. Parents and guardians are responsible for ensuring that authorized minors follow such guidance.  

All Authorized Users under the age of eleven (11) are strictly prohibited from utilizing cardiovascular fitness machines and weight training equipment and must follow all posted restrictions. If a higher minimum age is posted for a particular piece of equipment or equipment category, that minimum age should be followed. 

CRD reserves the right to eject anyone for any unsafe use of equipment, or any other behavior or activity that poses a danger to the health or safety of authorized users or CRD staff, or to the personal property of CRD.  

Personal training or other instruction for pay or trade by outside entities is strictly prohibited and could jeopardize membership privileges for all parties involved.  Personal training and instruction is limited to CRD staff. 

All bags or other personal items should be stored in lockers or cubbies. Any unattended items not stored in lockers or cubbies will be collected and brought to the lost & found area. Unclaimed items will be handled consistent with state law.  

For inquiries about Authorized User qualifications, operating hours, and fees, go to the Student Life Center webpage or call Campus Recreation at 607-753-5585.  

440.20 Summer Sports Camp – Clarify the role of Campus Event Management as responsible for assisting with scheduling.  Sponsoring group or organization is responsible for staffing, promotion, etc.

440.25 Duties of a Building Administrator – removed responsibility for fire drills

440.28 Added new SUNY policy on Freedom of Expression

Chapter 470 Rules for the Maintenance of Public Order – changed this from original Education law (6430) to current SUNY Policy

Chapter 475 Changed “Education Law Compliance” to “Campus Safety and Fire Security Report”

Chapter 481 Fundraising and Solicitation

481.01 General – removed reference to President’s Advisory Committee on Development, changed the Cortland Fund to Annual Giving in last paragraph

481.05 Campus Advertising Policy – Added Groups and organizations looking to table on campus must work through CEM, removed VP for Finance from 2nd sentence

481.07 Solicitation - changed director of Corey Union to VP for Finance and Management

Chapter 482 Access to Counsel – updated titles

Chapter 490 Emergency Closing Procedures

Updated to reflect that the President notifies Cabinet, removed reference to emergency ID card, and removed the following text:

“The provost is responsible for contacting a) the university police, b) the campus switchboard and c) the Child Care Center. 

The communications director will send an email to inform the campus community. Cancellation of classes held on campus also applies to online classes.

The director of communications is responsible for contacting the Central New York media. The following radio and television stations will be notified:

  • Cortland: WSUC
  • Homer: WXHC
  • Norwich: WCHN, WKXZ, WZOZ, WBKT
  • Owego: WEBO

The director of communications will be responsible for posting an alert message on the SUNY Cortland official website. The content of that message will be pre-approved by the president. In addition to the director of communications, the message may be posted by the director of marketing or the assistant director of web and digital marketing.

In the case of weather-related campus closing, the director of communications will activate the Everbridge mass notification. An alert will be disseminated via text message and campus email to those students, faculty and staff who have registered their contact information. The university police may activate the system in the absence of the director of communications.

For all non-weather-related emergencies, the university police will activate the Everbridge system. In those instances, the modes of distribution, depending upon the type of emergency, may extend to include cellphone calls and the use of a campus-wide loudspeaker and siren system.”

Added the following text:

“Since SUNY Cortland is a largely residential campus, it is unlikely that classes would be canceled because of weather conditions. However, when severe weather causes dangerous traveling conditions, SUNY Cortland may take steps to cancel classes and appropriate announcements will be made through a number of radio stations in the Cortland-Homer-Ithaca-Syracuse-Waterloo-Binghamton-Norwich area.

If classes are not cancelled, faculty should make every effort to meet with their classes but need to use discretion and be mindful of safety issues both for themselves and for their students. If safety concerns due to weather are an issue, faculty should consult with their chair about moving the class online as well as be flexible with students who aren’t able to access a class due to the weather conditions.”

Part 5 Information Resources

510.04 Library Services

Additional Services:

  1. Computers are available on the second floor in the Interactive Reference Area (IRA) and Computer Applications Program (CAP) computer lab. Access to networked printing services is available throughout the library.  Laptops are available to faculty for loan for up to two weeks.  Students can borrow laptops for the day within the library. 
  2. There are 36 open research carrels available for students and faculty. The keys can be checked out at the circulation desk on a first-come, first-served basis. They are for day rentals only.
  • Media Services - Second paragraph changed to:

Media Services records and distributes video from supported programs to a variety of distribution points from campus. Conversion of DVD video content to the campus video streaming/content management system is supported in conjunction with the Library’s Instructional Technologies and Design Services after copyright compliance guidelines have been met.

Chapter 517: Information Systems and Security

  1. Renamed System Administration and Web Service to Information Systems and Security
  2. Added a row for 517.06, which was Administrative Computing and is now Information Systems.

517.05 Programming and Integrations

Programming and Integrations develops custom Web applications that integrate systems and help users to be productive. The unit also administers several enterprise applications including the campus portal, (myRedDragon), DotCMS, and OnBase.

Chapter 530.01: Procurement and Ownership of Technology Equipment

For additional details on the policy, please go here:

Chapter 530.02: Software Support Policy

For additional details on the policy, please go here:

Chapter 530.03: Re-assigned Technology Equipment Policy

For additional details on the policy, please go here:

Chapter 530.04: Server Policy 

Minor changes to the description and added a line to the policy with web link:

This policy concerning server systems and the users of those systems is intended to maintain consistency, assure availability, facilitate disaster-recovery, coordinate technical operations and apply sound security and management practices consistently. The purpose of a server must be documented by the designated departmental technical contact and Information Systems & Security (IS&S) technical support contact and kept current by the departmental technical contact to reflect any changes. The server shall only be used for the documented purpose, and changes in purpose need to be agreed to by both parties, the IS&S director and the department head. The purpose(s) of the server must integrate with the overall campus network and server design.

All servers must be housed in the Information Resources data center. Each server must have a designated departmental technical contact. Departmental servers shall not run prohibited services, such as: IMAP, POP3, SMTP, DNS, WINS, DHCP, or any service which Networking and Telecommunications Services or SAWS deems detrimental to the server or network infrastructure. “Root” access to servers must be established for IS&S support staff use. This may be in the form of a single, shared user account. All servers will be part of the Active Directory Domain, and all Domain Administrators will have access to the server, via remote services and physical console access. All servers must adhere to all Information Resources security policies and Information Resources security best practices. All servers will be routinely scanned for necessary configurations. Routine scans are also conducted to search for sensitive data; reports are reviewed by the information security officer and the deputy security officers. Violations of this policy and/or other Information Resources policies may result in the server being removed from service.

For additional details on the policy, please go here:

Chapter 530.05: Email Policy

For additional details on the policy, please go here:

Chapter 530.06: Acceptable Use Policy

For additional details on the policy, please go here:

Chapter 530.07: Blackboard Policies

This policy can be removed, no longer relevant now that the campus has moved to Brightspace, no policy needed for Brightspace, only procedures, they have been  moved to a web page.

Chapter 530.08: Data Classification Policy  à Should now be 530.07

For additional details on the policy, please go here:

Part 6 General Policies and Procedures for Enrollment

630.01 Summer/Winter session numbers updated

640.02 Added “early alert outreach”

650.01 Office description updated to:

“The SUNY Cortland Financial Aid Office exists to support the financial success of Cortland's students.  Each student has an assigned financial aid advisor who is responsible for coordinating the student's financial aid package, processing the student's awards, and providing financial advice and counseling. Students with financial difficulties or processing questions are encouraged to set an appointment with their advisor. The Financial Aid Office processes application data, collects and analyzes documentation, determines eligibility, and communicates with outside agencies to ensure the timely arrival of financial aid funds while ensuring compliance with all federal and state rules and regulations.” 

Part 7 Specialized Service Operations

Chapter 745 – Change name to Student Affairs

745.01 Change General Function to Mission and insert new text

745.02 Update office description

745.03 Update office description

745.05 Remove last two sentences of first paragraph

745.06 Remove – comes under 745.02

745.07 Remove – comes under 745.02

770.02-770.19 Parking – move all of this to the website

775.12 Physical Space and/or Facilities and Plaque Policy and Procedures – changes to titles and roles

 Part 8 The Affirmative Action Program

Update phone numbers



No changes.

Part One

  • 130.08 Standing Committees Advisory to the President
    • Section VIII Information Resources Advisory Council: Made changes to membership roster and changed office names to reflect updates. Added an expanded function of the council.
    • Section X Information Resources Security Advisory Council: Added a new council.
  • 150.04 Bylaws of the SUNY Cortland Graduate Faculty
    • Article IV, Section B: Elections and Term of Office: Added a new third item to the list that reflects the process for filling open seats.
  • 180 Cortland Student Governance: Removed an outdated link to the Student Government Association constitution and replaced it with a link to the SGA website.

Part Two

  • 210.03 Leave of Absence: Changed "February" and "September" titles to "spring semester leave of absence" and "fall semester leave of absence," respectively.
  • 220.02 Responsibility of Faculty: Changed "Office Hours" to reflect the language of a policy agreed to by UUP and President Clark in 1994.
  • 270.04 Smoking regulations. Section removed as it is now covered by Chapter 496: Tobacco- and Nicotine-Free Campus Policy.

Part Three

  • 390 SUNY Cortland Recognition of Fraternities and Sororities
    • 390.02 GPA Requirements: Modified language to note that grade verification will be done by Campus Activities and the Corey Union Office.
    • 390.03 Incoming Transfer Policy: Section renamed from "Transfer Pledge Policy." Revises language on how documentation should be submitted to Campus Activities and the Corey Union Office.
    • 390.04: Affiliation with Banned and/or Underground Groups: Heading renamed from "Affiliation with Banned Greek Organizations."

Part Four

  • 410: Admission and Registrar's Office Policies: Removed all references to the office's prior title: "Student Registration and Records Services."
  • 410.03 Educational Opportunity Program Students: Removed outdated eligibility information and added a link to current information on
  • 439.05 Event Creation and Management for Featured Events: Removed a line that had split responsibilities for event consideration between the Marketing and Communications offices.
  • 440 Policies for the Use of University Facilities
    • 440.01 Priority in the Use of University Facilities: Added language to reflect Spring Fling and the Recreation Conference as examples.
    • 440.02 Appropriate Use of University Facilities: Removed language about the intent of the policy and the primary purpose of the university.
    • 440.04 Administrative Policy on Conferences: Responsibilities have been changed to reflect new roles for the director of Campus Event Management. Removed a charge of $1 per paid registrant for non-faculty, staff and students for department or office-initiated events.
    • 440.12 Responsibilities of Sponsoring Department: Reflects responsibilities for the director of Campus Event Management.
    • 440.13 Major Events: Reflects responsibilities for the director of Campus Event Management.
    • 440.14 Guidelines for Sponsoring Events that Require Extraordinary Security Arrangements: Removed a requirement for event sponsors to be members of the SUNY Cortland community.
    • 440.19 Use of the Student Life Center: Changed the age limit for faculty/staff dependent college students from 24 to 26.
    • 440.20 Summer Sports Camp: Reflects responsibilities for the director of Campus Event Management.
    • 440.24 Late Night Programming: Reflects responsibilities for the assistant director of Campus Activities.
    • 420.26 Use of Facilities by Third Parties for Free Speech: Removed references to outdated dining facility names and pro football training camp. Reflects responsibilities for the director of Campus Event Management.
    • 440.27 SUNY Cortland Registered Student Organization Procedures: Removed references to "conferences" in sections III.1 and VII.
  • 441 Facilities Historical Preservation Committee: Section removed as committee structure no longer exists.
  • 460.13 How to Obtain Records: Reflected the change of responsibilities to the President's Office from the Communications Office.
  • 485.01 Military Access to Campus: Noted that the request for access be made to the director of Campus Event Management.

Part Five

  • 500.02 The Help Center. The section has been relocated to section 515.02.
  • 510 Library
    • 510.02 Character of the Collection: Updated the current size of the collection.
    • 510.03 Materials Selection: Changed the title of "bibliographer" to "librarian."
    • 510.05 Loan Policy: Added language to reflect "borrowers" in addition to "faculty." Clarified language about fine/replacement fees for faculty.
    • 510.07 Reserve Section/Course Reserves: Added a short term loan period of three hours or three days.
    • 510.09 Design Help: Changed title from "Instructional Design Help."
  • 515 Campus Technology Services
    • 515.02 The Help Center. Section relocated from 500.02. Numbering has changed for the sections that follow: PC and Mac Services is now 515.03; Academic Technology Services is now 515.05; Media Services is now 515.05; Technology and Training Services is 515.06).
  • 517 Information Systems and Security.
    • Section renamed from "Systems Administration and Web Services."
    • 517.05 Programming and Integrations. Section renamed from "Web Services and System Administration."
    • 517.06 Information Systems. Section renamed from "Administrative Computing Services." Added a line that reflects that the office is responsible for "the planning, design, integration, implementation, security maintenance and administration of Banner and Oracle databases."
    • 517.07 Enterprise Application Services. Section removed.

Part Six

  • 625: Registrar's Office: Removed usage of the office's former name.
  • 640.03 SUNY Cortland Advisement Philosophy and Guidelines: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy A.02.
  • 645.03 Academic Policy Regarding Study Abroad: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog and Graduate Catalog study abroad pages. 

Part Seven

  • 745 Student Development Services
    • 745.02 Conley Counseling and Wellness Services. Office renamed "Prevention Education" from "Substance Abuse Prevention and Education."
    • 745.04 Disability Resources Office. Added a hyphen to "self-advocates."
    • 745.05 Career Services. Section has been rewritten to reflect an expanded scope of general functions and includes a list of linked policies related to the office.
  • 775 Division of Institutional Advancement
    • 775.02 Communications. Edits reflect records access moving to the President's Office; the current length of Columns; the name change from Moments to Red Dragon Tales; and responsibilities for social media and the visual messaging system.
    • 775.03 Marketing. Changes reflect an expanded definition of the office's responsibilities and functions.
    • 775.04 Sports Information. Removed outdated information about a sports results hotline and added updates on the office's work and function.

Part Eight

No changes.

Organizational Chart

  • Human Resources now reports to the vice president for finance and management.
  • Removed Special Events coordinator from reporting to the chief of staff. Added director of Campus Event Management, reporting to the vice president for finance and management.
  • Changed reporting responsibilities in Institutional Advancement, with the executive director of Alumni Engagement reporting to the associate vice president.
  • The Institute for Civic Engagement now reports to the assistant vice provost for student achievement rather than directly to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs.
  • The director of Corey Union and Campus Activities was moved to the box of directors reporting to the vice president for Student Affairs. The box for campus activities and sport facilities was removed.
  • Changed the name of "Student Registration and Records Services" to "Registrar's Office."



No changes.

Part One

  • 150.03 SUNY Cortland Faculty Bylaws: Added Africana Studies Department to (VI)(A)(2)(b); updated name of Professional Faculty Affairs Committee and moved President’s Office from first to sixth bullet in (VII)(B)(1)(d).

Part Two

  • 240.02 Structure of Consultative Committees: Replaced section “A. For the President of the University.” Previous editions had language approved by SUNY Board of Trustees 1997; updated to most recent version (2016).

Part Three

  • 330 Student Conduct System: Updated links for Student Code of Conduct and Related Policies.
  • 360.05 Other Drugs: Replaced “marijuana” with “cannabis.”

Part Four

  • 410 Admission and Student Registration and Record Services Policies
    • 410.04 Advanced Placement and Credit for Equivalency Examinations: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog E.01: Sources of Transfer Credit.
    • 410.05 Moved to Undergraduate Catalog E.03: General Education Requirements and Waivers for Transfer Students.
    • 410.06 Credit Hour System: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog B.02 and Graduate Catalog P.04.
    • 410.07 Changed of Undergraduate Major: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog A.04 Change of Major and A.05 Changes in Degree Requirements.
    • 410.08 Eligibility for Student Teaching and Fieldwork: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog Section C Policies Related to Participation in Early Field Experiences, Student Teaching and Internships, and Graduate Catalog Section R Policies Related to Participation in Early Field Experiences, Student Teaching and Internships.
    • 410.09 Auditing Courses: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog B.09.
    • 410.10 Academic Credit from Other Colleges: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog E.01: Sources of Transfer Credit.
    • 410.11 Class Attendance for Students and Faculty: Part A: Students moved to Undergraduate Catalog B.04 Class Attendance. Parts B: Faculty and C: Class Attendance not affected.
    • 410.14 Course Schedule Changes: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog B.08 and Graduate Catalog P.06.
    • 410.16 Undergraduate Academic Course Reset Policy: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog F.05.
  • 415 General Academic Policies and Regulations
    • 415.01 Grading System: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog Section I and Graduate Catalog Section S.
    • 415.02 Quality Points/Grade Point Average: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog D.07 and Graduate Catalog O.05.
    • 415.03 Examination Policies: Added paragraph at end about final examinations for online/hybrid courses.
    • 415.04 Missed Final Examination, Make-up Examination: Changed “dean” to “associate dean.”
    • 415.05 Reporting of Grades: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog D.04 and Graduate Catalog O.05.
    • 415.06 Retaking of Courses: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog B.11 and Graduate Catalog N.11.
    • 415.08 Dean’s List: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog D.08.
    • 415.09 President’s List: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog D.09.
    • 415.10 Part-Time Student Award for Academic Achievement: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog D.10.
    • 415.11 Academic Standards, Good Academic Standing, Probation and Dismissal: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog D.12 and Graduate Catalog O.02.
    • 415.12 Academic Probation Policy: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog D.12 and Graduate Catalog O.02.
    • 415.13 Class Year Determination:  Moved to Undergraduate Catalog B.01.
    • 415.14 Readmission: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog F.03.
    • 415.15 Academic Standards for Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Students:  Moved to Undergraduate Catalog D.13.
    • 415.16 Withdrawal from SUY Cortland: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog F.01 and Graduate Catalog N.09.
    • 415.18: Transcripts of Record: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog A.08 and Graduate Catalog P.03.
    • 415.21: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog H.02.
    • 415.22 Graduation with Honors: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog H.01.
    • 415.23 Honors Convocation Awards: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog G.03.
    • 415.24 Residence Requirement for Graduation: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog E.02.
    • 415.26 Academic Nomenclature: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog Terminology Guide and Graduate Catalog Terminology Guide.
  • 440.07 Facility Use Terms and Conditions: Expanded to address banners, free-standing displays, lawn signs, posters, decorations and advertisements. 
  • 482.01 Access to Legal Council: Under Division of Student Affairs, replaced “assistant vice president” with “associate vice president” and “university physician” with “medical director.”

Part Five

  • 500.01 General Purpose: Removed Administrative Computing Services.
  • 500.03 Instruction Technologies and Design Services: Deleted (information is repeated in 510.09).
  • 510.02 Character of the Collection: New paragraph added expanding description.
  • 510.03 Materials Selection: New paragraph added expanding description.
  • 510.04 Library Services: Multiple additions and deletions.
  • 510.05 Loan Policy: New paragraph added expanding description.
  • 510.07 Reserve Section: Title changed to “Reserve Section/Course Reserves” and new first sentence added.
  • 510.08 Teaching Materials Center: Description expanded.
  • 510.09 Instructional Technologies and Design Services: Description expanded.
  • 515.04 Media Services: New for this edition.
  • 515.05 Technology Training Services: New for this edition.
  • 517 Administrative Computing Services: Combined with 518 Systems Administration and Web Services. Section 517 now called Systems Administration and Web Services.
  • Chapter 519 Networking and Telecommunications Services: Renumbered to Chapter 518.

Part Six

  • 640.03 SUNY Cortland Advisement Philosophy and Guidelines: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy A.02.
  • 645.03 Academic Policy Regarding Study Abroad: Moved to Undergraduate Catalog and Graduate Catalog study abroad pages. 

Part Seven

No changes.

Part Eight

No changes.

Organizational Chart

  • Director of the The Learning Center moved from Student Affairs to Academic Affairs reporting to the provost.
  • Director of Athletics moved from Academic Affairs to Student Affairs reporting to the vice president.
  • Director of Campus Recreation moving from reporting to the vice president for student affairs to the associate vice president.
  • Student affairs case manager title changed to assistant director of outreach services.
  • Substance Abuse and Prevention changed to Prevention Education.
  • Title of Associate Provost, Academic Affairs changed to Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness.
  • New position: Assistant Vice Provost for Student Achievement.
  • Offices of Advisement and Transition, Extended Learning, International Programs, and Student Registration and Record Services moved to report to the Assistant Vice Provost for Student Achievement.



  • Document name changed from College Handbook to SUNY Cortland Handbook.
  • New section, Appendix: Change Log, added. 


  • Clarified audience, reflected document name change, added president's designee for approval.

Part One

  • 150.03 SUNY Cortland Faculty Bylaws: Clarified that Faculty Senate Chair serves on the College Council and added the chief diversity and inclusion officer as an ex officio member of the Faculty Senate.

Part Two

Part Three

No changes.

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six

Part Seven

Part Eight

No changes.

Organizational Chart

  • Under Associate Vice President, Institutional Advancement, updated director titles, added Director of Development.
  • Under Associate Provost, Academic Affairs, added Director, Writing Programs. Under Director of Writing Programs, added Coordinator, Writing Center. Deleted Coordinator, College Writing Program.
  • Under President, updated Assistant Vice President, Human Resources to Associate Vice President.
  • Under Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs, updated Assistant Vice President, Information Resources to Associate Vice President.
  • Under Associate Vice President, Information Resources, removed Project Manager.